require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe BlacklightHelper do it "should include HydraHelper" do BlacklightHelper.included_modules.should include(HydraHelper) end describe "Application Name Sanity Check" do it "should have the application correct name" do helper.application_name.should == "A Hydra Head" end end describe "Overridden blacklight methods" do describe "document_partial_name" do it "Should lop off everything before the first colin after the slash" do @config = do |config| = 'has_model_s' end helper.stubs(:blacklight_config).returns(@config) helper.document_partial_name('has_model_s' => ["info:fedora/afmodel:Presentation"]).should == "presentations" helper.document_partial_name('has_model_s' => ["info:fedora/hull-cModel:genericContent"]).should == "generic_contents" end end describe "render_selected_facet_value" do it "should be html_safe and not have the remove link" do item = stub("item", :value=>'two', :hits=>9) ret_val = helper.render_selected_facet_value("one", item) ret_val.should == "two (9)" ret_val.should be_html_safe end end describe "render_head_content" do before (:each) do helper.expects(:content_for).with(:head).returns("My added content") head_stuff = ["Something extra", "Stuff for unapi-server"] helper.expects(:extra_head_content).twice().returns(head_stuff) end it "adds the content of content_for(:head) to the output" do helper.render_head_content.should == "Something extraMy added content" end end describe "link back to catalog" do it "should return the view parameter in the link back to catalog method if there is one in the users previous search session" do session[:search] = {:view=>"list"} helper.link_back_to_catalog.should match(/\?view=list/) end it "should not return the view parameter if it wasn't provided" do session[:search] = {} helper.link_back_to_catalog.should_not match(/\?view=/) end end end describe "SALT methods" do describe "get_data_with_linked_label" do before(:each) do @doc = {"field"=>["Item1","Item2","Item3"]} end it "should return a string representing the collection of items with the suplied delimiter" do helper.get_data_with_linked_label(@doc,"Items","field",{:delimiter=>", "}).should match(/, /) end it "should return a string representing the collection of items with the default
delimiter" do helper.get_data_with_linked_label(@doc,"Items","field").should match(//) end end end end