# Rawbotz Rawbotz provides a Web-Interface to do certain management tasks for a particular Magento Web-Shop (RawLiving Germany). In this shop, products are supplied by different suppliers, of which one offers a magento-shop itself. Rawbotz couples the `rawgento_db`, `rawgento_models` and `magento_remote` gems to make it easy to order items from this particular other shop and provides further functionality, e.g. accessing stock and sales history information. Note that this git repository includes software components whose Copyright and License differ from the other parts. These are - Font Awesome (http://fontawesome.io/) in `lib/rawbotz/public/font-awesome-4.5.0` - Pure CSS (http://purecss.io) in `lib/rawbotz/public/pure-min.css` - Chart.JS (http://chartjs.org) in `lib/rawbotz/public/Chart.min.js` - jquery and jquery-ui (http://jquery.com, http://jqueryui.com) in `lib/rawbotz/public/jquery-2.2.0.min.js` and `lib/rawbotz/public/jui` The copyright and license information is contained in the respective file headers. All other files are Copyright 2016 Felix Wolfsteller and licensed under the AGPLv3 (or any later). ## Installation While bundling rawbotz up and installing it as a gem should be possible, it is strongly advised to install it via git. Note that the dependencies should be handled with bundler if you are not running a development setup. Anyway, the application is so specific to RawLiving Germanys needs that you probably want to get in contact first. ## Assumptions - supplier attribute - shelve attribute - packsize attribute - Ubuntu 14.04 installation, using rvm in an unprivileged users home. ## Usage Until `rawgento_models`, `rawgento_db` and `magento_remote` (gems by same author) have settled, please adjust the `Gemfile` and checkout these gems in the parent folder. ### Configuration Rawbotz combines the configuration files of `rawgento_db`, `rawgento_models` and `magento_remote` in a single file (default: `rawbotz.conf`). In theory, the components configure themselves using their respective default configuration file paths. #### Unified appraoch Create a `rawbotz.conf` YAML-file with the unified keys needed. Note that you can pass the path to this configuration file to the various executables in `exe/`. # Rawbotz own database default: &default adapter: sqlite3 database: /home/rawbotz/database.sqlite encoding: utf8 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 development: <<: *default test: <<: *default database: db/rawgento_test.db # Local Magento MySQL database host: port: 3306 database: magento_shop_dbname username: magento_db_username password: magento_db_password # Attributes needed attribute_ids: name: 11 supplier_name: 666 shelve_nr: 42 packsize: 1337 # Remote Magento Web Interface (for our mech) remote_shop: base_uri: https://magentoshop.remote user: mylogin@email.address pass: whatnottobenamed supplier_name: MagentoShop Remote local_shop: base_uri: https://magentoshop.mine mail: to: your@email.address from: senders@email.address host: email.address user: senders@email.user pass: senders.email.password port: 587 Then, tell RawbotzApp to eat your config via `exe/rawbotz -c rawbotz.conf`. To have fun directly with rack instead use the environment variable `RAWBOTZ_CONFIG`, like in `RAWBOTZ_CONFIG=/home/rawbotz/rawbotz.conf rackup`. #### Reference to the configurable required components Look in the corresponding gems to check how their configuration has to be done: * [rawgento_db s rawgento_db-config.yml](https://github.com/rawliving-germany/rawgento_db) * [rawgento_models s db/config.yml](https://github.com/rawliving-germany/rawgento_models) * [magento_remotes config](https://github.com/fwolfst/magento_remote) ##### In Quick Configure your database in db/config.yml (Rails style, `rawgento_models`). Configure your magento mysql-connection in rawgento_db-config.yml (`rawgento_db`): host: myshop.shop port: 3306 database: magento_myshop username: magento_myshop_dbuser password: magento_myshop_dbpassword Finally, configure the remote shops credentials (`magento_remote`) ## Setup Note that a script with basic support for maintenance-tasks is underway (exe/rawbotz_maintenance.sh). #### Setup the database Run `rake db:setup` (if `db/schema.rb` is present) or `rake db:migrate` to setup the database. Unfortunately, there is no way to pass in the config file, so for now you have to create `db/config.yml` (which can be nearly the same as `rawbotz.conf`) temporarily. #### Populate the database with local and remote products E.g. with `bundle exec exe/rawbotz_update_local_products -c rawbotz.conf` . This will query your magento MySQL database and create 'local' products, expect the command to run a while (minutes). E.g. with `bundle exec exe/rawbotz_update_remote_products -c rawbotz.conf` This will query the remote magento shop (scraping it via html GET requests) and create 'remote' products, expect the command to run a while longer (more minutes). You might need to adapt parameters, depending on the remote shop. `bundle exec exe/rawbotz_update_remote_products --help` gives you a hint on how to optimize your settings. #### Setup mailing Mails are sent via pony. Create following `rawbotz.conf` section: mail: to: your@email.address from: senders@email.address host: email.address user: senders@email.user pass: senders.email.password port: 587 . Multiple receipients can be addressed like this: mail: to: - your@email.address - colleagues@mail.address . ### Deployment or web-app startup You can run `(bundle exec) exe/rawbotz`, `rackup` or put rawbotz behind a phusion passenger. There is a `-c` option to pass in a config file. As usual, for `rackup` you can specify port (`-p`) and host (`-o`) parameters. The path to config file has to be exposed as RAWBOTZ_CONFIG env var. ### Stock History Update via cron Assuming an Ubuntu Server Setup, run `crontab -e` and add following line to fetch stock values every day at 03:00 am. ### Other tools included #### rawbotz_update_local_products Updates Products from magento MySQL database. See `--help` for more information. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run `bundle exec rawbotz` to use the gem in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). You can `bundle console` to jump into a pre-setup irb, then call `RawgentoModels::establish_connection "rawbotz.conf"` to setup the database connection and deal with real world data. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/rawbotz. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. Feel free to get in contact with me.