module Fastlane module Actions class NotarizeAction < Action def package_path = params[:package] bundle_id = params[:bundle_id] try_early_stapling = params[:try_early_stapling] print_log = params[:print_log] verbose = params[:verbose] # Compress and read bundle identifier only for .app bundle. compressed_package_path = nil if File.extname(package_path) == '.app' compressed_package_path = "#{package_path}.zip" "ditto -c -k --rsrc --keepParent \"#{package_path}\" \"#{compressed_package_path}\"", log: verbose ) unless bundle_id info_plist_path = File.join(package_path, 'Contents', 'Info.plist') bundle_id = "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :CFBundleIdentifier\" \"#{info_plist_path}\"", log: verbose ).strip end end UI.user_error!('Could not read bundle identifier, provide as a parameter') unless bundle_id apple_id_account = params[:username]) # Add password as a temporary environment variable for altool. # Use app specific password if specified. ENV['FL_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD'] = ENV['FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD'] || apple_id_account.password UI.message('Uploading package to notarization service, might take a while') notarization_upload_command = "xcrun altool --notarize-app -t osx -f \"#{compressed_package_path || package_path}\" --primary-bundle-id #{bundle_id} -u #{apple_id_account.user} -p @env:FL_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD --output-format xml" notarization_upload_command << " --asc-provider \"#{params[:asc_provider]}\"" if params[:asc_provider] notarization_upload_response = notarization_upload_command, log: verbose ) FileUtils.rm_rf(compressed_package_path) if compressed_package_path notarization_upload_plist = Plist.parse_xml(notarization_upload_response) notarization_request_id = notarization_upload_plist['notarization-upload']['RequestUUID'] UI.success("Successfully uploaded package to notarization service with request identifier #{notarization_request_id}") notarization_info = {} while notarization_info.empty? || (notarization_info['Status'] == 'in progress') if notarization_info.empty? UI.message('Waiting to query request status') elsif try_early_stapling UI.message('Request in progress, trying early staple') begin self.staple(package_path, verbose) UI.message('Successfully notarized and early stapled package.') return rescue UI.message('Early staple failed, waiting to query again') end end sleep(30) UI.message('Querying request status') # As of July 2020, the request UUID might not be available for polling yet which returns an error code # This is now handled with the error_callback (which prevents an error from being raised) # Catching this error allows for polling to continue until the notarization is complete error = false notarization_info_response = "xcrun altool --notarization-info #{notarization_request_id} -u #{apple_id_account.user} -p @env:FL_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD --output-format xml", log: verbose, error_callback: lambda { |msg| error = true UI.error("Error polling for notarization info: #{msg}") } ) unless error notarization_info_plist = Plist.parse_xml(notarization_info_response) notarization_info = notarization_info_plist['notarization-info'] end end log_url = notarization_info['LogFileURL'] ENV['FL_NOTARIZE_LOG_FILE_URL'] = log_url log_suffix = '' if log_url && print_log log_response = Net::HTTP.get(URI(log_url)) log_json_object = JSON.parse(log_response) log_suffix = ", with log:\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(log_json_object)}" end case notarization_info['Status'] when 'success' UI.message('Stapling package') self.staple(package_path, verbose) UI.success("Successfully notarized and stapled package#{log_suffix}") when 'invalid' UI.user_error!("Could not notarize package with message '#{notarization_info['Status Message']}'#{log_suffix}") else UI.crash!("Could not notarize package with status '#{notarization_info['Status']}'#{log_suffix}") end ensure ENV.delete('FL_NOTARIZE_PASSWORD') end def self.staple(package_path, verbose) "xcrun stapler staple \"#{package_path}\"", log: verbose ) end def self.description 'Notarizes a macOS app' end def self.authors ['zeplin'] end def self.available_options username = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_dev_portal_id) username ||= CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id) asc_provider = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:itc_team_id) [ :package, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_PACKAGE', description: 'Path to package to notarize, e.g. .app bundle or disk image', is_string: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Could not find package at '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end), :try_early_stapling, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_TRY_EARLY_STAPLING', description: 'Whether to try early stapling while the notarization request is in progress', optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean), :bundle_id, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_BUNDLE_ID', description: 'Bundle identifier to uniquely identify the package', optional: true, is_string: true), :username, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_USERNAME', description: 'Apple ID username', default_value: username, default_value_dynamic: true), :asc_provider, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_ASC_PROVIDER', description: 'Provider short name for accounts associated with multiple providers', optional: true, default_value: asc_provider), :print_log, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_PRINT_LOG', description: 'Whether to print notarization log file, listing issues on failure and warnings on success', optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean), :verbose, env_name: 'FL_NOTARIZE_VERBOSE', description: 'Whether to log requests', optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean) ] end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :mac end def self.category :code_signing end end end end