/* Untested methods: applyHistoryEntry addHistoryEntry navigateTo clearPage reboot getCurrentLocation getCurrentPage setCurrentPage rootUrl #include #require #includeCss #getToken #setToken #fail */ describe(rio.Application, { "with no routes": { beforeEach: function() { this.lPressed = false; var application = rio.Application.create({ methods: { keyMap: function() { return [ { map: { key: 'l' }, handler: function() { this.lPressed = true; }.bind(this) } ]; }.bind(this) } }); this.applicationInstance = new application(); }, "should have no routes": function() { this.applicationInstance.noRoutes().shouldBeTrue(); }, "should avoid animation if IE": function() { stub(Prototype.Browser, "IE").withValue(true); this.applicationInstance.avoidAnimation().shouldBeTrue(); }, "should not avoid animation if not IE": function() { stub(Prototype.Browser, "IE").withValue(false); this.applicationInstance.avoidAnimation().shouldBeFalse(); }, "should reload the page on refresh": function() { /* You can't stub document.location.reload in firefox, so just skip the test */ if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { return; } stub(document.location, "reload").shouldBeCalled(); this.applicationInstance.refresh(); }, "should execute keymaps on keypress": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); var keyEvent = { keyCode: 76 }; this.applicationInstance.keyDown(keyEvent); this.lPressed.shouldBeTrue(); } }, "with routes": { beforeEach: function() { stub(dhtmlHistory, "getCurrentLocation").andReturn(""); var page = rio.Page.create({ methods: { buildHtml: function() { return ""; }, render: function() { } } }); this.lPressed = false; this.myPage = new page(); this.application = rio.Application.create({ routes: { "other": "otherPage", ":something/hello": "helloPage", "hello/*world": "worldPage", "": "myPage" }, methods: { myPage: function() { return this.myPage; }.bind(this), keyMap: function() { return [ { map: { key: 'l' }, handler: function() { this.lPressed = true; }.bind(this) } ]; }.bind(this) } }); this.applicationInstance = new this.application(); }, "should not have no routes": function() { this.applicationInstance.noRoutes().shouldBeFalse(); }, "should fire its current page's resize event if the window is resized": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); stub(this.myPage, "resize").shouldBeCalled(); this.applicationInstance.resize(); }, "should fire its current page's keyPress event on keyPress": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); var expectedEvent = { a: 1 }; stub(this.myPage, "keyPress").withValue(function(actualEvent) { (expectedEvent === actualEvent).shouldBeTrue(); }.shouldBeCalled()); this.applicationInstance.keyPress(expectedEvent); }, "should execute keymaps on keypress": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); var keyEvent = { keyCode: 76 }; this.applicationInstance.keyDown(keyEvent); this.lPressed.shouldBeTrue(); }, "should fire its current page's _keyDown event on keyDown": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); var expectedEvent = { a: 1 }; stub(this.myPage, "_keyDown").withValue(function(actualEvent) { (expectedEvent === actualEvent).shouldBeTrue(); }.shouldBeCalled()); this.applicationInstance.keyDown(expectedEvent); }, "should not be launched before launch": function() { this.applicationInstance.launched().shouldBeFalse(); }, "should be launched after launch": function() { this.applicationInstance.launch(); this.applicationInstance.launched().shouldBeTrue(); }, "should initialize the dhtmlHistory on launch": function() { stub(window.dhtmlHistory, "initialize").shouldBeCalled(); this.applicationInstance.launch(); }, "should add applyHistoryEntry as a listener to the dhtmlHistory on launch": function() { stub(this.applicationInstance, "applyHistoryEntry").shouldBeCalled(); stub(window.dhtmlHistory, "addListener").withValue(function(listener) { listener(); }.shouldBeCalled()); this.applicationInstance.launch(); }, "should immediately execute Application#afterLaunch calls if rio.app exists and has been launched": function() { stub(rio, "_afterLaunchFunctions").withValue([]); stub(rio, "app").withValue(this.applicationInstance); this.applicationInstance.launch(); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldBeCalled()); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldBeCalled()); }, "should not immediately execute Application#afterLaunch calls if rio.app does not exist": function() { stub(rio, "_afterLaunchFunctions").withValue([]); stub(rio, "app").withValue(); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldNotBeCalled()); }, "should not immediately execute Application#afterLaunch calls if rio.app exists but is not launched": function() { stub(rio, "_afterLaunchFunctions").withValue([]); stub(rio, "app").withValue(this.applicationInstance); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldNotBeCalled()); }, "should process the Application class afterLaunch functions on launch": function() { stub(rio, "app").withValue(this.applicationInstance); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldBeCalled()); rio.Application.afterLaunch(function() {}.shouldBeCalled()); this.applicationInstance.launch(); }, "should match exact matches": function() { this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("other").shouldEqual("other"); this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("").shouldEqual(""); }, "should treat :part as wild cards separated by slashes": function() { this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("123/hello").shouldEqual(":something/hello"); }, "should treat *part as optional": function() { this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("hello/123").shouldEqual("hello/*world"); this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("hello").shouldEqual("hello/*world"); }, "should fail to create routes if the * is not on the last parameter": function() { var f = function() {}.shouldBeCalled(); try { rio.Application.create({ routes: { "*hello/world": "worldPage" } }); } catch(e) { f(); } }, "should match anything to '' route": function() { this.applicationInstance.matchRoutePath("asdf").shouldEqual(""); }, "should return the match route target name": function() { this.applicationInstance.matchRouteTarget("asdf").shouldEqual("myPage"); this.applicationInstance.matchRouteTarget("123/hello").shouldEqual("helloPage"); }, "should return anything after a slash trailing a match as remainingPath": function() { this.applicationInstance.remainingPath("asdf").shouldEqual("asdf"); this.applicationInstance.remainingPath("123/hello/3/something").shouldEqual("3/something"); this.applicationInstance.remainingPath("other/page").shouldEqual("page"); this.applicationInstance.remainingPath("hello/anything").shouldEqual("anything"); }, "should return an empty hash for path parts that match path's with no wild-cards": function() { var parts = this.applicationInstance.pathParts("asdf"); (parts.constructor == Object).shouldBeTrue(); Object.keys(parts).shouldBeEmpty(); }, "should return a hash from the wildcard name to its value in the path for path parts": function() { this.applicationInstance.pathParts("123/hello").something.shouldEqual("123"); }, "should return a hash from the optional name to its value in the path for path parts": function() { this.applicationInstance.pathParts("hello/456").world.shouldEqual("456"); }, "should fail the application if a route can't be found": function() { stub(rio.Application, "fail").shouldBeCalled(); var app = new (rio.Application.create({ routes: { "world": "asdf" } }))({}); try { app.navigateTo("hello"); } catch(e) { /* It's going to error here */ } } } });