module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL UPDATE `sequence` operator. # # Sequences through each operand # # @example # (sequence # (bgp # (triple ?s ?p ??0) # (triple ??0 rdf:first ??1) # (triple ??0 rdf:rest ??2) # (triple ??2 rdf:first ??3) # (triple ??2 rdf:rest rdf:nil)) # (path ??1 (seq (path* :p) :q) 123) # (path ??3 (reverse :r) "hello")) class Sequence < Operator include SPARQL::Algebra::Update NAME = :sequence ## # Basically a JOIN across multiple operands # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to write # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @option options [Boolean] debug # Query execution debugging # @yield [solution] # each matching solution # @yieldparam [RDF::Query::Solution] solution # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @see def execute(queryable, **options) debug(options) {"Sequence #{operands.to_sse}"} last = queryable.query(operands.shift, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"(sequence)=>(last) #{}"} operands.each do |op| this = queryable.query(op, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) debug(options) {"(sequence)=>(this) #{}"} last = do |s1| do |s2| s2.merge(s1) if s2.compatible?(s1) end end.flatten.compact debug(options) {"(sequence)=>(next) #{}"} end @solutions = debug(options) {"(sequence)=> #{}"} @solutions.each(&block) if block_given? @solutions end end # Sequence end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra