/* * WYMeditor : what you see is What You Mean web-based editor * Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 Jean-Francois Hovinne, http://www.wymeditor.org/ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-license.txt) * and GPL (GPL-license.txt) licenses. * * For further information visit: * http://www.wymeditor.org/ * * File Name: * jquery.wymeditor.tidy.js * HTML Tidy plugin for WYMeditor * * File Authors: * Jean-Francois Hovinne (jf.hovinne a-t wymeditor dotorg) */ //WymTidy constructor function WymTidy(options, wym) { var wand_url = wym._options.basePath + "plugins/tidy/wand.png"; options = jQuery.extend({ sUrl: wym._options.basePath + "plugins/tidy/tidy.php", sButtonHtml: "" + "
  • " + "" + "Clean up HTML" + "" + "
  • ", sButtonSelector: "li.wym_tools_tidy a" }, options); this._options = options; this._wym = wym; } //Extend WYMeditor WYMeditor.editor.prototype.tidy = function(options) { var tidy = new WymTidy(options, this); return tidy; }; //WymTidy initialization WymTidy.prototype.init = function() { var tidy = this; jQuery(this._wym._box).find( this._wym._options.toolsSelector + this._wym._options.toolsListSelector) .append(this._options.sButtonHtml); //handle click event jQuery(this._wym._box).find(this._options.sButtonSelector).click(function() { tidy.cleanup(); return(false); }); }; //WymTidy cleanup WymTidy.prototype.cleanup = function() { var wym = this._wym; var html = "" + wym.xhtml() + ""; jQuery.post(this._options.sUrl, { html: html}, function(data) { if (data.length > 0 && data != '0') { if (data.indexOf("