# # = test/unit/bio/db/pdb/test_pdb.rb - Unit test for Bio::PDB classes # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006 # Naohisa Goto # # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # # loading helper routine for testing bioruby require 'pathname' load Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 4, 'bioruby_test_helper.rb')).cleanpath.to_s # libraries needed for the tests require 'test/unit' require 'bio' module Bio #class TestPDB < Test::Unit::TestCase #end #class TestPDB module TestPDBRecord # test of Bio::PDB::Record::ATOM class TestATOM < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # the data is taken from # http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/file_formats/pdb/pdbguide2.2/part_62.html @str = 'ATOM 154 CG2BVAL A 25 29.909 16.996 55.922 0.72 13.25 A1 C ' @atom = Bio::PDB::Record::ATOM.new.initialize_from_string(@str) end def test_record_name assert_equal('ATOM', @atom.record_name) end def test_serial assert_equal(154, @atom.serial) end def test_name assert_equal('CG2', @atom.name) end def test_altLoc assert_equal('B', @atom.altLoc) end def test_resName assert_equal('VAL', @atom.resName) end def test_chainID assert_equal('A', @atom.chainID) end def test_resSeq assert_equal(25, @atom.resSeq) end def test_iCode assert_equal('', @atom.iCode) end def test_x assert_in_delta(29.909, @atom.x, Float::EPSILON) end def test_y assert_in_delta(16.996, @atom.y, Float::EPSILON) end def test_z assert_in_delta(55.922, @atom.z, Float::EPSILON) end def test_occupancy assert_in_delta(0.72, @atom.occupancy, Float::EPSILON) end def test_tempFactor assert_in_delta(13.25, @atom.tempFactor, Float::EPSILON) end def test_segID assert_equal('A1', @atom.segID) end def test_element assert_equal('C', @atom.element) end def test_charge assert_equal('', @atom.charge) end def test_xyz assert_equal(Bio::PDB::Coordinate[ "29.909".to_f, "16.996".to_f, "55.922".to_f ], @atom.xyz) end def test_to_a assert_equal([ "29.909".to_f, "16.996".to_f, "55.922".to_f ], @atom.to_a) end def test_comparable a = Bio::PDB::Record::ATOM.new a.serial = 999 assert_equal(-1, @atom <=> a) a.serial = 154 assert_equal( 0, @atom <=> a) a.serial = 111 assert_equal( 1, @atom <=> a) end def test_to_s assert_equal(@str + "\n", @atom.to_s) end def test_original_data assert_equal([ @str ], @atom.original_data) end def test_do_parse assert_equal(@atom, @atom.do_parse) end def test_residue assert_equal(nil, @atom.residue) end def test_sigatm assert_equal(nil, @atom.sigatm) end def test_anisou assert_equal(nil, @atom.anisou) end def test_ter assert_equal(nil, @atom.ter) end end #class TestATOM end #module TestPDBRecord end #module Bio