# Pryx [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/zw963/pryx.svg?branch=master)](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/zw963/pryx)[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/pryx.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/pryx)![](https://ruby-gem-downloads-badge.herokuapp.com/pryx?type=total) Three Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. -- Larry Wall, the author of Perl Programming language. ## Getting Started Don't add this gem into bundler's Gemfile. Instead, install it directly via RubyGems $ gem install pryx Then use can use pryx cross all your's project. ## Usage Before use it, you need set `RUBYOPT` variable. You can do this two way in a terminal. ```sh $: export RUBYOPT+=' -rpryx' $: ruby your_file.rb # add pry! in your_file for start pry session ``` or Run your's code directly use: ```sh $: RUBYOPT+='-rpryx' ruby your_file.rb # add pry! in your_file for start pry session ``` Then, try add `pry!` into your's ruby code, then run it, have fun! Following is a example, assume we have test.rb, it content like this: ```rb # test.rb 3.times do pry! puts 'hello' end ``` Then, when you run `RUBYOPT='-rpryx' ruby test.rb` ![pry.png](images/pry!.png) You can even connect to a pry session started from remote or background process use http connection. ![pry_remote.png](images/pry_remote.png) Until now, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg, please have a try. If you prefer to use IRB over Pry, use can add following code instead. ```sh $: export RUBYOPT+=' -rpryx_irb' $: ruby your_file.rb # add pry! in your_file for start pry session ``` __WARN__: `require 'pryx_irb'` will enable many gems by default in your's ruby code. so, prefer to use `require 'pryx'`, because latter almost not affect your's code, only several methods added into Kernel#, and gems only be require if you run invoke those added methods. ## useful command which added directly to Kernel# ### Kernel#pry! start a pry session, this session only can be intercept once if add into a loop. when used with a rails/roda web server, it only intercept one per request. we have IRB equivalent, named `irb!`, for use more nice feature, use following code instead: ```sh $: RUBYOPT+='-rpryx_irb' ruby your_file.rb # add irb! in your_file for start pry session ``` Following feature both available when start a Pry or IRB session: 1. Add `next/step/up/down` command for debug, use [break](https://github.com/gsamokovarov/break) [pry-stack_explorer](https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explorer) 2. Add `Kernel#ls1`(use ls1 to avoid conflict with pry builtin ls command), see [looksee](https://github.com/oggy/looksee) 3. Use `ap` for pretty print. see [awesome-print](https://github.com/awesome-print/awesome_print) 4. Use `Clipboard.copy` or `Clipboard.paste` to interactive with system clipboard. see [clipboard](https://github.com/janlelis/clipboard) Following is pry command available only after start a Pry session: 1. Add `$/?` command for see source, see [pry-doc](https://github.com/pry/pry-doc) 2. pry-remote debug support. you still use `pry!` no changes, it will use `pry-remote` automatically if current ruby process was running on backround, then, it will use pry-remote, and listen on, Then, you can connect to it from another terminal! see [pry-remote](https://github.com/Mon-Ouie/pry-remote) 3. Add `pa` command, see [pry-power_assert](https://github.com/yui-knk/pry-power_assert) 4. Add `hier` command for print the class hierarchies, see [pry-hier](https://github.com/phaul/pry-hier) 5. Add `pry-aa_ancestors` command for print the class hierarchy, see [pry-aa_ancestors](https://github.com/tbpgr/pry-aa_ancestors) 6. Add `up/down/frame/stack` command, see [pry-stack_explorer](https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explorer) 7. Add `yes` or `y` command, see [pry-yes](https://github.com/christofferh/pry-yes) 8. Add `reload!` command , see [pry-reload](https://github.com/runa/pry-reload) 9. Add `pry-disam`, Check following screenshot for a example: ![pry-disasm](images/disasm.png) ### Kernel#pry1 Kernel#pry2 (sorry for this bad name, please create a issue you have a better one) pry2 do nothing, but it will be interceptd and start a pry session only after pry1 is running. I haven use this hack for avoid pry session start on working place. You know what i means. ### Kernel#irb1 Kernel#irb2 IRB equivalent for pry1, pry2 we have irb1 and irb2 too. ### Kernel#pry3 It just normal `binding.pry`, that is, will always be intercept if code can reach. but above plugins and libraries all correct configured. we have another Kernel#pry?, which enable `pry-state` automatically, see [pry-state](https://github.com/SudhagarS/pry-state) ### Add CLI command, rescue, kill-pry-rescue, pryx, irbx, pry! `rescue` and `kill-pry-rescue` come from `pry-rescue` gem, it not load by default, but you can use rescue command from command line directly. see [pry-rescue](https://github.com/ConradIrwin/pry-rescue) pryx is same as pry, but, with plugins and libraries correct configured, it will load `./config/environment.rb` if this file exists. irbx is same things for irb. `pry!` just a alias to `binding.pry`, but, if process is running on background, it a alias to `binding.remote_pry('', 9876)`, you can specify host or port manually, like this: `pry!(host: '')`. in another terminal, you can run `pry!` directly to connect to it use IP + port. e.g. assume your's pry-remote server started background on another host(, port 9876 It maybe in container, you can connect remote pry like this: ```sh $: pry! -s -p 9876 ``` ## Philosophy This gem is design to Minimal impact on target ruby code, in fact, after `require 'pryx'` or `RUBYOPT='-rpryx'` (they do same thing), only several instance method be defined on Kernel, and several gems add to $LOAD_PATH, but not load, ready to require it, no more. so, it should be safe to use it, either affect performance nor namespace/variables etc. But, you should only use it in development, though, it was tested is run in container(alpine) too. ## Limit 1. `break` not work well if you add more than one break point, but still use `next` goto the next break point, See https://github.com/gsamokovarov/break/issues/12 ## Support * MRI 2.6+ ## History See [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/zw963/pryx/blob/master/CHANGELOG) for details. ## Contributing * [Bug reports](https://github.com/zw963/pryx/issues) * [Source](https://github.com/zw963/pryx) * Patches: * Fork on Github. * Run `gem install --dev pryx` or `bundle install`. * Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`. * Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`. * Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`. * Send a pull request :D. Not listed famous pry plugins is welcome!! ## license Released under the MIT license, See [LICENSE](https://github.com/zw963/pryx/blob/master/LICENSE) for details.