# SocialStream provides a system of permissions based on the {Relation relations}
# of the social network as roles.
# = Permissions and Relations
# Permissions are assigned to {Relation Relations}, and through relations, to {Tie Ties}.
# When a sender establishes a {Tie} with a receiver, she is granting to the receiver
# the permissions assigned to {Relation} of the {Tie} she has just established.
# For example, when _Alice_ establishes a _friend_ tie to _Bob_, she is granting
# him the permissions associated with her _friend_ relation. Alice's _friend_ relation may
# have different permissions from Bob's _friend_ relation.
# = Permissions description
# Permissions are composed by *action* and *object*. Action and object
# are typical in content management systems, e.g. create activity,
# update tie, read post.
# == Actions
# Current available actions are:
# +create+:: add a new instance of something (activity, tie, post, etc)
# +read+:: view something
# +update+:: modify something
# +destroy+:: delete something
# +follow+:: subscribe to activity updates from the receiver of the tie
# +represent+:: give the receiver rights to act as if he were me.
# == Objectives
# +activity+:: all the objects in a wall: posts, comments
# Other objects currently not implemented could be +tie+, +post+, +comment+ or +message+
class Permission < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :relation_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :relations, :through => :relation_permissions
%w(represent follow).each do |p|
scope p, where(:action => p) # scope :represent, where(:action => 'represent')
# An explanation of the permissions. Type can be brief or detailed.
# If detailed, description includes more information about the relation
def description(type, options = {})
unless options[:subject].present?
raise "Now we need subject for permission description"
options[:name] = options[:subject].name
prefix = "permission.description"
suffix = "#{ type }.#{ action }.#{ object || "nil" }"
if options[:state]
suffix += ".#{ options[:state] }"
options[:default] = :"#{ prefix }.default.#{ suffix }"
I18n.t "#{ prefix }.#{ options[:subject].subject_type.underscore }.#{ suffix }",