@javascript Feature: Structure Rules In order to have patterned content As a Decker I want to manage structure through rules Background: Given I am signed in as Joe Admin And I create Cardtype card "Movie" And I create card "Movie+*type+*structure" with content "{{+director}} {{+lead}} {{+color}}" And I create Phrase card "color+*right+*default" with content "true dat" Scenario: New structured card When I edit "Movie+*type+*structure" Then I should see "{{+lead}}" When I go to new Movie Then I should see "+director" And I should see "+lead" Scenario: Create and edit templated card When I create Movie card "Star Wars" with plusses: |director|lead| |George Lucas|Harrison Ford| And I go to card "Star Wars" Then In the main card content I should see "George Lucas" And In the main card content I should see "Harrison Ford" When I edit "Star Wars" with plusses: |director|lead| |G. Lucas|H. Ford| And I go to card "Star Wars" Then In the main card content I should see "G. Lucas" And In the main card content I should see "H. Ford" And In the main card content I should see "true dat" Scenario: Default on a ranking set Given I create card "Home Movie+*right+*default" with content "Watch this" When I go to new Movie card named "Lew+Home Movie" Then I should see "Watch this"