module ParamChecker module_function # Check a parameter string if it is a valid integer and return its integer value. # * +param+: the string parameter to check # * +default+: the default integer to return if the check fails # * +options+: a hash of options: # * +min+: the minimum integer value allowed # * +max+: the maximum integer value allowed def check_integer(param, default, options = {}) min = (options[:min] ? param.to_i >= options[:min] : true) max = (options[:max] ? param.to_i <= options[:max] : true) if (param && param.strip =~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ && min && max) param.to_i else default end end # Check a parameter string if it is a valid float and return its float value. # * +param+: the string parameter to check # * +default+: the default float to return if the check fails # * +options+: a hash of options: # * +min+: the minimum float value allowed (optional) # * +max+: the maximum float value allowed (optional) def check_float(param, default, options = {}) min = (options[:min] ? param.to_f >= options[:min] : true) max = (options[:max] ? param.to_f <= options[:max] : true) if (param && param.strip =~ /^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/ && min && max) param.to_f else default end end # Check a parameter string if it is a valid sting and return its string value. # * +param+: the string parameter to check # * +default+: the default string to return if the check fails # * +options+: a hash of options: # * +allowed+: the allowed string values to check +param+ against; could be a regular expression, a string or an array of strings def check_string(param, default, options = {}) allowed = options[:allowed] if (param && allowed.class == Regexp && param =~ allowed) param elsif (param && allowed.class == Array && allowed.include?(param)) param elsif (param && allowed.class == String && allowed == param) param else default end end # Check a parameter string if it is a valid symbol and return its symbol value. # * +param+: the string parameter to check # * +default+: the default symbol to return if the check fails # * +options+: a hash of options: # * +allowed+: the allowed symbol values to check +param+ against; could be a regular expression, a symbol or an array of symbols. def check_symbol(param, default, options = {}) allowed = options[:allowed] if (param && !param.empty? && allowed.class == Regexp && param =~ allowed) param.to_sym elsif (param && !param.empty? && allowed.class == Array && { |a| a.to_sym }.include?(param.to_sym)) param.to_sym elsif (param && !param.empty? && (allowed.class == String || allowed.class == Symbol) && allowed.to_sym == param.to_sym) param.to_sym else default end end # Check a parameter string if it represents a valid boolean and return its boolean value. # * +param+: the string parameter to check # * +default+: the default boolean to return if the check fails # * +options+: a hash of options: # * +true+: an array of string representations of true (by default "1" and "true") # * +false+: an array of string representations of false (by default "0" and "false") def check_boolean(param, default, options = {}) true_values = (options[:true] ? options[:true] : ["1", "true"]) false_values = (options[:false] ? options[:false] : ["0", "false"]) if (true_values.include?(param)) true elsif (false_values.include?(param)) false else default end end public :check_integer, :check_float, :check_string, :check_symbol, :check_boolean end