begin require 'active_record' rescue LoadError abort "ActiveRecord requires the rails appraisal. Try `appraisal cucumber`" end require 'yaml' module Eaco module Cucumber ## # +ActiveRecord+ configuration and connection. # # Database configuration is looked up in +features/active_record.yml+ by # default. Logs are sent to +features/active_record.log+, truncating the # file at each run. # # Environment variables: # # * +EACO_AR_CONFIG+ specify a different +ActiveRecord+ configuration file # * +VERBOSE+ log to +stderr+ # module ActiveRecord autoload :Document, 'eaco/cucumber/active_record/document' # Resource autoload :User, 'eaco/cucumber/active_record/user' # Actor autoload :Department, 'eaco/cucumber/active_record/department' # Designator source autoload :Position, 'eaco/cucumber/active_record/position' # Designator source extend self ## # Looks up ActiveRecord and sets the +logger+. # # @return [Class] +ActiveRecord::Base+ # def active_record @_active_record ||= ::ActiveRecord::Base.tap do |active_record| active_record.logger = {|l| l.level = 0} end end ## # Log to stderr if +VERBOSE+ is given, else log to # +features/active_record.log+ # # @return [IO] the log destination # def active_record_log @_active_record_log ||= ENV['VERBOSE'] ? $stderr : 'features/active_record.log'.tap {|f|, "w+")} end ## # @return [Logger] the logger configured, logging to {.active_record_log}. # def logger active_record.logger end ## # @return [ActiveRecord::Connection] the current +ActiveRecord+ connection # object. # def connection active_record.connection end alias adapter connection ## # Returns an Hash wit the database configuration. # # Caveat:the returned +Hash+ has a custom +.to_s+ method that formats # the configuration as a +pgsql://+ URL. # # @return [Hash] the current database configuration # # @see {#config_file} # def configuration @_config ||= YAML.load( do |conf| def conf.to_s 'pgsql://%s:%s@%s/%s' % values_at( :username, :password, :hostname, :database ) end end end ## # @return [Pathname] the currently configured configuration file. Override # using the +EACO_AR_CONFIG' envinronment variable. # def config_file['EACO_AR_CONFIG'] || default_config_file) end ## # @return [String] +active_record.yml+ relative to this source file. # # @raise [Errno::ENOENT] if the configuration file is not found. # def default_config_file'features/active_record.yml').realpath rescue Errno::ENOENT => error raise, <<-EOF.squeeze(' ') #{error.message}. Please define your Active Record database configuration in the default location, or specify your configuration file location by passing the `EACO_AR_CONFIG' environment variable. EOF end ## # Establish ActiveRecord connection using the given configuration hash # # @param config [Hash] the configuration to use, {#configuration} by default. # # @return [ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool] # # @raise [ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError] if cannot connect # def connect!(config = self.configuration) unless ENV['VERBOSE'] config = config.merge(min_messages: 'WARNING') end active_record.establish_connection(config) end ## # Loads the defined {ActiveRecord#schema} # # @return [nil] # def define_schema! log_stdout { load 'eaco/cucumber/active_record/schema.rb' } end protected ## # Captures stdout and logs it # # @return [nil] # def log_stdout stdout, string = $stdout, $stdout = string yield string.tap(&:rewind).read.split("\n").each do |line| line end nil ensure $stdout = stdout end end end end