## Note: sdk is full path to Rhodes root. If not defined - automatically find latest installed Rhodes gem #sdk: "<%=@sdk_path%>" sdkversion: <%=Rhodes::VERSION%> name: <%=@app_name%> version: 1.0 vendor: rhomobile ## Note: rho_app_id send to RhoConnect server for identify application (used in multi-push configuration only) ## we recommend make it same with BundleIdentifier rho_app_id: com.rhomobile.<%=@app_name_cleared%> build: debug applog: rholog.txt # enable encrypt of database #encrypt_database: 1 # enable encryption of bundle by AES (only for iOS and Adnroid) # key should be generated by this command: # $ rake build:bundle:generate_AES_key #encrypt_files_key: "9kefijsPZjfOHDWNhpKiiq3bbewg5rgv83Hb/qMAQSw=" #encrypt_file_extensions: # - html # - js # - css # - iseq ## Note: enbale it for use new style of iOS top status bar(battery info, etc.) - status bar is transparency and over application window #iphone_use_new_ios7_status_bar_style: 1 ## Note: enable this for force iOS full screen (top status bar with battery info etc. is hidden) #iphone_full_screen: 1 ## Note: set this to 0 for remove title bar of Android application ## also setup "full_screen" in rhoconfig.txt #android_title: 0 ## Note: enable specific device capabilities for aplication #capabilities: ## allows use of audio hardware (record audio, modify audio settings) #- audio ## allows use of hardware camera #- camera ## allows use of geo location service #- gps ## allows read device network state (connected/disconnected) #- network_state ## allow make calls/read phone state #- phone ## allow read/modify personal information and contacts #- pim ## allows use of PUSH on device #- push ## allows use of hardware vibration mechanism #- vibrate ## allows use of bluetooth hardware #- bluetooth ## allows access to default device calendar #- calendar ## allows writing to the SD card on Android devices #- sdcard iphone: configuration: Release ## emulatortarget can be "iphone", "ipad" or UUID or Name of already exist simulator #emulatortarget: iphone ## Note: sdk can be 3 predefined value : latest, latest_simulator, latest_device ## simulator or device detect by rake command for "rake run:iphone" is simulator, for "rake device:iphone:production" is device ## sdk also can be defined exactly like: iphonesimulator10.2 or iphoneos10.2 sdk: latest ## Note: Provisioning ## There are two provisioning type for modern XCode: Automatic and Manual ## development_team must be configured for any type provisioning ## you see team code by run this command: ## $ security find-identity -p codesigning -v ## you will see list of certificates and you should copy code from "iPhone Distribution" line like this (code is PNQRMU3LPM): ## 5) D6D5EE35B3F8D9C04E85C7015539F04B38403DA3 "iPhone Distribution: Vasya Pupkin (PNQRMU3LPM)" ## ## Note: This is Automatic provisioning configuration: #provisioning_style: Automatic #development_team: "PNQRMU3LPM" ## ## Note: This is Manual provisioning configuration: ## provisionprofile can be defined as name or UUID - if you defined provisionprofile then codesignidentity defined automatically if you not defined it in this build.yml #provisionprofile: "Current WildCart 05" #provisioning_style: Manual #development_team: "PNQRMU3LPM" #codesignidentity: "iPhone Developer" ## #entitlements: BundleIdentifier: com.rhomobile.<%=@app_name_cleared%> BundleURLScheme: <%=@app_name_cleared%> ## Note: Specifies the URL schemes the app is able to call using Rho.System.runApplication #ApplicationQueriesSchemes: ['scheme1', 'scheme2'] ## Note: Specifies list of HTTP domains for connect from application #http_connection_domains: ['domain1.com', 'domain2.org'] ## Note: Specify remove of Info.plist keys - use this if you need to remove some keys from Info.plist ## This example remove two keys with unsupported screen orientation #info_plist_data_remove: #- UISupportedInterfaceOrientations: ['UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft', 'UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight'] ## Note: Specifies set/modify of Info.plist keys with content(hash) - all of this items will be apply to final Info.plist of application. You can specify any Ino.plist data in this parameter. ## This example allow all HTTP connections in application: #info_plist_data: # NSAppTransportSecurity: # NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: true uwp: productid: '<%=@productid%>' target: 'ARM' android: #manifest_template: 'AndroidManifest.erb' version: 4.4.2 ## Note: in order to simplify debugging only app messages and system channels with priority informative and higher, and any errors are enabled by default logcatFilter: APP:I StrictMode:I DEBUG:I *:E ## Note: setup android_title to 0 for remove default window titlebar in Android application #android_title: 0 wm: #sdk: "MC3000c50b (ARMV4I)" #sdk: "Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK (ARMV4I)" extensions: - webkit win32: deployqt: 1 deploymsvc: 1 msvc: 2015 sailfish: configuration: Release target: 'arm' target_sdk: 'SailfishOS-' build_threads: 1 enable_web_engine: false device: type: real device_name: INOI R7 (ARM) user: nemo key: C:/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/INOI_R7_(ARM)/nemo password: 123 host: '' extensions: ["mediacapture", "barcode", "signature", "rhoconnect-client", "serialport"] extensions: [<%=@rhoconnectclient_ext%>] rhobundle: exclude_items: - thumb.db