# = Plugin Manger # # Find plugins easily. # # NOTE: This is likely to be replaced with # a more generic means of finding libraries. # module PluginManager extend self # Find plugins, searching through standard $LOAD_PATH, # Roll Libraries and RubyGems. # # +match+ is a file glob for finding plugins. # # PluginManager.find('syckles/*') # def find(match) plugins = [] # Standard $LOAD_PATH $LOAD_PATH.uniq.each do |path| list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, match)) #dirs = dirs.select{ |d| File.directory?(d) } list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end # ROLL (load latest versions only) if defined?(::Roll) ::Roll::Library.ledger.each do |name, lib| lib = lib.sort.first if Array===lib lib.load_path.each do |path| find = File.join(lib.location, path, match) list = Dir.glob(find) list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end end end # RubyGems (load latest versions only) if defined?(::Gem) Gem.latest_load_paths do |path| list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, match)) list = list.map{ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end end plugins end end