= Stripe Ruby bindings {Build Status}[https://travis-ci.org/stripe/stripe-ruby] The Stripe Ruby bindings provide a small SDK for convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in the Ruby language. It provides a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which allows the bindings to tolerate a number of different versions of the API. The bindings also provide other features. For example: * Easy configuration path for fast setup and use. * Helpers for pagination. * Tracking of "fresh" values in API resources so that partial updates can be executed. * Built-in mechanisms for the serialization of parameters according to the expectations of Stripe's API. == Documentation {Ruby API Docs}[https://stripe.com/docs/api/ruby#intro] == Installation You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the gem. If you just want to use the Stripe Ruby bindings, you should run: gem install stripe If you want to build the gem from source: gem build stripe.gemspec == Requirements * Ruby 1.9.3 or above. * rest-client, json == Bundler If you are installing via bundler, you should be sure to use the https rubygems source in your Gemfile, as any gems fetched over http could potentially be compromised in transit and alter the code of gems fetched securely over https: source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'rails' gem 'stripe' == Development Run all tests: bundle exec rake Run a single test suite: bundle exec ruby -Ilib/ test/stripe/util_test.rb Run a single test: bundle exec ruby -Ilib/ test/stripe/util_test.rb -n /should.convert.names.to.symbols/ Update bundled CA certificates from the [Mozilla cURL release][curl]: bundle exec rake update_certs == Configuration === ca_bundle_path The location of a file containing a bundle of CA certificates. By default the library will use an included bundle that can successfully validate Stripe certificates. === max_network_retries When `max_network_retries` is set to a positive integer, stripe will retry requests that fail on a network error. Idempotency keys will be added to post and get requests to ensure the safety of retrying. There will be a short delay between each retry, with an exponential backoff algorithm used to determine the length of the delay. Default value is 0. Example: Stripe.max_network_retries = 2 [curl]: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html