require 'json' require 'psych' module RestDSL ## # A collection of DSL extensions for use with various worlds to allow the use of some simpler # dsl language in them. # # For rspec, in spec helper add config.extend RestDSL::DSLExtensions::<<extension>> # In cucumber World(RestDSL::DSLExtensions::<<extension>>) # Each extension can also be extended onto a class like normal to use it in that class module DSLExtensions ## # Adds a DSL method for parsing information from a file, parser list can be overridden by redefining file_parsers # If no parser is designed, for the file extension, loads the file as plain text module FromFile def file_parsers { %w[.json] => JSON, %w[.yml .yaml] => Psych } end def from_file(file_name) parser = file_parsers.find{|key, _| key.any? {|file_type| file_name.include? file_type}}&.[](1) result = if parser.eql?(Psych) parser.load_file(file_name) elsif parser.eql?(JSON) parser.parse( end result ||= result rescue Errno::ENOENT => e e.message << " relative to directory #{Dir.pwd}" raise e end end end end