= Libnotify Ruby bindings for libnotify using FFI. Gem[https://rubygems.org/gems/libnotify] | Source[https://github.com/splattael/libnotify] | RDoc[http://rubydoc.info/github/splattael/libnotify/master/file/README.rdoc] http://github.com/splattael/libnotify/raw/master/libnotify.png == Usage require 'libnotify' # Block syntax n = Libnotify.new do |notify| notify.summary = "hello" notify.body = "world" notify.timeout = 1.5 # 1.5 (s), 1000 (ms), "2", nil, false notify.urgency = :critical # :low, :normal, :critical notify.append = false # default true - append onto existing notification notify.transient = true # default false - keep the notifications around after display notify.icon_path = "/usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/emblems/emblem-default.svg" end n.show! # Hash syntax Libnotify.show(:body => "hello", :summary => "world", :timeout => 2.5) # Mixed syntax Libnotify.show(options) do |n| n.timeout = 1.5 # overrides :timeout in options end # Icon path auto-detection Libnotify.icon_dirs << "/usr/share/icons/gnome/*/" Libnotify.show(:icon_path => "emblem-default.png") Libnotify.show(:icon_path => :"emblem-default") # Update pre-existing notification then close it n = Libnotify.new(:summary => "hello", :body => "world") n.update # identical to show! if not shown before Kernel.sleep 1 n.update(:body => "my love") do |notify| notify.summary = "goodbye" end Kernel.sleep 1 n.close == Installation gem install libnotify You'll need libnotify. On Debian just type: apt-get install libnotify1 == Testing git clone git://github.com/splattael/libnotify.git cd libnotify (gem install bundler) bundle install rake == Authors * Peter Suschlik (https://github.com/splattael) == Contributors * Dennis Collective (https://github.com/denniscollective) * Daniel Mack (https://github.com/zonque) * nuisanceofcats (https://github.com/nuisanceofcats) == License MIT License[http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php] == TODO * refactor & test! (lib/libnotify/api.rb:21)