require "log4r" require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "tempfile" # This is already done for us in lib/vagrant-sshfs.rb. We needed to # do it there before Process.uid is called the first time by Vagrant # This provides a new Process.create() that works on Windows. if require 'win32/process' end module VagrantPlugins module GuestLinux module Cap class MountSSHFS extend Vagrant::Util::Retryable @@logger ="vagrant::synced_folders::sshfs_mount") def self.sshfs_forward_is_folder_mounted(machine, opts) mounted = false # expand the guest path so we can handle things like "~/vagrant" expanded_guest_path = machine.guest.capability( :shell_expand_guest_path, opts[:guestpath]) machine.communicate.execute("cat /proc/mounts") do |type, data| if type == :stdout data.each_line do |line| if line.split()[1] == expanded_guest_path mounted = true break end end end end return mounted end def self.sshfs_forward_mount_folder(machine, opts) # opts contains something like: # { :type=>:sshfs, # :guestpath=>"/sharedfolder", # :hostpath=>"/guests/sharedfolder", # :disabled=>false # :ssh_host=>"" # :ssh_port=>"22" # :ssh_username=>"username" # :ssh_password=>"password" # } # expand the guest path so we can handle things like "~/vagrant" expanded_guest_path = machine.guest.capability( :shell_expand_guest_path, opts[:guestpath]) # Create the mountpoint inside the guest machine.communicate.tap do |comm| comm.sudo("mkdir -p #{expanded_guest_path}") comm.sudo("chmod 777 #{expanded_guest_path}") end # Mount path information hostpath = opts[:hostpath].dup hostpath.gsub!("'", "'\\\\''") # Add in some sshfs/fuse options that are common to both mount methods opts[:sshfs_opts] = ' -o allow_other ' # allow non-root users to access opts[:sshfs_opts]+= ' -o noauto_cache '# disable caching based on mtime # Add in some ssh options that are common to both mount methods opts[:ssh_opts] = ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '# prevent yes/no question opts[:ssh_opts]+= ' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 ' # send keepalives # Do a normal mount only if the user provided host information if opts.has_key?(:ssh_host) and opts[:ssh_host] self.sshfs_normal_mount(machine, opts, hostpath, expanded_guest_path) else self.sshfs_slave_mount(machine, opts, hostpath, expanded_guest_path) end end def self.sshfs_forward_unmount_folder(machine, opts) # opts contains something like: # { :type=>:sshfs, # :guestpath=>"/sharedfolder", # :hostpath=>"/guests/sharedfolder", # :disabled=>false # :ssh_host=>"" # :ssh_port=>"22" # :ssh_username=>"username" # :ssh_password=>"password" # } # expand the guest path so we can handle things like "~/vagrant" expanded_guest_path = machine.guest.capability( :shell_expand_guest_path, opts[:guestpath]) # Log some information"vagrant.sshfs.actions.unmounting_folder", guestpath: expanded_guest_path)) # Build up the command and connect error_class = VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderSSHFS::Errors::SSHFSUnmountFailed cmd = "umount #{expanded_guest_path}" machine.communicate.sudo( cmd, error_class: error_class, error_key: :unmount_failed) end protected def self.windows_uninherit_handles # For win32-process Process.create, if we pass any file handles to the # underlying process for stdin/stdout/stderr then all file handles are # inherited by default. We'll explicitly go through and set all Handles # to not be inheritable by default. See following links for more info # # # bInheritHandles from # # For each open IO object ObjectSpace.each_object(IO) do |io| if !io.closed? fileno = io.fileno @@logger.debug("Setting file handle #{fileno} to not be inherited") self.windows_uninherit_handle(fileno) end end end def self.windows_uninherit_handle(fileno) # Right now we'll be doing this using private methods from the win32-process # module by calling For each open IO object. Much of this code was copied from # that module. We access the private methods by using the object.send(:method, args) # technique. In the future we want to get a patch upstream so we don't need to # access privat methods. # Get the windows IO handle and make sure we were successful getting it handle = Process.send(:get_osfhandle, fileno) if handle == Process::Constants::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ptr = if Process.send(:windows_version) >= 6 && Process.get_errno(ptr) == 0 errno = ptr.read_int else errno = FFI.errno end raise"get_osfhandle", errno) end # Now clear the HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT from the HANDLE so that the handle # won't get shared by default. See: # # bool = Process.send(:SetHandleInformation, handle, Process::Constants::HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) raise"SetHandleInformation", FFI.errno) unless bool end # Perform a mount by running an sftp-server on the vagrant host # and piping stdin/stdout to sshfs running inside the guest def self.sshfs_slave_mount(machine, opts, hostpath, expanded_guest_path) sftp_server_path = opts[:sftp_server_exe_path] ssh_path = opts[:ssh_exe_path] # SSH connection options ssh_opts = opts[:ssh_opts] ssh_opts_append = opts[:ssh_opts_append].to_s # provided by user # SSHFS executable options sshfs_opts = opts[:sshfs_opts] sshfs_opts_append = opts[:sshfs_opts_append].to_s # provided by user # The sftp-server command sftp_server_cmd = sftp_server_path # The remote sshfs command that will run (in slave mode) sshfs_opts+= ' -o slave ' sshfs_cmd = "sudo -E sshfs :#{hostpath} #{expanded_guest_path}" sshfs_cmd+= sshfs_opts + ' ' + sshfs_opts_append + ' ' # The ssh command to connect to guest and then launch sshfs ssh_opts = opts[:ssh_opts] ssh_opts+= ' -o User=' + machine.ssh_info[:username] ssh_opts+= ' -o Port=' + machine.ssh_info[:port].to_s ssh_opts+= ' -o IdentityFile=' + machine.ssh_info[:private_key_path][0] ssh_opts+= ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' ssh_opts+= ' -F /dev/null ' # Don't pick up options from user's config ssh_cmd = ssh_path + ssh_opts + ' ' + ssh_opts_append + ' ' + machine.ssh_info[:host] ssh_cmd+= ' "' + sshfs_cmd + '"' # Log some information @@logger.debug("sftp-server cmd: #{sftp_server_cmd}") @@logger.debug("ssh cmd: #{ssh_cmd}")"vagrant.sshfs.actions.slave_mounting_folder", hostpath: hostpath, guestpath: expanded_guest_path)) # Create two named pipes for communication between sftp-server and # sshfs running in slave mode r1, w1 = IO.pipe # reader/writer from pipe1 r2, w2 = IO.pipe # reader/writer from pipe2 # Log STDERR to predictable files so that we can inspect them # later in case things go wrong. We'll use the machines data # directory (i.e. .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/) for this f1path = machine.data_dir.join('vagrant_sshfs_sftp_server_stderr.txt') f2path = machine.data_dir.join('vagrant_sshfs_ssh_stderr.txt') f1 =, 'w+') f2 =, 'w+') # The way this works is by hooking up the stdin+stdout of the # sftp-server process to the stdin+stdout of the sshfs process # running inside the guest in slave mode. An illustration is below: # # stdout => w1 pipe1 r1 => stdin # />------------->==============>----------->\ # / \ # | | # sftp-server (on vm host) sshfs (inside guest) # | | # \ / # \<-------------<==============<----------- sftp_server_cmd, :creation_flags => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS, :process_inherit => false, :thread_inherit => true, :startup_info => {:stdin => w2, :stdout => r1, :stderr => f1}) Process.create(:command_line => ssh_cmd, :creation_flags => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS, :process_inherit => false, :thread_inherit => true, :startup_info => {:stdin => w1, :stdout => r2, :stderr => f2}) else p1 = spawn(sftp_server_cmd, :out => w2, :in => r1, :err => f1, :pgroup => true) p2 = spawn(ssh_cmd, :out => w1, :in => r2, :err => f2, :pgroup => true) # Detach from the processes so they will keep running Process.detach(p1) Process.detach(p2) end # Check that the mount made it mounted = false for i in 0..6"Checking Mount..") if self.sshfs_forward_is_folder_mounted(machine, opts) mounted = true break end sleep(2) end if !mounted f1.rewind # Seek to beginning of the file f2.rewind # Seek to beginning of the file error_class = VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderSSHFS::Errors::SSHFSSlaveMountFailed raise error_class, sftp_stderr:, ssh_stderr: end"Folder Successfully Mounted!") end # Do a normal sshfs mount in which we will ssh into the guest # and then execute the sshfs command to connect the the opts[:ssh_host] # and mount a folder from opts[:ssh_host] into the guest. def self.sshfs_normal_mount(machine, opts, hostpath, expanded_guest_path) # SSH connection options ssh_opts = opts[:ssh_opts] ssh_opts_append = opts[:ssh_opts_append].to_s # provided by user # SSHFS executable options sshfs_opts = opts[:sshfs_opts] sshfs_opts_append = opts[:sshfs_opts_append].to_s # provided by user # Host/Port and Auth Information username = opts[:ssh_username] password = opts[:ssh_password] host = opts[:ssh_host] port = opts[:ssh_port] # Add echo of password if password is being used echopipe = "" if password echopipe = "echo '#{password}' | " sshfs_opts+= '-o password_stdin ' end # Log some information"vagrant.sshfs.actions.normal_mounting_folder", user: username, host: host, hostpath: hostpath, guestpath: expanded_guest_path)) # Build up the command and connect error_class = VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderSSHFS::Errors::SSHFSNormalMountFailed cmd = echopipe cmd+= "sshfs -p #{port} " cmd+= ssh_opts + ' ' + ssh_opts_append + ' ' cmd+= sshfs_opts + ' ' + sshfs_opts_append + ' ' cmd+= "#{username}@#{host}:'#{hostpath}' #{expanded_guest_path}" retryable(on: error_class, tries: 3, sleep: 3) do machine.communicate.sudo( cmd, error_class: error_class, error_key: :normal_mount_failed) end end end end end end