module Ruby2JS class Converter # (hash # (pair # (sym :name) # (str "value"))) handle :hash do |*pairs| compact do singleton = pairs.length <= 1 (singleton ? put('{') : puts('{')) pairs.each_with_index do |node, index| raise"kwsplat", @ast) if node.type == :kwsplat (singleton ? put(', ') : put(",#@ws")) unless index == 0 if not @comments[node].empty? (puts ''; singleton = false) if singleton comments(node).each {|comment| put comment} end begin block_depth,block_hash = @block_depth,false left, right = node.children if Hash === right or right.type == :block block_hash = true @block_depth = 0 unless @block_depth end if left.type == :prop if right[:get] unless @comments[right[:get]].empty? (puts ''; singleton = false) if singleton comments(right[:get]).each {|comment| put comment} end @prop = "get #{left.children[0]}" parse(right[:get]) (singleton ? put(', ') : put(",#@ws")) if right[:set] end if right[:set] unless @comments[right[:set]].empty? (puts ''; singleton = false) if singleton comments(right[:set]).each {|comment| put comment} end @prop = "set #{left.children[0]}" parse(right[:set]) end else # hoist get/set comments to definition of property if right.type == :hash right.children.each do |pair| next unless Parser::AST::Node === pair.children.last if [:block, :def, :async].include? pair.children.last.type if @comments[pair.children.last] (puts ''; singleton = false) if singleton comments(pair.children.last).each do |comment| put comment end end end end end # check to see if es2015 anonymous function syntax can be used anonfn = (es2015 and right and right.type == :block) if anonfn receiver, method = right.children[0].children if receiver unless method == :new and receiver.children == [nil, :Proc] anonfn = false end elsif not [:lambda, :proc].include? method anonfn = false end end if anonfn and left.children.first.to_s =~ /\A[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*\Z/ then @prop = left.children.first parse right, :method else if not [:str, :sym].include? left.type and es2015 put '[' parse left put ']' elsif left.children.first.to_s =~ /\A[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*\Z/ then put left.children.first else parse left end put ': '; parse right end end ensure if block_hash @block_depth = block_depth end end end (singleton ? put('}') : sput('}')) end end end end