module Airbrake module Rails # Rack middleware for Rails applications. Any errors raised by the upstream # application will be delivered to Airbrake and re-raised. # class Middleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) begin response = rescue Exception => exception env['airbrake.error_id'] = notify_airbrake(env, exception) raise exception end if framework_exception = env["action_dispatch.exception"] env["airbrake.error_id"] = notify_airbrake(env, framework_exception) end response end private def controller(env) env["action_controller.instance"] end def after_airbrake_handler(env, exception) if controller(env).respond_to?(:rescue_action_in_public_without_airbrake) controller(env).rescue_action_in_public_without_airbrake(exception) end end def notify_airbrake(env, exception) unless ignored_user_agent? env error_id = Airbrake.notify_or_ignore(exception, request_data(env)) after_airbrake_handler(env, exception) error_id end end def request_data(env) if controller(env).respond_to?(:airbrake_request_data) controller(env).airbrake_request_data else {:rack_env => env} end end def ignored_user_agent?(env) true if Airbrake. configuration. ignore_user_agent. flatten. any? { |ua| ua === env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] } end end end end