# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module RSpec # Mixin for `expect_offense` and `expect_no_offenses` # # This mixin makes it easier to specify strict offense expectations # in a declarative and visual fashion. Just type out the code that # should generate a offense, annotate code by writing '^'s # underneath each character that should be highlighted, and follow # the carets with a string (separated by a space) that is the # message of the offense. You can include multiple offenses in # one code snippet. # # @example Usage # # expect_offense(<<~RUBY) # a do # b # end.c # ^^^^^ Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block. # RUBY # # @example Equivalent assertion without `expect_offense` # # inspect_source(<<~RUBY) # a do # b # end.c # RUBY # # expect(cop.offenses.size).to be(1) # # offense = cop.offenses.first # expect(offense.line).to be(3) # expect(offense.column_range).to be(0...5) # expect(offense.message).to eql( # 'Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block.' # ) # # Autocorrection can be tested using `expect_correction` after # `expect_offense`. # # @example `expect_offense` and `expect_correction` # # expect_offense(<<~RUBY) # x % 2 == 0 # ^^^^^^^^^^ Replace with `Integer#even?`. # RUBY # # expect_correction(<<~RUBY) # x.even? # RUBY # # If you do not want to specify an offense then use the # companion method `expect_no_offenses`. This method is a much # simpler assertion since it just inspects the source and checks # that there were no offenses. The `expect_offense` method has # to do more work by parsing out lines that contain carets. # # If the code produces an offense that could not be autocorrected, you can # use `expect_no_corrections` after `expect_offense`. # # @example `expect_offense` and `expect_no_corrections` # # expect_offense(<<~RUBY) # a do # b # end.c # ^^^^^ Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block. # RUBY # # expect_no_corrections # # If your code has variables of different lengths, you can use `%{foo}`, # `^{foo}`, and `_{foo}` to format your template; you can also abbreviate # offense messages with `[...]`: # # %w[raise fail].each do |keyword| # expect_offense(<<~RUBY, keyword: keyword) # %{keyword}(RuntimeError, msg) # ^{keyword}^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Redundant `RuntimeError` argument [...] # RUBY # # %w[has_one has_many].each do |type| # expect_offense(<<~RUBY, type: type) # class Book # %{type} :chapter, foreign_key: 'book_id' # _{type} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specifying the default [...] # end # RUBY # end # # If you need to specify an offense on a blank line, use the empty `^{}` marker: # # @example `^{}` empty line offense # # expect_offense(<<~RUBY) # # ^{} Missing frozen string literal comment. # puts 1 # RUBY module ExpectOffense def format_offense(source, **replacements) replacements.each do |keyword, value| value = value.to_s source = source.gsub("%{#{keyword}}", value) .gsub("^{#{keyword}}", '^' * value.size) .gsub("_{#{keyword}}", ' ' * value.size) end source end def expect_offense(source, file = nil, severity: nil, chomp: false, **replacements) expected_annotations = parse_annotations(source, **replacements) source = expected_annotations.plain_source source = source.chomp if chomp @processed_source = parse_processed_source(source, file) @offenses = _investigate(cop, @processed_source) actual_annotations = expected_annotations.with_offense_annotations(@offenses) expect(actual_annotations).to eq(expected_annotations), '' expect(@offenses.map(&:severity).uniq).to eq([severity]) if severity @offenses end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def expect_correction(correction, loop: true, source: nil) if source expected_annotations = parse_annotations(source, raise_error: false) @processed_source = parse_processed_source(expected_annotations.plain_source) _investigate(cop, @processed_source) end raise '`expect_correction` must follow `expect_offense`' unless @processed_source source = @processed_source.raw_source iteration = 0 new_source = loop do iteration += 1 corrected_source = @last_corrector.rewrite break corrected_source unless loop break corrected_source if @last_corrector.empty? break corrected_source if corrected_source == @processed_source.buffer.source if iteration > RuboCop::Runner::MAX_ITERATIONS raise RuboCop::Runner::InfiniteCorrectionLoop.new(@processed_source.path, [@offenses]) end # Prepare for next loop @processed_source = parse_source(corrected_source, @processed_source.path) _investigate(cop, @processed_source) end raise 'Use `expect_no_corrections` if the code will not change' if new_source == source expect(new_source).to eq(correction) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def expect_no_corrections raise '`expect_no_corrections` must follow `expect_offense`' unless @processed_source return if @last_corrector.empty? # In order to print a nice diff, e.g. what source got corrected to, # we need to run the actual corrections new_source = @last_corrector.rewrite expect(new_source).to eq(@processed_source.buffer.source) end def expect_no_offenses(source, file = nil) offenses = inspect_source(source, file) expected_annotations = AnnotatedSource.parse(source) actual_annotations = expected_annotations.with_offense_annotations(offenses) expect(actual_annotations.to_s).to eq(source) end def parse_annotations(source, raise_error: true, **replacements) set_formatter_options source = format_offense(source, **replacements) annotations = AnnotatedSource.parse(source) return annotations unless raise_error && annotations.plain_source == source raise 'Use `expect_no_offenses` to assert that no offenses are found' end def parse_processed_source(source, file = nil) processed_source = parse_source(source, file) return processed_source if processed_source.valid_syntax? raise 'Error parsing example code: ' \ "#{processed_source.diagnostics.map(&:render).join("\n")}" end def set_formatter_options RuboCop::Formatter::DisabledConfigFormatter.config_to_allow_offenses = {} RuboCop::Formatter::DisabledConfigFormatter.detected_styles = {} cop.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:autocorrect] = true end # Parsed representation of code annotated with the `^^^ Message` style class AnnotatedSource ANNOTATION_PATTERN = /\A\s*(\^+|\^{}) /.freeze ABBREV = "[...]\n" # @param annotated_source [String] string passed to the matchers # # Separates annotation lines from source lines. Tracks the real # source line number that each annotation corresponds to. # # @return [AnnotatedSource] def self.parse(annotated_source) source = [] annotations = [] annotated_source.each_line do |source_line| if ANNOTATION_PATTERN.match?(source_line) annotations << [source.size, source_line] else source << source_line end end annotations.each { |a| a[0] = 1 } if source.empty? new(source, annotations) end # @param lines [Array] # @param annotations [Array<(Integer, String)>] # each entry is the annotated line number and the annotation text # # @note annotations are sorted so that reconstructing the annotation # text via {#to_s} is deterministic def initialize(lines, annotations) @lines = lines.freeze @annotations = annotations.sort.freeze end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && other.lines == lines && match_annotations?(other) end # Dirty hack: expectations with [...] are rewritten when they match # This way the diff is clean. def match_annotations?(other) annotations.zip(other.annotations) do |(_actual_line, actual_annotation), (_expected_line, expected_annotation)| if expected_annotation&.end_with?(ABBREV) && actual_annotation.start_with?(expected_annotation[0...-ABBREV.length]) expected_annotation.replace(actual_annotation) end end annotations == other.annotations end # Construct annotated source string (like what we parse) # # Reconstruct a deterministic annotated source string. This is # useful for eliminating semantically irrelevant annotation # ordering differences. # # @example standardization # # source1 = AnnotatedSource.parse(<<-RUBY) # line1 # ^ Annotation 1 # ^^ Annotation 2 # RUBY # # source2 = AnnotatedSource.parse(<<-RUBY) # line1 # ^^ Annotation 2 # ^ Annotation 1 # RUBY # # source1.to_s == source2.to_s # => true # # @return [String] def to_s reconstructed = lines.dup annotations.reverse_each do |line_number, annotation| reconstructed.insert(line_number, annotation) end reconstructed.join end alias inspect to_s # Return the plain source code without annotations # # @return [String] def plain_source lines.join end # Annotate the source code with the RuboCop offenses provided # # @param offenses [Array] # # @return [self] def with_offense_annotations(offenses) offense_annotations = offenses.map do |offense| indent = ' ' * offense.column carets = '^' * offense.column_length carets = '^{}' if offense.column_length.zero? [offense.line, "#{indent}#{carets} #{offense.message}\n"] end self.class.new(lines, offense_annotations) end protected attr_reader :lines, :annotations end end end end