# = Trisul Remote Protocol functions # # dependency = ruby_protobuf # # Akhil.M & Dhinesh.K (c) 2010 Unleash Networks require 'openssl' require 'socket' require 'time' require 'bigdecimal' begin FFI_RZMQ_AVAIL=true require 'ffi-rzmq' rescue FFI_RZMQ_AVAIL=false end # ==== TrisulRP::Protocol # Contains methods to help with common TRP tasks like # * creating connections # * interacting with Trisul via requests/responses # * helpers to create objects # # module TrisulRP::Protocol include TrisulRP::Guids # Establish a TLS connection to a Trisul instance # # [server] IP Address or hostname # [port] TRP port, typically 12001 (see trisulConfig.xml) # [client_cert_file] Client certificate file issued by admin # [client_key_file] Client key file issued by admin # # # ==== Returns # ==== Yields # a connection object that can be used in subsequent calls # # ==== On error # If a connection cannot be established, an exception is thrown which can point # to the actual cause. The most common causes are # # * Trisul is not running # * Trisul is not running in trp mode (see the docs for runmode) # * Using the wrong port ( check netstat to verify trisul remote protocol port - typically 12001) # * The Access Control List does not permit connections from client IP # * The server certificate expired # * The client certificate expired # * The client does not have permissions to connect with that cert # * The private key password is wrong # def connect(server,port,client_cert_file,client_key_file) tcp_sock=TCPSocket.open(server,port) ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new(:TLSv1) ctx.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(client_cert_file)) ctx.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read(client_key_file)) ssl_sock = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(tcp_sock, ctx) ssl_sock.connect yield ssl_sock if block_given? return ssl_sock end # Establish a *NONSECURE PLAINTEXT* connection to a Trisul instance # # We highly recommend you to use the TLS connect(..) method, but if # you must use plaintext use this version. This is purposely named # connect_nonsecure(..) to drive home the point that there is no # authentication using client certs, or no encryption. # # You can still use the ACL (Access Control List) to control who connects # # # [server] IP Address or hostname # [port] TRP port, typically 12001 (see trisulConfig.xml) # # # ==== Returns # ==== Yields # a connection object that can be used in subsequent calls # # ==== On error # If a connection cannot be established, an exception is thrown which can point # to the actual cause. The most common causes are # # * Trisul is not running # * Trisul is not running in trp mode (see the docs for runmode) # * Using the wrong port ( check netstat to verify trisul remote protocol port - typically 12001) # * The Access Control List does not permit connections from client IP # def connect_nonsecure(server,port) tcp_sock=TCPSocket.open(server,port) yield tcp_sock if block_given? return tcp_sock end # Dispatch request to server & get response # [conn] TRP connection previously opened via TrisulRP::Protocol::connect # # - connection can a ZMQ endpoint string like zmq:ipc://.. if string starts # with 'zmq:' it will be treated as ZMQ. # # Needs ffi-rzmq gem # # [trp_request] a TRP request object, created directly or using the mk_request helper # # ==== Returns # ==== Yields # a response object, you can then inspect the fields in the response and spawn additional # requests if required # # ==== On error # raises an error if the server returns an ErrorResponse - this contains an error_message field # which can tell you what went wrong # # Using ZMQ to Dispatch request to server & get response # # This is used by new webtrisul architecuter to connect to trisul_queryd # # [conn] - a ZMQ endpoint string like ipc://.. # # Needs ffi-rzmq gem # # [trp_request] a TRP request object, created directly or using the mk_request helper # # ==== Returns # ==== Yields # a response object, you can then inspect the fields in the response and spawn additional # requests if required # # ==== On error # raises an error if the server returns an ErrorResponse - this contains an error_message field # which can tell you what went wrong # def get_response_zmq(endpoint, trp_request, timeout_seconds = -1 ) outbuf="" # out outbuf=trp_request.encode ctx=ZMQ::Context.new sock = ctx.socket(ZMQ::REQ) # time out for context termination sock.setsockopt(ZMQ::LINGER, 5*1_000) # Initialize a poll set poller = ZMQ::Poller.new poller.register(sock, ZMQ::POLLIN) sock.connect(endpoint) sock.send_string(outbuf) ret = poller.poll(timeout_seconds * 1_000 ) if ret == -1 sock.close ctx.terminate raise "zeromq poll error #{endpoint} " end if ret == 0 sock.close ctx.terminate raise "no registered sockets #{endpoint} " end poller.readables.each do |rsock| #in dataarray="" rsock.recv_string(dataarray) resp =TRP::Message.new resp.decode dataarray if resp.trp_command.to_i == TRP::Message::Command::ERROR_RESPONSE print "TRP ErrorResponse: #{resp.error_response.error_message}\n" rsock.close ctx.terminate raise resp.error_response.error_message end rsock.close ctx.terminate unwrap_resp = unwrap_response(resp) unwrap_resp.instance_variable_set("@trp_resp_command_id",resp.trp_command.to_i) yield unwrap_resp if block_given? return unwrap_resp end end # returns response str def get_response_zmq_raw(endpoint, trp_request_buf , timeout_seconds = -1 ) ctx=ZMQ::Context.new sock = ctx.socket(ZMQ::REQ) # time out for context termination sock.setsockopt(ZMQ::LINGER, 5*1_000) # Initialize a poll set poller = ZMQ::Poller.new poller.register(sock, ZMQ::POLLIN) sock.connect(endpoint) sock.send_string(trp_request_buf) ret = poller.poll(timeout_seconds * 1_000 ) if ret == -1 sock.close ctx.terminate raise "zeromq poll error #{endpoint} " end if ret == 0 sock.close ctx.terminate raise "no registered sockets #{endpoint} " end poller.readables.each do |rsock| #in dataarray="" rsock.recv_string(dataarray) rsock.close ctx.terminate return dataarray end end # used in Trisul Domain # send trp_request as async, then poll for completion and return # this does not block the domain network # def get_response_zmq_async(endpoint, trp_request, timeout_seconds = -1 ) # first get a resp.token ASYNC, then poll for it trp_request.run_async=true resp=get_response_zmq(endpoint, trp_request, timeout_seconds) trp_resp_command_id = resp.instance_variable_get("@trp_resp_command_id") sleep_time = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2] count = 0 while trp_resp_command_id == TRP::Message::Command::ASYNC_RESPONSE do @sleep = sleep_time[count] || 5 count = count +1 async_req = TrisulRP::Protocol.mk_request( TRP::Message::Command::ASYNC_REQUEST, { token:resp.token, destination_node:trp_request.destination_node, } ) #sleep before send async request sleep(@sleep) resp=get_response_zmq(endpoint,async_req, timeout_seconds) trp_resp_command_id = resp.instance_variable_get("@trp_resp_command_id") end return resp end # Query the total time window available in Trisul # # [conn] TRP connection previously opened via connect # # ==== Returns # returns an array of two Time objects [Time_from, Time_to] representing start and end time # # ==== Typical usage # # You pass the output of this method to mk_time_interval to get an object you can attach to a # TRP request. # # # # tmarr = TrisulRP::Protocol::get_avaiable_time(conn) # req = TrisulRP::Protocol.mk_request( :source_ip => target_ip,... # :time_interval => TrisulRP::Protocol::mk_time_interval(tm_arr)) # # # def get_available_time(conn,timeout=-1) from_tm=to_tm=nil req=mk_request(TRP::Message::Command::TIMESLICES_REQUEST, :get_total_window => true ) begin if conn.is_a?(String) resp = get_response_zmq(conn,req,timeout) else resp = get_response(conn,req) end rescue Exception=>ex raise ex end from_tm = Time.at(resp.total_window.from.tv_sec) to_tm = Time.at(resp.total_window.to.tv_sec) return [from_tm,to_tm] end # Helper to create a TRP TimeInterval object # # [tmarr] An array of two Time objects representing a window # # ==== Returns # A TRP::TimeInterval object which can be attached to any :time_interval field of a TRP request # def mk_time_interval(tmarr) tint=TRP::TimeInterval.new if ( tmarr[0].is_a? Integer) tint.from=TRP::Timestamp.new(:tv_sec => tmarr[0], :tv_usec => 0) tint.to=TRP::Timestamp.new(:tv_sec => tmarr[1], :tv_usec => 0) elsif (tmarr[0].is_a? Time) tint.from=TRP::Timestamp.new(:tv_sec => tmarr[0].tv_sec, :tv_usec => 0) tint.to=TRP::Timestamp.new(:tv_sec => tmarr[1].tv_sec, :tv_usec => 0) end return tint end # Helper to allow assinging string to KeyT field # # instead of # ..{ :source_ip => TRP::KeyT.new( :label => val ) } # # you can do # ..{ :source_ip => val } # def fix_TRP_Fields(msg, params) ti = params[:time_interval] if ti.is_a? Array params[:time_interval] = mk_time_interval(ti) end params.each do |k,v| f = msg.get_field(k) if v.is_a? String if f.is_a? Protobuf::Field::MessageField and f.type_class.to_s == "TRP::KeyT" params[k] = TRP::KeyT.new( :label => v ) elsif f.is_a? Protobuf::Field::Int64Field params[k] = v.to_i elsif f.is_a? Protobuf::Field::StringField and f.rule == :repeated params[k] = v.split(',') elsif f.is_a? Protobuf::Field::BoolField params[k] = ( v == "true") end elsif v.is_a? BigDecimal or v.is_a? Float if f.is_a? Protobuf::Field::Int64Field params[k] = v.to_i end elsif v.is_a?Array and f.is_a?Protobuf::Field::MessageField and f.type_class.to_s == "TRP::KeyT" v.each_with_index do |v1,idx| v[idx]= TRP::KeyT.new( :label => v1 ) if v1.is_a?String end end end end # Helper to create a TRP request object # # Read the TRP documentation wiki for a description of each command. # # [cmd_id] The command ID. # [params] A hash containing command parameters # # ==== Typical usage # # # # # create a new command of type QuerySessionsRequest # req = TrisulRP::Protocol.mk_request(TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_SESSIONS_REQUEST, # :source_ip => .. , # :time_interval => mk_time_interval(tmarr)) # # ... now you can use the req object ... # # # # You can also create the request objects directly, just a little too verbose for our liking # # # # # create a new command of type CounterItemRequest # req =TRP::Message.new(:trp_command => TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_SESSIONS_REQUEST ) # req.query_sessions_request = TRP::QuerySessionsRequest.new( # :source_ip => ... , # :time_interval => mk_time_interval(tmarr)) # # ... now you can use the req object ... # # # # def mk_request(cmd_id,in_params={}) params =in_params.dup opts = {:trp_command=> cmd_id} if params.has_key?(:destination_node) opts[:destination_node] = params[:destination_node] end if params.has_key?(:probe_id) opts[:probe_id] = params[:probe_id] end if params.has_key?(:run_async) opts[:run_async] = params[:run_async] end req = TRP::Message.new(opts) case cmd_id when TRP::Message::Command::HELLO_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::HelloRequest, params) req.hello_request = TRP::HelloRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_GROUP_TOPPER_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::CounterGroupTopperRequest, params) req.counter_group_topper_request = TRP::CounterGroupTopperRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_ITEM_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::CounterItemRequest, params) req.counter_item_request = TRP::CounterItemRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::PCAP_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::PcapRequest, params) req.pcap_request = TRP::PcapRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::SEARCH_KEYS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::SearchKeysRequest, params) req.search_keys_request = TRP::SearchKeysRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::UPDATE_KEY_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::UpdateKeyRequest, params) req.update_key_request = TRP::UpdateKeyRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::PROBE_STATS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::ProbeStatsRequest, params) req.probe_stats_request = TRP::ProbeStatsRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_ALERTS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::QueryAlertsRequest, params) req.query_alerts_request = TRP::QueryAlertsRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_RESOURCES_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::QueryResourcesRequest, params) req.query_resources_request = TRP::QueryResourcesRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_GROUP_INFO_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::CounterGroupInfoRequest, params) req.counter_group_info_request = TRP::CounterGroupInfoRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::SESSION_TRACKER_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::SessionTrackerRequest, params) req.session_tracker_request = TRP::SessionTrackerRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_SESSIONS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::QuerySessionsRequest, params) req.query_sessions_request = TRP::QuerySessionsRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::GREP_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::GrepRequest, params) req.grep_request = TRP::GrepRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::KEYSPACE_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::KeySpaceRequest, params) req.key_space_request = TRP::KeySpaceRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::TOPPER_TREND_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::TopperTrendRequest, params) req.topper_trend_request = TRP::TopperTrendRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::STAB_PUBSUB_CTL fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::SubscribeCtl, params) req.subscribe_ctl = TRP::SubscribeCtl.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::TIMESLICES_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::TimeSlicesRequest, params) req.time_slices_request = TRP::TimeSlicesRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::DELETE_ALERTS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::DeleteAlertsRequest, params) req.delete_alerts_request = TRP::DeleteAlertsRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_FTS_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::QueryFTSRequest, params) req.query_fts_request = TRP::QueryFTSRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::METRICS_SUMMARY_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::MetricsSummaryRequest, params) req.metrics_summary_request = TRP::MetricsSummaryRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_INFO_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::ContextInfoRequest, params) req.context_info_request = TRP::ContextInfoRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_CONFIG_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::ContextConfigRequest, params) req.context_config_request = TRP::ContextConfigRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::PCAP_SLICES_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::PcapSlicesRequest, params) req.pcap_slices_request = TRP::PcapSlicesRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::LOG_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::LogRequest, params) req.log_request = TRP::LogRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_START_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::ContextStartRequest, params) req.context_start_request = TRP::ContextStartRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_STOP_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::ContextStopRequest, params) req.context_stop_request = TRP::ContextStopRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::DOMAIN_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::DomainRequest, params) req.domain_request = TRP::DomainRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::ASYNC_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::AsyncRequest, params) req.async_request = TRP::AsyncRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::NODE_CONFIG_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::NodeConfigRequest, params) req.node_config_request = TRP::NodeConfigRequest.new(params) when TRP::Message::Command::FILE_REQUEST fix_TRP_Fields( TRP::FileRequest, params) req.file_request = TRP::FileRequest.new(params) else raise "Unknown TRP command ID" end return req end # Helper to unwrap a response # # All protobuf messages used in TRP have a wrapper containing a command_id which identifies # the type of encapsulated message. This sometimes gets in the way because you have to write # stuff like # # # # response.counter_group_response.blah_blah # # instead of # # response.blah_blah # # # # Read the TRP documentation wiki for a description of each command. # # [resp] The response # # ==== Typical usage # # # # # create a new command of type KeySessionActivityRequest # req = TrisulRP::Protocol.get_response(...) do |resp| # # # here resp points to the inner response without the wrapper # # this allows you to write resp.xyz instead of resp.hello_response.xyz # # end # # # # def unwrap_response(resp) case resp.trp_command.to_i when TRP::Message::Command::HELLO_RESPONSE resp.hello_response when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_GROUP_TOPPER_RESPONSE resp.counter_group_topper_response when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_ITEM_RESPONSE resp.counter_item_response when TRP::Message::Command::OK_RESPONSE resp.ok_response when TRP::Message::Command::PCAP_RESPONSE resp.pcap_response when TRP::Message::Command::SEARCH_KEYS_RESPONSE resp.search_keys_response when TRP::Message::Command::UPDATE_KEY_RESPONSE resp.update_key_response when TRP::Message::Command::PROBE_STATS_RESPONSE resp.probe_stats_response when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_ALERTS_RESPONSE resp.query_alerts_response when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_RESOURCES_RESPONSE resp.query_resources_response when TRP::Message::Command::COUNTER_GROUP_INFO_RESPONSE resp.counter_group_info_response when TRP::Message::Command::SESSION_TRACKER_RESPONSE resp.session_tracker_response when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_SESSIONS_RESPONSE resp.query_sessions_response when TRP::Message::Command::GREP_RESPONSE resp.grep_response when TRP::Message::Command::KEYSPACE_RESPONSE resp.key_space_response when TRP::Message::Command::TOPPER_TREND_RESPONSE resp.topper_trend_response when TRP::Message::Command::QUERY_FTS_RESPONSE resp.query_fts_response when TRP::Message::Command::TIMESLICES_RESPONSE resp.time_slices_response when TRP::Message::Command::METRICS_SUMMARY_RESPONSE resp.metrics_summary_response when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_INFO_RESPONSE resp.context_info_response when TRP::Message::Command::CONTEXT_CONFIG_RESPONSE resp.context_config_response when TRP::Message::Command::LOG_RESPONSE resp.log_response when TRP::Message::Command::DOMAIN_RESPONSE resp.domain_response when TRP::Message::Command::NODE_CONFIG_RESPONSE resp.node_config_response when TRP::Message::Command::ASYNC_RESPONSE resp.async_response when TRP::Message::Command::FILE_RESPONSE resp.file_response else raise "#{resp.trp_commandi.to_i} Unknown TRP command ID" end end end