# The following is borrowed from setup.rb def File.binread(fname) open(fname, 'rb') {|f| return f.read } end # for corrupted windows stat(2) def File.dir?(path) File.directory?((path[-1,1] == '/') ? path : path + '/') end module Gem module Deployment # The following is borrowed from setup.rb module FileOperations def mkdir_p(dirname, prefix = nil) dirname = prefix + File.expand_path(dirname) if prefix $stderr.puts "mkdir -p #{dirname}" if verbose? return if no_harm? # does not check '/'... it's too abnormal case dirs = File.expand_path(dirname).split(%r<(?=/)>) if /\A[a-z]:\z/i =~ dirs[0] disk = dirs.shift dirs[0] = disk + dirs[0] end dirs.each_index do |idx| path = dirs[0..idx].join('') Dir.mkdir path unless File.dir?(path) end end def rm_f(fname) $stderr.puts "rm -f #{fname}" if verbose? return if no_harm? if File.exist?(fname) or File.symlink?(fname) File.chmod 0777, fname File.unlink fname end end def rm_rf(dn) $stderr.puts "rm -rf #{dn}" if verbose? return if no_harm? Dir.chdir dn Dir.foreach('.') do |fn| next if fn == '.' next if fn == '..' if File.dir?(fn) verbose_off { rm_rf fn } else verbose_off { rm_f fn } end end Dir.chdir '..' Dir.rmdir dn end def no_harm? false end def verbose? false end def verbose_off(&block) block.call end end class Manager DEPLOYMENTS_DIR = "." DEPLOYMENTS_DB = "deployments.yaml" attr_reader :deployments def initialize(dir = DEPLOYMENTS_DIR, db = DEPLOYMENTS_DB) require 'yaml' require 'digest/sha1' @db_file = File.expand_path(File.join(dir, db)) if File.exist?(@db_file) @deployments = YAML.load(File.binread(@db_file)) @deployments.each {|deployment| deployment.manager = self} else @deployments = [] end end def new_deployment(target_dir = nil) unless target_dir require 'rbconfig' target_dir = Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] end target_dir = File.expand_path(target_dir) deployment = self[target_dir] unless deployment deployment = ActiveDeployment.new(target_dir) deployment.manager = self @deployments << deployment end deployment end def persist File.open(@db_file, "wb") {|f| f.puts @deployments.to_yaml} end def [](target_dir) target_dir = File.expand_path(target_dir) @deployments.each {|deployment| return deployment if deployment.target_directory == target_dir} nil end end class ActiveDeployment attr_reader :target_directory, :deployed_gems attr_accessor :manager def initialize(target_directory) @target_directory = target_directory @deployed_gems = [] end def to_yaml_properties ['@target_directory', '@deployed_gems'] end def prepare @deployed_gems.each {|gem| gem.prepare} end def deploy @deployed_gems.each {|gem| gem.deploy} if fully_deployed? @manager.persist else raise "ERROR: Did not fully deploy" end end def fully_deployed? @deployed_gems.each {|gem| return false unless gem.deployed?} return true end def add_all_gems Gem.source_index.each do |name, spec| @deployed_gems << DeployedGem.new(spec, @target_directory) end self end def add_gem(gem_to_add) @deployed_gems.each {|dg| return if gem_to_add.full_name == dg.gem_name} @deployed_gems << DeployedGem.new(gem_to_add, @target_directory) return self if gem_to_add.dependencies.size == 0 # must fulfill dependencies sats = {} Gem.source_index.each do |name, gem| gem_to_add.dependencies.each do |dependency| (sats[dependency] ||= []) << gem if gem.satisfies_requirement?(dependency) end end sats.each_value {|list| add_gem list.sort.last} self end end class DeployedGem attr_reader :specification, :gem_name, :gem_path, :deployed_files def initialize(spec, target_directory) @gem_name = spec.full_name @gem_path = spec.full_gem_path @lib_paths = spec.require_paths @target_directory = target_directory @deployed_files = [] end def to_yaml_properties ['@gem_name', '@gem_path', '@lib_paths', '@target_directory', '@deployed_files'] end def prepare paths = @lib_paths.collect {|lib_path| File.expand_path(File.join(gem_path, lib_path))} paths.each do |path| Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*").each do |file| unless File.directory?(file) @deployed_files << DeployedFile.new(file, File.join(@target_directory, file[(path.size+1)..-1])) end end end @deployed_files.each {|df| df.prepare} end def deploy @deployed_files.each {|file| file.deploy} end def deployed? @deployed_files.each {|file| return false unless file.deployed?} return true end end class DeployedFile include FileOperations attr_reader :source_path, :destination_path, :checksum def initialize(source_path, destination_path) @source_path = source_path @destination_path = destination_path end def to_yaml_properties ['@source_path', '@destination_path', '@checksum'] end def prepare @checksum ||= Digest::SHA1.new(File.binread(@source_path)).hexdigest end def deploy return if deployed? File.open(@source_path, "rb") do |source| mkdir_p(File.dirname(@destination_path)) File.open(@destination_path, "wb") do |destination| destination.write(source.read) end end end def deployed? return false unless File.exist?(@destination_path) return false if File.size(@source_path) != File.size(@destination_path) new_checksum = nil begin new_checksum = Digest::SHA1.new(File.binread(@destination_path)).hexdigest rescue puts $! puts $!.backtrace.join("\n") end new_checksum == @checksum end end end end