module SGF #Your basic node. It holds information about itself, its parent, and its children. class Node attr_accessor :parent, :children, :properties # Creates a new node. Arguments which can be passed in are: # :parent => parent_node (nil by default) # :children => [list, of, children] (empty array if nothing is passed) # :properties => {hash_of => properties} (empty hash if nothing is passed) def initialize args={} @parent = args[:parent] @children = [] add_children args[:children] if args[:children] @properties = add_properties args[:properties] if args[:properties] end #Takes an arbitrary number of child nodes, adds them to the list of children, and make this node their parent. def add_children *nodes nodes.flatten! raise "Non-node child given!" if nodes.any? { |node| node.class != Node } nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self @children << node end end #Takes a hash {identity => property} and adds those to the current node. #If a property already exists, it will append to it. def add_properties hash hash.each do |identity, property| @properties[identity] ||= @properties[identity].concat property end update_human_readable_methods end #Iterate through each child. Yields a child node, if one exists. def each_child @children.each { |child| yield child } end #Compare to another node. def == other_node @properties == end #Syntactic sugar for["XX"] def [] identity identity = identity.to_s @properties[identity] end def to_s out = "#<#{self.class}:#{self.object_id}, " out << (@parent ? "Has a parent, " : "Has no parent, ") out << "#{@children.size} Children, " out << "#{@properties.keys.size} Properties" out << ">" end alias :inspect :to_s def to_str(indent = 0) properties = [] @properties.each do |identity, property| properties << stringify_identity_and_property(identity, property) end whitespace = leading_whitespace(indent) "#{whitespace};#{properties.join("\n#{whitespace}")}" end def stringify_identity_and_property(identity, property) new_property = property.instance_of?(Array) ? property.join("][") : property new_property = new_property.gsub("]", "\\]") if identity == "C" "#{identity.to_s}[#{new_property}]" end private def update_human_readable_methods SGF::Node::PROPERTIES.each do |human_readable_method, sgf_identity| next if defined? human_readable_method.to_sym define_method(human_readable_method.to_sym) do @properties[sgf_identity] ? @properties[sgf_identity] : raise(SGF::NoIdentityError) end end end def leading_whitespace(indent) "#{" " * indent}" end def method_missing method_name, *args property = method_name.to_s.upcase if property[/(.*?)=$/] @properties[$1] = args[0] else output = @properties[property] super(method_name, args) if output.nil? output end end end end