# Look in the tasks/setup.rb file for the various options that can be # configured in this Rakefile. The .rake files in the tasks directory # are where the options are used. load 'tasks/setup.rb' ensure_in_path 'lib' require 'csses' task :default => 'spec:run' PROJ.name = 'csses' PROJ.summary = 'Generate a CSS slate for your Rails applications' PROJ.authors = 'Chris Shea' PROJ.email = 'chris@ruby.tie-rack.org' PROJ.url = 'http://csses.rubyforge.org' PROJ.description = paragraphs_of('README.txt', 1).join("\n\n") PROJ.changes = paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") PROJ.rubyforge_name = 'csses' PROJ.spec_opts << '--color' # EOF