inject_into_file 'features/support/paths.rb', :after => "case page_name\n" do <<-'FILE' when /the admin/ '/admin' when /the add user page/ '/admin/users/new' FILE end create_file 'features/admin.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Admin dashboard As an administrator I want to manage the application So that I can have full control over the site Scenario: Login as an admin Given a logged in admin user When I am on the admin Then I should see "Admin" FILE end create_file 'features/user_admin.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Administer users As an administrator I want to manage the users So that I can provide support for them Background: Given the following role records | name | | Member | Scenario: Create, update, delete a user in the admin Given a logged in admin user When I am on the add user page And I fill in "user_name" with "Big Boi" And I fill in "user_email" with "" And I fill in "user_password" with "Ch!coDusty$" And I fill in "user_password_confirmation" with "Ch!coDusty$" And I press "Create User" Then I should see "User created!" And I should see "Big Boi" When I follow "Big Boi" Then the "user_name" field should contain "Big Boi" And the "user_email" field should contain "" When I follow "Bigger Boi" Then the "user_name" field should contain "Bigger Boi" And the "user_email" field should contain "" Then I press "Update User" Then I follow "Delete" Then I should see "User deleted." And I should not see "Bigger Boi" FILE end