# Renderful
Welcome! Renderful is a rendering engine for headless CMSs. It allows you to map your content types
to Ruby objects that take care of rendering your content.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'renderful'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install renderful
Once you have installed the gem, you can configure it like this:
RenderfulClient = Renderful::Client.new(
provider: Renderful::Provider::DummyCms.new(api_key: 'secretApiKey'), # see "Providers"
components: {
'jumbotron' => JumbotronComponent,
## Usage
Suppose you have the `jumbotron` content type in your Contentful space. This content type has the
`title` and `content` fields, both strings.
Let's create the `app/components/jumbotron_component.rb` file:
class JumbotronComponent < Renderful::Component
def render
#{ entry.title }
#{ entry.content }
You can now render the component like this:
### Caching
You can easily cache the output of your components. A Redis cache implementation is included out of
the box. Here's an example:
RenderfulClient = Renderful.new(
cache: Renderful::Cache::Redis.new(Redis.new(url: 'redis://localhost:6379')),
# ...
If you are using Rails and want to use the Rails cache store for Renderful, you can simply pass
`Rails.cache`, which responds to the expected interface:
RenderfulClient = Renderful.new(ful,
cache: Rails.cache,
# ...
#### Cache invalidation
The best way to invalidate the cache is through [webhooks](https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/concepts/webhooks/).
Renderful ships with a framework-agnostic webhook processor you can use to automatically invalidate
the cache for all updated content:
This is how you could use it in a Rails controller:
class WebhooksController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
def create
head :no_content
The cache invalidator will not only invalidate the cache for the entry that has been updated, but
also for any entries linking to it, so that they are re-rendered. This is very useful, for instance,
if you have a `Page` entry type that contains references to many UI components - when one of the
components is updated, you want the page to be re-rendered.
### ViewComponent support
Renderful integrates nicely with [ViewComponent](https://github.com/github/view_component) for
rendering your components:
RenderfulClient = Renderful::Client.new(
components: {
'jumbotron' => JumbotronComponent, # JumbotronComponent inherits from ViewComponent::Base
However, keep in mind you will now have to pass a view context when rendering them:
RenderfulClient.render('my_entry_id', view_context: view_context)
## Providers
### Contentful
In order to integrate with Contentful, you will first need to add the `contentful` gem to your
gem 'contentful'
Now make sure to install it:
$ bundle install
Finally, initialize Renderful with the Contentful provider:
RenderfulClient = Renderful::Client.new(
provider: Renderful::Provider::Contentful.new(
contentful: Contentful::Client.new(
space: 'cfexampleapi',
access_token: 'b4c0n73n7fu1',
You can now render your Contentful entries via Renderful:
### Prismic
In order to integrate with Prismic, you will first need to add the `prismic.io` gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'prismic.io', require: 'prismic'
Now make sure to install it:
$ bundle install
Finally, initialize Renderful with the Prismic provider:
RenderfulClient = Renderful::Client.new(
provider: Renderful::Provider::Prismic.new(
prismic: Prismic.api('https://yourendpoint.prismic.io/api', 'your_access_token')
You can now render your Prismic documents via Renderful:
NOTE: Due to limitations in Prismic's API, cache invalidation for Prismic will invalidate all your
components. Depending on how often you update your content, you may want to disable caching entirely
if you are using Prismic.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run
the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new
version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which
will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nebulab/renderful.
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
## Credits
Renderful was originally developed by [Nebulab](https://nebulab.it) and sponsored by
[Bolt Threads](https://www.boltthreads.com). It is currently maintained by Nebulab.