module Slideshow module ManifestHelper ## shared methods for handling manifest lookups def installed_template_manifest_patterns # 1) search ./templates # 2) search config_dir/templates # 3) search gem/templates builtin_patterns = [ "#{Slideshow.root}/templates/*.txt" ] config_patterns = [ "#{config.config_dir}/templates/*.txt", "#{config.config_dir}/templates/*/*.txt" ] current_patterns = [ "templates/*.txt", "templates/*/*.txt" ] patterns = [] patterns += current_patterns unless Slideshow.root == File.expand_path( '.' ) # don't include working dir if we test code from repo (don't include slideshow/templates) patterns += config_patterns patterns += builtin_patterns end def installed_template_manifests ## note: code moved to its own gem, that is, pakman ## see logger ).find_manifests( installed_template_manifest_patterns ) end end # module Manifest end # module Slideshow