require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe Rupy::PyObject do include RubyPythonStartStop include TestConstants before do @string = Rupy.import('string').pObject @urllib2 = Rupy.import('urllib2').pObject @builtin = Rupy.import("__builtin__") sys = Rupy.import 'sys' sys.path.append './spec/python_helpers/' @objects = Rupy.import('objects') end describe ".new" do [ ["a string", AString], ["an int", AnInt], ["a float", AFloat], ["an array", AnArray], ["a symbol", ASym], ["a hash", AHash] ].each do |title, obj| it "should wrap #{title}" do lambda { }.should_not raise_exception end end [ "a string", "an int", "a list", "a dict", "a tuple" ].each do |title| it "should take #{title} from a Python pointer" do lambda do py_obj = @objects.__send__(title.gsub(' ','_')).pObject.pointer end.should_not raise_exception end end end #new describe "#rubify" do [ ["a string", AString], ["an int", AnInt], ["a float", AFloat], ["an array", AnArray], ["a symbol", ASym, ASym.to_s], ["a hash", AHash, AConvertedHash] ].each do |arr| type, input, output = arr output ||= input it "should faithfully unwrap #{type}" do == output end end end #rubify describe "#hasAttr" do it "should return true when object has the requested attribute" do @string.hasAttr("ascii_letters").should be_true end it "should return false when object does not have the requested attribute" do @string.hasAttr("nonExistentThing").should be_false end end describe "#getAttr" do it "should fetch requested object attribute" do ascii_letters = @string.getAttr "ascii_letters" ascii_letters.rubify.should == "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" end it "should return a PyObject instance" do ascii_letters = @string.getAttr "ascii_letters" ascii_letters.should be_kind_of(described_class) end end describe "#setAttr" do it "should modify the specified attribute of the object" do pyNewLetters = "RbPy" @string.setAttr "ascii_letters", pyNewLetters @string.getAttr("ascii_letters").rubify.should == pyNewLetters.rubify end it "should create the requested attribute if it doesn't exist" do pyNewString = "python" @string.setAttr "ruby", pyNewString @string.getAttr("ruby").rubify.should == pyNewString.rubify end end describe "#cmp" do before do @less = 5 @greater = 10 @less_dup = 5 end it "should return 0 when objects are equal" do @less.cmp(@less_dup).should == 0 end it "should change sign under interchange of arguments" do @less.cmp(@greater).should == -@greater.cmp(@less) end it "should return -1 when first object is less than the second" do @less.cmp(@greater).should == -1 end it "should return 1 when first object is greater than the second" do @greater.cmp(@less).should == 1 end end describe "#makeTuple" do it "should wrap single arguments in a tuple" do arg = AString described_class.makeTuple(arg).rubify.should == [AString] end it "should turn a Python list into a tuple" do arg = @objects.a_list.pObject converted = described_class.makeTuple(arg) converted.rubify.should == AnArray end it "should return the given argument if it is a tuple" do arg = @objects.a_tuple.pObject converted = described_class.makeTuple(arg) converted.pointer.address.should == arg.pointer.address end end describe "#callObject" do #Expand coverage types it "should execute wrapped object with supplied arguments" do arg = AnInt argt = described_class.buildArgTuple arg builtin = @builtin.pObject stringClass = builtin.getAttr "str" stringClass.callObject(argt).rubify.should == AnInt.to_s end end describe "#newList" do it "should wrap supplied args in a Python list" do args = do |obj| obj end described_class.newList(*args).rubify.should == AnArray end end describe "#function_or_method?" do it "should be true for a method" do mockObjClass = @objects.RubyPythonMockObject.pObject mockObjClass.getAttr('square_elements').should be_a_function_or_method end it "should be true for a function" do @objects.pObject.getAttr('identity').should be_a_function_or_method end xit "should return true for a builtin function" do any = @builtin.pObject.getAttr('any') any.should be_a_function_or_method end it "should return false for a class" do @objects.RubyPythonMockObject.pObject.should_not be_a_function_or_method end end describe "#class?" do it "should return true if wrapped object is an old style class" do @objects.RubyPythonMockObject.pObject.should be_a_class end it "should return true if wrapped object is an new style class" do @objects.NewStyleClass.pObject.should be_a_class end it "should return true if wrapped object is a builtin class" do strClass = @builtin.pObject.getAttr('str') strClass.should be_a_class end it "should return false for an object instance" do be_a_class end end describe "#callable?" do it "should be true for a method" do mockObjClass = @objects.RubyPythonMockObject.pObject mockObjClass.getAttr('square_elements').should be_callable end it "should be true for a function" do @objects.pObject.getAttr('identity').should be_callable end it "should return true for a builtin function" do any = @builtin.pObject.getAttr('any') any.should be_callable end it "should return true for a class" do @objects.RubyPythonMockObject.pObject.should be_callable end it "should return false for a non-callable instance" do be_callable end specify { be_callable } end describe ".convert" do it "should not modify PyObjects passed to it" do args = { |x| } described_class.convert(*args).should == args end it "should pull PyObjects out of RubyPyProxy instances" do args = @objects.an_array.to_a described_class.convert(*args).should == {|x| x.pObject} end it "should create new PyObject instances of simple Ruby types" do described_class.convert(*AnArray).each do |x| x.should be_a_kind_of described_class end end end end