# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "fileutils" options = { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss" } RSpec.describe IsoDoc do it "generates file based on string input" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", filename: "test" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) test

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT expect(File.exist?("test.html")).to be true html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).to match(%r{test}) expect(html).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).to match(%r{cdnjs\.cloudflare\.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/}) expect(html).to match(/delimiters: \[\['\(#\(', '\)#\)'\]\]/) end it "generates file in a remote directory" do FileUtils.rm_f "spec/assets/test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "spec/assets/test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "word.css", htmlstylesheet: "html.scss", filename: "test" }, ).convert("spec/assets/test", <<~"INPUT", false) test

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT expect(File.exist?("spec/assets/test.html")).to be true html = File.read("spec/assets/test.html") expect(html).to match(%r{test}) expect(html).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) end it "ignores Liquid markup in the document body" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" input = <<~INPUT test

{% elif %}These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new(wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css") .convert("test", input, false) IsoDoc::WordConvert.new({ wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css" }) .convert("test", input, false) expect(File.exist?("test.html")).to be true html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).to match(%r/\{% elif %}/) expect(File.exist?("test.doc")).to be true html = File.read("test.doc") expect(html).to match(%r/\{% elif %}/) end it "generates HTML output docs with null configuration" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new({ wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css" }) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT expect(File.exist?("test.html")).to be true html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).not_to match(%r{test}) expect(html).not_to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).to match(%r{cdnjs\.cloudflare\.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/}) expect(html).to match(/delimiters: \[\['\(#\(', '\)#\)'\]\]/) expect(html).not_to match(/html-override/) end it "generates Word output docs with null configuration" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT expect(File.exist?("test.doc")).to be true word = File.read("test.doc") expect(word).to match(/one empty stylesheet/) expect(word).to match(/div\.table_container/) expect(word).not_to match(/word-override/) end it "generates HTML output docs with null configuration from file" do FileUtils.rm_f "spec/assets/iso.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "spec/assets/iso.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "word.css", htmlstylesheet: "html.scss" }, ).convert("spec/assets/iso.xml", nil, false) expect(File.exist?("spec/assets/iso.html")).to be true html = File.read("spec/assets/iso.html") expect(html).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).to match(%r{https://use.fontawesome.com}) expect(html).to match(%r{libs/jquery}) expect(html).to include "$('#toggle')" expect(html).not_to match(/CDATA/) end it "generates Headless HTML output docs with null configuration from file" do FileUtils.rm_f "spec/assets/iso.html" IsoDoc::HeadlessHtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "word.css", htmlstylesheet: "html.scss" }, ).convert("spec/assets/iso.xml", nil, false) expect(File.exist?("spec/assets/iso.headless.html")).to be true html = File.read("spec/assets/iso.headless.html") expect(html).not_to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).not_to match(%r{https://use.fontawesome.com}) expect(html).not_to match(%r{libs/jquery}) expect(html).not_to match(%r{

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-family: Zapf/m) expect(html).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-family: Consolas/m) expect(html).to match(/h1 \{[^}]*?font-family: Comic Sans/m) expect(html).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-size: 30pt/m) expect(html).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-size: 29pt/m) expect(html).to match(/p\.note \{[^}]*?font-size: 28pt/m) expect(html).to match(/aside \{[^}]*?font-size: 27pt/m) expect(html).to match(/an empty html cover page/) expect(html).to match(/an empty html intro page/) expect(html).to match(/This is > a script/) expect(html).to match(/This is > also a script/) expect(html).not_to match(/CDATA/) expect(html).to match(%r{Antaŭparolo}) expect(html).to match(%r{html-override}) end it "generates HTML output docs with default fonts" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", htmlcoverpage: "spec/assets/htmlcover.html", htmlintropage: "spec/assets/htmlintro.html", scripts: "spec/assets/scripts.html", i18nyaml: "spec/assets/i18n.yaml", ulstyle: "l1", olstyle: "l2" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(html).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-family: Arial/m) expect(html).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-family: Courier New/m) expect(html).to match(/h1 \{[^}]*?font-family: Arial/m) expect(html).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-size: 1em;/m) expect(html).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-size: 0.8em/m) expect(html).to match(/p\.note \{[^}]*?font-size: 0.9em/m) expect(html).to match(/aside \{[^}]*?font-size: 0.9em/m) expect(html).to match(/an empty html cover page/) expect(html).to match(/an empty html intro page/) expect(html).to match(/This is > a script/) expect(html).not_to match(/CDATA/) expect(html).to match(%r{Antaŭparolo}) end it "generates Word output docs with complete configuration" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { bodyfont: "Zapf", monospacefont: "Consolas", headerfont: "Comic Sans", normalfontsize: "30pt", monospacefontsize: "29pt", smallerfontsize: "28pt", footnotefontsize: "27pt", wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordstylesheet_override: "spec/assets/word_override.css", standardstylesheet: "spec/assets/std.css", header: "spec/assets/header.html", wordcoverpage: "spec/assets/wordcover.html", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html", i18nyaml: "spec/assets/i18n.yaml", ulstyle: "l1", olstyle: "l2" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") expect(word).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(word).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-family: Zapf/m) expect(word).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-family: Consolas/m) expect(word).to match(/h1 \{[^}]*?font-family: Comic Sans/m) expect(word).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-size: 30pt/m) expect(word).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-size: 29pt/m) expect(word).to match(/p\.note \{[^}]*?font-size: 28pt/m) expect(word).to match(/aside \{[^}]*?font-size: 27pt/m) expect(word).to match(/a third empty stylesheet/) expect(word) .to match(/Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filelist.xml"/) expect(word).to match(/an empty word cover page/) expect(word).to match(/an empty word intro page/) expect(word).to match(%r{Antaŭparolo}) expect(word).to match(%r{word-override}) end it "generates Word output docs with default fonts" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", standardstylesheet: "spec/assets/std.css", header: "spec/assets/header.html", wordcoverpage: "spec/assets/wordcover.html", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html", i18nyaml: "spec/assets/i18n.yaml", ulstyle: "l1", olstyle: "l2" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") expect(word).to match(/another empty stylesheet/) expect(word).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-family: Arial/m) expect(word).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-family: Courier New/m) expect(word).to match(/h1 \{[^}]*?font-family: Arial/m) expect(word).to match(/p \{[^}]*?font-size: 12pt/m) expect(word).to match(/code \{[^}]*?font-size: 11pt/m) expect(word).to match(/p\.note \{[^}]*?font-size: 10pt/m) expect(word).to match(/aside \{[^}]*?font-size: 9pt/m) expect(word).to match(/a third empty stylesheet/) # expect(word).to match(/test<\/title>/) expect(word) .to match(/Content-Disposition: inline; filename="filelist.xml"/) expect(word).to match(/an empty word cover page/) expect(word).to match(/an empty word intro page/) expect(word).to match(%r{Antaŭparolo</h1>}) end it "cleans up HTML output preface placeholder paragraphs" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { bodyfont: "Zapf", monospacefont: "Consolas", headerfont: "Comic Sans", normalfontsize: "30pt", monospacefontsize: "29pt", smallerfontsize: "28pt", footnotefontsize: "27pt", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", htmlstylesheet_override: "spec/assets/html_override.css", htmlcoverpage: "spec/assets/htmlcover.html", htmlintropage: "spec/assets/htmlintro.html", scripts: "spec/assets/scripts.html", scripts_override: "spec/assets/scripts_override.html", i18nyaml: "spec/assets/i18n.yaml", ulstyle: "l1", olstyle: "l2" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) <iso-standard xmlns="http://riboseinc.com/isoxml"> <preface><foreword> <note> <p id="_f06fd0d1-a203-4f3d-a515-0bdba0f8d83f">These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p> </note> </foreword></preface> </iso-standard> INPUT html = Nokogiri::XML(File.read("test.html")).at("//body") html.xpath("//script").each(&:remove) expect(html.to_xml).to be_equivalent_to <<~OUTPUT <body lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <div class="title-section"> /* an empty html cover page */ </div> <br/> <div class="prefatory-section"> /* an empty html intro page */ <ul id="toc-list"/> </div> <br/> <main class="main-section"><button onclick="topFunction()" id="myBtn" title="Go to top">Top</button> <br/> <div> <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Antaŭparolo</h1> <div class="Note"> <p>  These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.</p> </div> </div> <p class="zzSTDTitle1"/> </main> </body> OUTPUT end it "converts definition lists to tables for Word" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) <iso-standard xmlns="http://riboseinc.com/isoxml"> <preface><foreword> <dl> <dt>Term</dt> <dd>Definition</dd> <dt>Term 2</dt> <dd>Definition 2</dd> </dl> </foreword></preface> </iso-standard> INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*<div class="WordSection2">/m, '<div class="WordSection2">') .sub(%r{<p class="MsoNormal">\s*<br clear="all" class="section"/>\s*</p>\s*<div class="WordSection3">.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") <div class="WordSection2"> <p class="MsoNormal"><br clear="all" style="mso-special-character:line-break;page-break-before:always"/></p> <div> <h1 class="ForewordTitle">Foreword</h1> <table class="dl"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left"> <p align="left" style="margin-left:0pt;text-align:left;" class="MsoNormal">Term</p> </td> <td valign="top">Definition</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left"> <p align="left" style="margin-left:0pt;text-align:left;" class="MsoNormal">Term 2</p> </td> <td valign="top">Definition 2</td> </tr> </table> </div> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> </div> OUTPUT end it "populates Word header" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", header: "spec/assets/header.html" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) <iso-standard xmlns="http://riboseinc.com/isoxml"> <bibdata type="article"> <docidentifier> <project-number part="1">1000</project-number> </docidentifier> </bibdata> </iso-standard> INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(%r{^.*Content-ID: <header.html>}m, "Content-ID: <header.html>") .sub(/------=_NextPart.*$/m, "") expect(word).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" Content-ID: <header.html> Content-Disposition: inline; filename="header.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: text/html charset="utf-8" Ci8qIGFuIGVtcHR5IGhlYWRlciAqLwoKU1RBUlQgRE9DIElEOiAKICAgICAgICAgICAxMDAwCiAg ICAgICAgIDogRU5EIERPQyBJRAoKRklMRU5BTUU6IHRlc3QKCg== OUTPUT end it "populates HTML ToC" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new({ htmltoclevels: 3 }) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) <iso-standard xmlns="http://riboseinc.com/isoxml"> <preface><foreword><title>Foreword FORVORT First Clause First Subclause SUBCLOZ INPUT html = Nokogiri::XML(File.read("test.html")) .at("//div[@id = 'toc']") expect(xmlpp(html)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~OUTPUT) HAJSHJAS OUTPUT end it "populates Word ToC" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) Clause 4 Introduction<bookmark id="Q"/> to this <image src="spec/assets/rice_image1.png" id="_" mimetype="image/png"/> <fn reference="1"> <p id="_ff27c067-2785-4551-96cf-0a73530ff1e6">Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).</p> </fn> Clause 4.2


Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).

Clause 4.2.1 SUBCLOZ
INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word.gsub(/_Toc\d\d+/, "_Toc") .gsub(/ <\/o:p>/, ""))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~'OUTPUT') OUTPUT end it "populates Word ToC with custom levels" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html", doctoclevels: 3 }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) Clause 4 Introduction<bookmark id="Q"/> to this<fn reference="1"> <p id="_ff27c067-2785-4551-96cf-0a73530ff1e6">Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).</p> </fn> Clause 4.2


Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).

Clause 4.2.1
INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word.gsub(/_Toc\d\d+/, "_Toc") .gsub(/ <\/o:p>/, ""))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~'OUTPUT') OUTPUT end it "populates Word ToC with figures, tables, recommendations" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" input = <<~INPUT Clause 4 Introduction<bookmark id="Q"/> to this<fn reference="1"> <p id="_ff27c067-2785-4551-96cf-0a73530ff1e6">Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).</p> </fn> Clause 4.2 Recommendation Verification 1 Recommendation Verification 2
First figure
First table


Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).

Clause 4.2.1
INPUT IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html", doctoclevels: 3 }, ).convert("test", input, false) word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word.gsub(/_Toc\d\d+/, "_Toc") .gsub(/ <\/o:p>/, ""))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~'OUTPUT') OUTPUT toc_input = input.sub(%r{}, <<~MISC, List of tables List of figures List of recommendations MISC ) IsoDoc::WordConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html", doctoclevels: 3 }, ).convert("test", toc_input, false) word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word.gsub(/_Toc\d\d+/, "_Toc") .gsub(/ <\/o:p>/, ""))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~'OUTPUT')
/* an empty word intro page */

  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Clause 4 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

Introduction to this . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

Clause 4.2 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

Clause 4.2.1 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

List of tables

  TOC \h \z \t "TableTitle,tabletitle" First table . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

List of figures

  TOC \h \z \t "FigureTitle,figuretitle" First figure . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

List of recommendations

  TOC \h \z \t "RecommendationTitle,RecommendationTestTitle,recommendationtitle,recommendationtesttitle" : /ogc/recommendation/wfs/2 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

Recommendation Verification 1: /ogc/recommendation/wfs/3 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1

Recommendation Verification 2: /ogc/recommendation/wfs/3 . PAGEREF _Toc \h 1


OUTPUT end it "generates HTML output with custom ToC levels function" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new({ htmltoclevels: 3 }) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT html = File.read("test.html") toclevel = <<~"TOCLEVEL" function toclevel() { return "h1:not(:empty):not(.TermNum):not(.noTOC),h2:not(:empty):not(.TermNum):not(.noTOC),h3:not(:empty):not(.TermNum):not(.noTOC)";} TOCLEVEL expect(html).to include toclevel end it "reorders footnote numbers in HTML" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", wordintropage: "spec/assets/wordintro.html" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) Clause 4

This is a footnote.

Introduction to this<fn reference="2"> Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m). </fn> Clause 4.2


Formerly denoted as 15 % (m/m).

INPUT html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(xmlpp(html)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")

Clause 4


Introduction to this2

Clause 4.2


OUTPUT end it "moves images in HTML #1" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob "test_*_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(`ls test_*_htmlimages`).to match(/\.png$/) expect(xmlpp(html.gsub(/\/[0-9a-f-]+\.png/, "/_.png")) .gsub(/test_[^_]+_htmlimages/, "test_htmlimages")) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end it "moves images in HTML #2" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf "test_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { baseassetpath: "spec/assets", wordstylesheet: "word.css", htmlstylesheet: "html.scss" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(`ls test_*_htmlimages`).to match(/\.png$/) expect(xmlpp(html.gsub(/\/[0-9a-f-]+\.png/, "/_.png")) .gsub(/test_[^_]+_htmlimages/, "test_htmlimages")) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end describe "mathvariant to plain" do context "when `mathvariant` attr equal to `script`" do it "converts mathvariant text chars into associated plain chars" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" input = <<~INPUT Clause

x = l + 1

INPUT output = <<~OUTPUT


x = 𝓁 + 1

OUTPUT IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new({}).convert("test", input, false) html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(html).to(be_equivalent_to(output)) end end context "when complex `mathvariant` combinations" do it "converts mathvariant text chars into associated plain chars" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" input = <<~INPUT Clause

n n + 1 + x y + z

INPUT output = <<~OUTPUT


𝗇 𝗻 + 𝟭 + 𝙭 𝘆 + 𝖟

OUTPUT IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new({}).convert("test", input, false) html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(html).to(be_equivalent_to(output)) end end end it "moves images in HTML with no file suffix" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob "test_*_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new( { wordstylesheet: "spec/assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss" }, ).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(`ls test_*_htmlimages`).to match(/\.png$/) expect(xmlpp(html.gsub(/\/[0-9a-f-]+\.png/, "/_.png")) .gsub(/test_[^_]+_htmlimages/, "test_htmlimages")) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end it "moves images in HTML, using relative file location" do FileUtils.rm_f "spec/test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf "spec/test_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert .new(wordstylesheet: "assets/word.css", htmlstylesheet: "assets/html.scss") .convert("spec/test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("spec/test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(`ls test_*_htmlimages`).to match(/\.png$/) expect(xmlpp(html.gsub(/\/[0-9a-f-]+\.png/, "/_.png")) .gsub(/test_[^_]+_htmlimages/, "test_htmlimages")) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end it "encodes images in HTML as data URIs" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob "test_*_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert .new(htmlstylesheet: "spec/assets/html.scss", datauriimage: true) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(xmlpp(html .gsub(%r{src="data:image/png;base64,[^"]+"}, %{src="data:image/png;base64,_"}))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end it "encodes images in HTML as data URIs, using relative file location" do FileUtils.rm_f "spec/test.html" FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob "test_*_htmlimages" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert .new({ htmlstylesheet: "assets/html.scss", datauriimage: true }) .convert("spec/test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Split-it-right sample divider
INPUT html = File.read("spec/test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(xmlpp(html .gsub(%r{src="data:image/png;base64,[^"]+"}, %{src="data:image/png;base64,_"}))) .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Split-it-right sample divider

OUTPUT end it "processes IsoXML terms for HTML" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new(options) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false) Terms and Definitions 1.1.paddy rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust.

  • A
  • A

The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, and Note 1 to entry is not included here

1.2.paddypaddy rice rough rice cargo rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

  • A

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

  • A

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

INPUT expect(File.exist?("test.html")).to be true html = File.read("test.html") expect(html).to match(%r{


}) expect(html).to match(%r{


}) end it "creates continuation styles for multiparagraph list items in Word" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
  • A


    1. C


  1. A1


    • C1


      is the number of coating layers

INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") OUTPUT end it "does not lose HTML escapes in postprocessing" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" input = <<~INPUT XML code <xml> & INPUT IsoDoc::HtmlConvert.new(options).convert("test", input, false) html = File.read("test.html") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{
.*$}m, "
") expect(xmlpp(html)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


  <xml> &

XML code

OUTPUT FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options).convert("test", input, false) word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


  <xml> &

XML code


OUTPUT end it "propagates example style to paragraphs in postprocessing (Word)" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)


INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")




OUTPUT end it "deals with image captions (Word)" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)
Typical arrangement of the far-field scan set-up
INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") .sub(/src="[^"]+"/, 'src="_"') expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Typical arrangement of the far-field scan set-up


OUTPUT end it "deals with empty table titles (Word)" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

Output wavelength (μm)

Predictive wavelengths
INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") .sub(/src="[^"]+"/, 'src="_"') expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")


Output wavelength ( μm)

Predictive wavelengths


OUTPUT end it "propagates alignment of table cells (Word)" do FileUtils.rm_f "test.doc" FileUtils.rm_f "test.html" IsoDoc::WordConvert.new(options) .convert("test", <<~"INPUT", false)

Output wavelength

Output wavelength

Predictive wavelengths

INPUT word = File.read("test.doc") .sub(/^.*
/m, '
') .sub(%r{


.*$}m, "") .sub(/src="[^"]+"/, 'src="_"') expect(xmlpp(word)).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") OUTPUT end it "cleans up boilerplate" do input = <<~INPUT

