require "helper" require "neovim/ruby_provider/window_ext" module Neovim RSpec.describe Window do let!(:nvim) do Neovim.attach_child(Support.child_argv).tap do |nvim| stub_const("::Vim", nvim) end end after { nvim.shutdown } describe ".current" do it "returns the current window from the global Vim client" do expect(Window.current).to eq(nvim.get_current_win) end end describe ".count" do it "returns the current window count from the global Vim client" do expect do nvim.command("new") change { Window.count }.by(1) end it "only includes windows within a tabpage" do expect do nvim.command("tabnew") end.not_to change { Window.count }.from(1) end end describe ".[]" do it "returns the window at the given index" do expect do nvim.command("new") change { Window[1] }.from(nil).to(kind_of(Window)) end it "only includes windows within a tabpage" do nvim.command("new") expect do nvim.command("tabnew") change { Window[1] }.from(kind_of(Window)).to(nil) end end end end