#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' begin require 'linkeddata' rescue LoadError end $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__)) require 'json/ld' require 'getoptlong' require 'open-uri' require 'logger' def run(input, options) reader_class = RDF::Reader.for(options[:input_format].to_sym) raise "Reader not found for #{options[:input_format]}" unless reader_class # Override default (or specified) output format when framing options[:format] = :jsonld if options[:compact] || options[:frame] # If input format is not JSON-LD, transform input to JSON-LD first reader = if options[:input_format] != :jsonld reader_class.new(input, options[:parser_options]) end start = Time.new if options[:expand] options = options.merge(expandContext: options.delete(:context)) if options.has_key?(:context) input = JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(reader) if reader output = JSON::LD::API.expand(input, options) secs = Time.new - start options[:output].puts output.to_json(JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) STDERR.puts "Expanded in #{secs} seconds." unless options[:quiet] elsif options[:compact] input = JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(reader) if reader output = JSON::LD::API.compact(input, options[:context], options) secs = Time.new - start options[:output].puts output.to_json(JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) STDERR.puts "Compacted in #{secs} seconds." unless options[:quiet] elsif options[:flatten] input = JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(reader) if reader output = JSON::LD::API.flatten(input, options[:context], options) secs = Time.new - start options[:output].puts output.to_json(JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) STDERR.puts "Flattened in #{secs} seconds." unless options[:quiet] elsif options[:frame] input = JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(reader) if reader output = JSON::LD::API.frame(input, options[:frame], options) secs = Time.new - start options[:output].puts output.to_json(JSON::LD::JSON_STATE) STDERR.puts "Framed in #{secs} seconds." unless options[:quiet] else options = options.merge(expandContext: options.delete(:context)) if options.has_key?(:context) parser_options = options[:parser_options].merge(standard_prefixes: true) reader ||= JSON::LD::Reader.new(input, parser_options) num = 0 RDF::Writer.for(options[:output_format]).new(options[:output], parser_options) do |w| reader.each do |statement| num += 1 w << statement end end secs = Time.new - start STDERR.puts "\nParsed #{num} statements in #{secs} seconds @ #{num/secs} statements/second." unless options[:quiet] end rescue fname = case when input.respond_to?(:path) then input.path when input.respond_to?(:requested_url) && input.requested_url then input.requested_url when input.respond_to?(:base_uri) then input.base_uri else "-stdin-" end STDERR.puts("Error in #{fname}") raise end logger = Logger.new(STDERR) logger.level = Logger::WARN logger.formatter = lambda {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{severity}: #{msg}\n"} parser_options = { base: nil, validate: false, stream: false, strict: false, logger: logger, } options = { parser_options: parser_options, output: STDOUT, output_format: :jsonld, input_format: :jsonld, logger: logger, } input = nil OPT_ARGS = [ ["--debug", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Turn on verbose debugging"], ["--compact", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Compact document, using --context"], ["--compactArrays", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, "Set compactArrays option"], ["--context", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Context to apply for expand, compact and converting from RDF"], ["--embed", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"a flag specifying that objects should be directly embedded in the output, instead of being referred to by their IRI"], ["--evaluate","-e", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Evaluate argument as a JSON-LD document"], ["--expand", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Expand document, using an optional --context"], ["--expanded", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, "Input is already expanded"], ["--explicit", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, "a flag specifying that for properties to be included in the output, they must be explicitly declared in the framing context"], ["--flatten", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Flatten document, using an optional --context"], ["--format", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Specify output format when converting to RDF"], ["--frame", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Frame document, using the file or URL as a frame specification"], ["--input-format", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Format of the input document, when converting from RDF."], ["--omitDefault", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT,"a flag specifying that properties that are missing from the JSON-LD input should be omitted from the output"], ["--output", "-o", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Output to the specified file path"], ["--parse-only", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Parse the document for well-formedness only"], ["--processingMode",GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"Set processing mode, defaults to json-ld-1.1"], ["--quiet", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Supress most output other than progress indicators"], ["--rename_bnodes", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT,"Rename bnodes as part of expansion, or keep them the same"], ["--requireAll", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT,"Rename bnodes as part of expansion, or keep them the same"], ["--simple_compact_iris",GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT,"When compacting IRIs, do not use terms with expanded term definitions"], ["--stream", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Use Streaming reader/writer"], ["--unique_bnodes", GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT,"Use unique bnode identifiers"], ["--uri", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,"URI to be used as the document base"], ["--validate", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "Validate while processing"], ["--help", "-?", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, "This message"] ] def usage STDERR.puts %{Usage: #{$0} [options] file ...} width = OPT_ARGS.map do |o| l = o.first.length l += o[1].length + 2 if o[1].is_a?(String) l end.max OPT_ARGS.each do |o| s = " %-*s " % [width, (o[1].is_a?(String) ? "#{o[0,2].join(', ')}" : o[0])] s += o.last STDERR.puts s end exit(1) end opts = GetoptLong.new(*OPT_ARGS.map {|o| o[0..-2]}) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--debug' then logger.level = Logger::DEBUG when '--compact' then options[:compact] = true when "--compactArrays" then options[:compactArrays] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when '--context' then options[:context] = arg when '--evaluate' then input = arg when '--expand' then options[:expand] = true when "--expanded" then options[:expanded] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when "--explicit" then options[:compactArrays] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when '--format' then options[:output_format] = arg.to_sym when '--flatten' then options[:flatten] = arg when '--frame' then options[:frame] = arg when '--input-format' then options[:input_format] = arg.to_sym when "--omitDefault" then options[:omitDefault] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when '--output' then options[:output] = File.open(arg, "w") when '--parse-only' then options[:parse_only] = true when '--processingMode' then options[:processingMode] = arg when '--quiet' options[:quiet] = true logger.level = Logger::FATAL when "--rename_bnodes" then options[:rename_bnodes] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when "--requireAll" then options[:requireAll] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when '--stream' then parser_options[:stream] = true when "--unique_bnodes" then options[:unique_bnodes] = (arg || 'true') == 'true' when '--uri' then parser_options[:base] = arg when '--validate' then parser_options[:validate] = true when '--help' then usage when '--embed' case arg when '@always', '@never', '@link', '@last' options[:embed] = arg when 'true' options[:embed] = true when 'false' options[:embed] = false else STDERR.puts "--embed option takes one of '@always', '@never', '@link', '@last', true, or false" exit(1) end end end # Hack options[:parser_options][:context] = options[:context] if parser_options[:stream] if !(options.keys & [:expand, :compact, :flatten, :frame]).empty? && (parser_options[:stream] || options[:output_format] != :jsonld) STDERR.puts "Incompatible options" exit(1) end if ARGV.empty? s = input ? input : $stdin.read run(StringIO.new(s), options) else ARGV.each do |file| # Call with opened files RDF::Util::File.open_file(file, options) {|f| run(f, options)} end end puts