# Overview [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/auther.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/auther) [![Code Climate GPA](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/auther.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/bkuhlmann/auther) [![Gemnasium Status](https://gemnasium.com/bkuhlmann/auther.png)](https://gemnasium.com/bkuhlmann/auther) [![Travis CI Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/auther.png)](http://travis-ci.org/bkuhlmann/auther) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/bkuhlmann/auther/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/bkuhlmann/auther) Provides simple, form-based authentication for apps that need security but don't want to deal with the clunky UI of HTTP Basic Authentication or something as heavyweight as [Devise](https://github.com/plataformatec/devise). It doesn't require a database and is compatible with password managers like [1Password](https://agilebits.com/onepassword) making for a pleasent user experience. # Features * Form-based authentication compatible with password managers like [1Password](https://agilebits.com/onepassword). [![Screenshot - Clean](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/auther/raw/master/screenshot-clean.png)](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/auther) [![Screenshot - Error](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/auther/raw/master/screenshot-error.png)](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/auther) * Encrypted account credentials. * Multiple account support with account specific blacklisted paths. * Auto-redirection to requested path (once credentials have been verified). * Log filtering for account credentials (login and password). * Customizable logger support. * Customizable view support. * Customizable controller support. # Requirements 0. Any of the following Ruby VMs: * [MRI 2.x.x](http://www.ruby-lang.org) * [JRuby 1.x.x](http://jruby.org) * [Rubinius 2.x.x](http://rubini.us) 0. [Ruby on Rails 4.x.x](http://rubyonrails.org). # Setup For a secure install, type the following from the command line (recommended): gem cert --add <(curl -Ls http://www.redalchemist.com/gem-public.pem) gem install auther --trust-policy MediumSecurity NOTE: A HighSecurity trust policy would be best but MediumSecurity enables signed gem verification while allowing the installation of unsigned dependencies since they are beyond the scope of this gem. For an insecure install, type the following (not recommended): gem install auther Add the following to your Gemfile: gem "auther" Edit your routes.rb as follows: Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Auther::Engine => "/auther" get "/login", to: "auther/session#new" end Add a config/initializers/auther.rb to your application with the following content: Rails.application.config.auther_settings = { secret: "vuKrwD9XWoYuv@s99?tR(9VqryiL,KV{W7wFnejUa4QcVBP+D{2rD4JfuD(mXgA=$tNK4Pfn#NeGs3o3TZ3CqNc^Qb", accounts: [ name: "admin", login: "N3JzR213WlBISDZsMjJQNkRXbEVmYVczbVdnMHRYVHRud29lOWRCekp6ST0tLWpFMkROekUvWDBkOHZ4ZngxZHV6clE9PQ==--cd863c39991fa4bb9a35de918aa16da54514e331", password: "cHhFSStjRm9KbEYwK3ZJVlF2MmpTTWVVZU5acEdlejZsZEhjWFJoQWxKND0tLTE3cmpXZVBQdW5VUW1jK0ZSSDdLUnc9PQ==--f51171174fa77055540420f205e0dd9d499cfeb6", paths: ["/admin"] ], auth_url: "/login" } The purpose of each setting is as follows: * *title* - Optional. The HTML page title (as rendered within a browser tab). Default: "Authorization". * *label* - Optional. The page label (what would appear above the form). Default: "Authorization". * *secret* - Required. The secret passphrase used to encrypt/decrypt account credentials. * *accounts* - Required. The array of accounts with different or similar access to the application. * *name* - Required. The account name. The name that uniquely identifies each account. * *login* - Required. The encrypted account login. For example, the above decrypts to: *test@test.com*. * *password* - Required. The encrypted account password. For example, the above decrypts to: *password*. * *paths* - Required. The array of blacklisted paths for which only this account has access to. * *success_url* - Optional. The URL to redirect to upon successful authorization. Success redirection works as follows (in the order defined): 0. The blacklisted path (if requested prior to authorization but now authorized). 0. The success URL (if defined and the blacklisted path wasn't requested). 0. The root path (if none of the above). * *auth_url* - Required. The URL to redirect to when enforcing authentication to a blacklisted path. * *logger* - Optional. The logger used to log path/account authorization messages. Default: Auther::NullLogger. # Usage Using the setup examples, from above, launch your Rails application and visit either of the following routes: http://localhost:3000/login http://localhost:3000/admin # Will redirect to /login if not authorized. To encrypt/decrypt account credentials, launch a rails console and type the following: # Best if more than 150 characters and gibberish to read. Must be the same as defined in auther settings. cipher = Auther::Cipher.new "vuKrwD9XWoYuv@s99?tR(9VqryiL,KV{W7wFnejUa4QcVBP+D{2rD4JfuD(mXgA=$tNK4Pfn#NeGs3o3TZ3CqNc^Qb" # Do this to encrypt an unecrypted value. cipher.encrypt "test@test.com" # Do this to decrypt an encrypted value. cipher.decrypt "N3JzR213WlBISDZsMjJQNkRXbEVmYVczbVdnMHRYVHRud29lOWRCekp6ST0tLWpFMkROekUvWDBkOHZ4ZngxZHV6clE9PQ==--cd863c39991fa4bb9a35de918aa16da54514e331" # Customization ## Model The [Auther::Account](app/models/auther/account.rb) is a plain old Ruby object that uses ActiveRecord validations to aid in form/credential validation. This model could potentially be replaced with a database-backed object (would require controller customization)...but you might want to question if you have outgrown the use of this gem and need a different solution altogether if it comes to that. ## Views The view can be customized by creating the following file within your Rails application (assumes that the default Auther::SessionController implementation is sufficient): app/views/auther/session/new.html The form can be stylized by attaching new styles to the .authorization class (see [auther.scss](app/assets/stylesheets/auther/auther.scss) for details). ## Controller The [Auther::SessionController](app/controllers/auther/session_controller.rb) inherits from the [Auther::BaseController](app/controllers/auther/base_controller.rb). To customize, it is recommended that you add a controller to your app that inherits from the Auther::BaseController. Example: # Example Path: app/controllers/session_controller.rb class SessionController < Auther::BaseController layout "example" end This allows complete customization of session controller behavior to serve any special business needs. See the Auther::BaseController for additional details or the Auther::SessionController for default implementation. ## Routes As mentioned in the setup above, the routes can be customized as follows: Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Auther::Engine => "/auther" get "/login", to: "auther/session#new" delete "/logout", to: "auther/session#destroy" end ## Logging As mentioned in the setup above, the logger can be customized as follows: Auther::NullLogger.new # This is the default logger (which is no logging at all). ActiveSupport::Logger.new("log/#{Rails.env}.log") # Can be used to log to the environment log. Logger.new($stdout) # Can be used to log to standard output. # Tests To test, do the following: 0. cd to the gem root. 0. bundle install 0. bundle exec rspec spec # Resources * [Simplest Auth](https://github.com/vigetlabs/simplest_auth) - For situations where you need user and email reset support beyond what this engine can provide. # Contributions Read CONTRIBUTING for details. # Credits Developed by [Brooke Kuhlmann](http://www.redalchemist.com) at [Red Alchemist](http://www.redalchemist.com). # License Copyright (c) 2014 [Red Alchemist](http://www.redalchemist.com). Read the LICENSE for details. # History Read the CHANGELOG for details. Built with [Gemsmith](https://github.com/bkuhlmann/gemsmith).