module EnjuOai module OaiController def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods end module InstanceMethods def render_oai(oai, params) if params[:format] == 'oai' oai_search = true from_and_until_times = set_from_and_until(Manifestation, params[:from], params[:until]) from_time = @from_time = from_and_until_times[:from] until_time = @until_time = from_and_until_times[:until] # OAI-PMHのデフォルトの件数 per_page = 200 if params[:resumptionToken] current_token = get_resumption_token(params[:resumptionToken]) if current_token page = (current_token[:cursor].to_i + per_page).div(per_page) + 1 else @oai[:errors] << 'badResumptionToken' end end page ||= 1 if params[:verb] == 'GetRecord' and params[:identifier] begin @manifestation = Manifestation.find_by_oai_identifier(params[:identifier]) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound @oai[:errors] << "idDoesNotExist" render :formats => :oai, :layout => false return end render :template => 'manifestations/show', :formats => :oai, :layout => false return end end end private def check_oai_params(params) oai = {} if params[:format] == 'oai' oai[:need_not_to_search] = nil oai[:errors] = [] case params[:verb] when 'Identify' oai[:need_not_to_search] = true when 'ListSets' oai[:need_not_to_search] = true when 'ListMetadataFormats' oai[:need_not_to_search] = true when 'ListIdentifiers' unless valid_metadata_format?(params[:metadataPrefix]) oai[:errors] << "cannotDisseminateFormat" end when 'ListRecords' unless valid_metadata_format?(params[:metadataPrefix]) oai[:errors] << "cannotDisseminateFormat" end when 'GetRecord' if params[:identifier].blank? oai[:need_not_to_search] = true oai[:errors] << "badArgument" end unless valid_metadata_format?(params[:metadataPrefix]) oai[:errors] << "cannotDisseminateFormat" end else oai[:errors] << "badVerb" end end return oai end def valid_metadata_format?(format) if format.present? if ['oai_dc'].include?(format) true else false end else true end end end def get_resumption_token(token) if token.present? resumption = end rescue nil end def set_resumption_token(token, from_time, until_time, per_page = 10) return nil unless Rails.env.to_s == 'production' if token.present? latest_resumption = if latest_resumption cursor = latest_resumption[:cursor] + per_page end end cursor ||= 0 ttl = EnjuLeaf::Application.config.cache_store.last[:expires_in].to_i resumption = { :token => "f(#{from_time.utc.iso8601.to_s}).u(#{until_time.utc.iso8601.to_s}):#{cursor}", :cursor => cursor, # memcachedの使用が前提 :expired_at => ttl.seconds.from_now.utc.iso8601 } Rails.cache.fetch(resumption[:token]){resumption} end def set_from_and_until(klass, from_t, until_t) if klass.first and klass.last from_t ||= klass.last.updated_at.to_s until_t ||= klass.first.updated_at.to_s else from_t ||= until_t ||= end times = {} if /^[12]\d{3}-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$/ =~ from_t times[:from] = else times[:from] = end if /^[12]\d{3}-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$/ =~ until_t times[:until] = else times[:until] = end times[:from] ||= times[:until] ||= times end end end