require 'minitest/autorun' require 'nvd_feed_api' require 'date' class NVDAPITest < Minitest::Test def setup @s = @s.scrap # needed for feeds method end def test_scraper_scrap assert_operator(0, :<, @s.scrap, 'scrap method returns nothing') end def test_scraper_feeds_noarg assert_instance_of(Array, @s.feeds, "feeds doesn't return an array") # same as #assert(@s.feeds.instance_of?(Array), 'error') refute_empty(@s.feeds, 'feeds returns an empty array') end def test_scraper_feeds_witharg # one arg assert_instance_of(NVDFeedScraper::Feed, @s.feeds('CVE-2017'), "feeds doesn't return a Feed object") # two args assert_instance_of(Array, @s.feeds('CVE-2017', 'CVE-Modified'), "feeds doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.feeds('CVE-2017', 'CVE-Modified'), 'feeds returns an empty array') # array arg assert_instance_of(Array, @s.feeds(['CVE-2016', 'CVE-Recent']), "feeds doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.feeds(['CVE-2016', 'CVE-Recent']), 'feeds returns an empty array') # bad arg assert_nil(@s.feeds('wrong'), 'feeds') end def test_scraper_available_feeds assert_instance_of(Array, @s.available_feeds, "available_feeds doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.available_feeds, 'available_feeds returns an empty array') end def test_scraper_available_cves assert_instance_of(Array, @s.available_cves, "available_cves doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.available_cves, 'available_cves returns an empty array') end def test_scraper_cve # one arg assert_instance_of(Hash, @s.cve('CVE-2015-0235'), "cve doesn't return a hash") # two args assert_instance_of(Array, @s.cve('CVE-2015-0235', 'CVE-2013-3893'), "cve doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.cve('CVE-2015-0235', 'CVE-2013-3893'), 'cve returns an empty array') # array arg assert_instance_of(Array, @s.cve(['CVE-2014-0160', 'cve-2009-3555']), "cve doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.cve(['CVE-2014-0160', 'cve-2009-3555']), 'cve returns an empty array') # bad arg ## string but not a CVE ID err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @s.cve('e') end assert_equal('bad CVE name', err.message) ## correct CVE ID but bad year err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @s.cve('CVE-1800-31337') end assert_equal('bad CVE year in ["CVE-1800-31337"]', err.message) ## correct CVE ID and year but unexisting CVE assert_nil(@s.cve('CVE-2004-31337')) ## correct CVE ID and year but unexisting CVE with array arg err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @s.cve(['CVE-2004-31337', 'CVE-2005-31337']) end assert_equal('CVE-2005-31337 are unexisting CVEs in this feed', err.message) ## wrong arg type err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @s.cve(1) end assert_equal('the provided argument (1) is nor a String or an Array', err.message) end def test_scraper_update_feeds f2017, f2016, f_modified = @s.feeds('CVE-2017', 'CVE-2016', 'CVE-Modified') # one arg # can't use assert_instance_of because there is no boolean class assert(%w[TrueClass FalseClass].include?(@s.update_feeds(f2017).class.to_s), "update_feeds doesn't return a boolean") # two args assert_instance_of(Array, @s.update_feeds(f2017, f2016), "update_feeds doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.update_feeds(f2017, f2016), 'update_feeds returns an empty array') # array arg assert_instance_of(Array, @s.update_feeds([f2017, f_modified]), "update_feeds doesn't return an array") refute_empty(@s.update_feeds([f2017, f_modified]), 'update_feeds returns an empty array') # bad arg ## wrong arg type err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @s.update_feeds(1) end assert_equal(err.message, 'the provided argument 1 is not a Feed or an Array') ## empty array assert_empty(@s.update_feeds([])) end def test_feed_default_storage_location # save default value / save context default_val = NVDFeedScraper::Feed.default_storage_location # check type assert_instance_of(String, default_val, "default_storage_location doesn't return a string") # check new value new_val = '/srv/downloads/' assert_equal(new_val, NVDFeedScraper::Feed.default_storage_location = new_val, 'the new value was not set properly') # put the default value back / restore context NVDFeedScraper::Feed.default_storage_location = default_val end def test_feed_attributes name = 'CVE-2010' meta_url = '' gz_url = '' zip_url = '' f = @s.feeds('CVE-2010') # Test name assert_instance_of(String,, "name doesn't return a string") refute_empty(, 'name is empty') assert_equal(name,, 'The name of the feed was modified') # Test updated assert_instance_of(String, f.updated, "updated doesn't return a string") refute_empty(f.updated, 'updated is empty') # Test gz_url assert_instance_of(String, f.gz_url, "gz_url doesn't return a string") refute_empty(f.gz_url, 'gz_url is empty') assert_equal(gz_url, f.gz_url, 'The gz_url of the feed was modified') # Test zip_url assert_instance_of(String, f.zip_url, "zip_url doesn't return a string") refute_empty(f.zip_url, 'zip_url is empty') assert_equal(zip_url, f.zip_url, 'The zip_url url of the feed was modified') # Test meta_url assert_instance_of(String, f.meta_url, "meta_url doesn't return a string") refute_empty(f.meta_url, 'meta_url is empty') assert_equal(meta_url, f.meta_url, 'The meta_url url of the feed was modified') # Test meta (before json_pull) assert_nil(f.meta) # Test json_file assert_nil(f.json_file) f.json_pull assert_instance_of(String, f.json_file, "json_file doesn't return a string") refute_empty(f.json_file, 'json_file is empty') # Test meta (after json_pull) f.meta_pull assert_instance_of(NVDFeedScraper::Meta, f.meta, "meta doesn't return a Meta object") # Test data (require json_pull) # Test data_type assert_instance_of(String, f.data_type, "data_type doesn't return a String") refute_empty(f.data_type, 'data_type is empty') # Test data_format assert_instance_of(String, f.data_format, "data_format doesn't return a String") refute_empty(f.data_format, 'data_format is empty') # Test data_version assert_instance_of(Float, f.data_version, "data_version doesn't return a Float") # Test data_number_of_cves assert_instance_of(Integer, f.data_number_of_cves, "data_number_of_cves doesn't return an Integer") # Test data_timestamp assert_instance_of(Date, f.data_timestamp, "data_timestamp doesn't return a Date") end def test_feed_available_cves f = @s.feeds('CVE-2011') f.json_pull assert_instance_of(Array, f.available_cves, "available_cves doesn't return an array") refute_empty(f.available_cves, 'available_cves returns an empty array') end def test_feed_cve f = @s.feeds('CVE-2012') f.json_pull # one arg assert_instance_of(Hash, f.cve('CVE-2012-4969'), "cve doesn't return a hash") # two args assert_instance_of(Array, f.cve('CVE-2012-4969', 'cve-2012-1889'), "cve doesn't return an array") refute_empty(f.cve('CVE-2012-4969', 'cve-2012-1889'), 'cve returns an empty array') # array arg assert_instance_of(Array, f.cve(['CVE-2012-4969', 'cve-2012-1889']), "cve doesn't return an array") refute_empty(f.cve(['CVE-2012-4969', 'cve-2012-1889']), 'cve returns an empty array') # bad arg ## string but not a CVE ID err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do f.cve('e') end assert_equal('bad CVE name (e)', err.message) ## bad year assert_nil(f.cve('CVE-2004-31337')) ## bad year not in the feed with array arg err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do f.cve(['CVE-2004-31337', 'CVE-2005-31337']) end assert_equal('CVE-2004-31337, CVE-2005-31337 are unexisting CVEs in this feed', err.message) ## wrong arg type err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do f.cve(1) end assert_equal('the provided argument (1) is nor a String or an Array', err.message) end def test_feed_download_gz f = @s.feeds('CVE-2013') return_value = f.download_gz assert_instance_of(String, return_value, "download_gz doesn't return a string") refute_empty(return_value, 'download_gz returns an empty string') assert(File.file?(return_value), 'download_gz returns an unexisting file') end def test_feed_download_zip f = @s.feeds('CVE-2003') return_value = f.download_zip assert_instance_of(String, return_value, "download_zip doesn't return a string") refute_empty(return_value, 'download_zip returns an empty string') assert(File.file?(return_value), 'download_zip returns an unexisting file') end def test_feed_json_pull f = @s.feeds('CVE-2004') return_value = f.json_pull assert_instance_of(String, return_value, "json_pull doesn't return a string") refute_empty(return_value, 'json_pull returns an empty string') assert(File.file?(return_value), 'json_pull returns an unexisting file') end def test_feed_meta_pull f = @s.feeds('CVE-2005') assert_instance_of(NVDFeedScraper::Meta, f.meta_pull, "meta_pull doesn't return a Meta object") end def test_feed_update! f = @s.feeds('CVE-2006') @s.scrap f_new = @s.feeds('CVE-2006') # Right arg # can't use assert_instance_of because there is no boolean class assert(%w[TrueClass FalseClass].include?(f.update!(f_new).class.to_s), "update! doesn't return a boolean") # Bad arg err = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do f.update!('bad_arg') end assert_equal('bad_arg is not a Feed', err.message) end def test_meta_parse_noarg m ='') assert_equal(0, m.parse, 'parse method return nothing') end def test_meta_parse_witharg m = meta_url = '' assert_equal(0, m.parse(meta_url), 'parse method return nothing') end def test_meta_url_setter m = meta_url = '' assert_equal(meta_url, m.url = meta_url, 'the meta URL is not set correctly') end def test_meta_attributes m = meta_url = '' m.url = meta_url m.parse # Test gz_size assert_instance_of(String, m.gz_size, "Meta gz_size method doesn't return a string") assert(m.gz_size.match?(/[0-9]+/), 'Meta gz_size is not an integer') # Test last_modified_date assert_instance_of(String, m.last_modified_date, "Meta last_modified_date method doesn't return a string") ## Date and time of day for calendar date (extended) '%FT%T%:z' assert(Date.rfc3339(m.last_modified_date), 'Meta last_modified_date is not a rfc3339 date') # Test sha256 assert_instance_of(String, m.sha256, "Meta sha256 method doesn't return a string") assert(m.sha256.match?(/[0-9A-F]{64}/), 'Meta sha256 is not a sha256 string matching /[0-9A-F]{64}/') # Test size assert_instance_of(String, m.size, "Meta size method doesn't return a string") assert(m.size.match?(/[0-9]+/), 'Meta size is not an integer') # Test url assert_instance_of(String, m.url, "Meta url method doesn't return a string") assert_equal(meta_url, m.url, 'The Meta url was modified') # Test zip_size assert_instance_of(String, m.zip_size, "Meta zip_size method doesn't return a string") assert(m.zip_size.match?(/[0-9]+/), 'Meta zip_size is not an integer') end end