<%=f.label :title, :required=>true,:style =>"display:none;", :class=>"control-label"%> <%=f.text_field :title, :class => "full-width",:placeholder=>"Enter title here"%>
<%= f.text_area :content,:style => "width:100%;", :class => 'tinymce full-width' %>
<% if Spud::Blog.config.has_custom_fields %>
Custom Fields <%= render :partial => '/spud/admin/posts/custom_fields', :locals => {:f => f} %>
<% end %>
<%= f.label :published_at, 'Publish Date', :class=>"control-label" %>
<%= f.text_field :published_at, :class => 'spud_form_date_picker' %>
<%= f.label :visible, :class=>"control-label" %>
<%= f.check_box :visible %>
<%= f.label :meta_keywords, 'Keywords', :class=>"control-label" %>
<%= f.text_field :meta_keywords ,:style=>"width:600px;" %> A Comma seperated list of keywords for search engines. Keep it short (no more than 10 keywords)
<%= f.label :meta_description, 'Description', :class=>"control-label" %>
<%= f.text_area :meta_description, :style =>"width:600px;height:40px;"%> A short description of the article. This is what appears on a search engines search result page.
<% unless @post.is_news %>
<%= f.label :comments_enabled,"Comments Enabled", :class=>"control-label" %>
<%= f.check_box :comments_enabled %>
<% end %>
<%= f.hidden_field :is_news %> <%= f.hidden_field :spud_user_id %>
<%=f.submit "Save Post", :class=>"btn btn-primary form-btn","data-loading-text"=>"Saving..."%> or <%=link_to "cancel",request.referer,:class => "btn"%>