#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require 'json' require 'set' require 'digest/md5' module Ebooks class Model attr_accessor :hash, :sentences, :markov, :keywords def self.consume(txtpath) Model.new.consume(txtpath) end def self.load(path) Marshal.load(File.read(path)) end def consume(txtpath) # Record hash of source file so we know to update later @hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(txtpath)) text = File.read(txtpath) log "Removing commented lines and mention tokens" lines = text.split("\n") keeping = [] lines.each do |l| next if l.start_with?('#') || l.include?('RT') processed = l.split.reject { |w| w.include?('@') || w.include?('http') } keeping << processed.join(' ') end text = NLP.normalize(keeping.join("\n")) log "Segmenting text into sentences" sentences = NLP.sentences(text) log "Tokenizing #{sentences.length} sentences" @sentences = sentences.map { |sent| NLP.tokenize(sent) } log "Building markov model" @markov = MarkovModel.build(@sentences) log "Ranking keywords" require 'benchmark' puts Benchmark.measure { @keywords = NLP.keywords(@sentences) p @keywords.top(100) } self end def save(path) File.open(path, 'w') do |f| f.write(Marshal.dump(self)) end self end def fix(tweet) # This seems to require an external api call #begin # fixer = NLP.gingerice.parse(tweet) # log fixer if fixer['corrections'] # tweet = fixer['result'] #rescue Exception => e # log e.message # log e.backtrace #end NLP.htmlentities.decode tweet end def markov_statement(limit=140, markov=nil) markov ||= @markov tweet = "" while (tweet = markov.generate) do next if tweet.length > limit next if NLP.unmatched_enclosers?(tweet) break if tweet.length > limit*0.4 || rand > 0.8 end fix tweet end # Finds all relevant tokenized sentences to given input by # comparing non-stopword token overlaps def relevant_sentences(input) relevant = [] slightly_relevant = [] tokenized = NLP.tokenize(input) @sentences.each do |sent| tokenized.each do |token| if sent.include?(token) relevant << sent unless NLP.stopword?(token) slightly_relevant << sent end end end [relevant, slightly_relevant] end # Generates a response by looking for related sentences # in the corpus and building a smaller markov model from these def markov_response(input, limit=140) # First try relevant, slightly_relevant = relevant_sentences(input) p relevant p slightly_relevant.length if relevant.length >= 3 markov = MarkovModel.new.consume(relevant) markov_statement(limit, markov) elsif slightly_relevant.length > 5 markov = MarkovModel.new.consume(slightly_relevant) markov_statement(limit, markov) else markov_statement(limit) end end end end