require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe 'VBucket::Service' do let(:header) { {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Token 527337312fc400145d75b6d0e3640253', Accept: 'application/json'} } let(:file_list) {%w(/example/vbucket/1.txt /example/vbucket/2.txt /example/vbucket/bar /example/vbucket/baz.jpg /example/vbucket/foo /example/vbucket/qux.pdf)} def app VBucket::Service end before(:example) do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob) { file_list } allow(YAML).to receive(:load_file) { {share: '/example/vbucket/'} } allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/Users/jrobinson/vbucket/spec/unit/vbucket/../../assets/cat.jpg') { true } allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/Users/jrobinson/vbucket/config/vbucket.conf') { true } allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/Users/jrobinson/vbucket/lib/vbucket/public') { false } allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/example/vbucket/thisShouldBeA404') { false } allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { true } allow(FileTest).to receive(:file?).with('/example/vbucket/') { false } allow(FileTest).to receive(:file?).with('/example/vbucket/cat.jpg') { true } file_list.each { |file| allow(FileTest).to receive(:file?).with(file) { true } } allow_any_instance_of(VBucket::Service).to receive(:send_file) { 'This is a test' } end describe 'run' do context 'missing config data' do it 'shuts down' it 'gives a meaningful error message' end end #TODO: refactor with contexts and subject describe 'GET' do it 'GETs /' do allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } get '/', nil, header expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(last_response.body).to eq('{"files":["","","","","",""],"folders":[]}') end it 'GETs /:filename' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { true } allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } get '/1.txt', nil, header expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(last_response.body)).to eq('ce114e4501d2f4e2dcea3e17b546f339') end it 'responds with 404 when file does not exist' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { false } allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } get '/thisShouldBeA404', nil, header expect(last_response.status).to eq(404) end # This is covered by Rack::Protection::PathTraversal # it 'does not allow modifying files outside of share' do # get '/../busted.txt', nil, header # expect(last_response.status).to eq(404) # end end describe 'HEAD' do # TODO: Mock Rack::File or move this to integration test? it 'HEADs /:filename' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { true } allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } head '/1.txt', nil, header expect(last_response).to be_ok #expect(last_response.header['Content-Length']).to eq('14') end it 'responds with 404 when file does not exist' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { false } allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } head '/thisShouldBeA404', nil, header expect(last_response.status).to eq(404) end end describe 'POST' do # # # This test is not working due to params not being passed. post using curl works fine. # it 'POSTs file to /' do # test_file =, '../../assets/cat.jpg'), 'image/jpeg', true) # allow_any_instance_of(VBucket::Authentication).to receive(:has_permission?) { true } # allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(/\/example\/vbucket\/var\/folders\/.*/) { false } # allow(File).to receive(:open) # # post '/', {'file' => test_file}, header # expect(last_response.status).to eq(201) # end it 'responds with 400 when missing data' end describe 'PUT' do it 'PUTs /:filename' do test_file =, '../../assets/cat.jpg'), 'image/jpeg', true) allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with('/example/vbucket/cat.jpg') { false } allow(Dir).to receive(:exist?) { true } allow(File).to receive(:open) { 4607 } put '/cat.jpg', {'file' => test_file}, header expect(last_response.status).to eq(201) end end describe 'DELETE' do it 'DELETEs /:filename' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { true } allow(File).to receive(:delete) { 1 } delete '/cat.jpg', nil, header expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) end it 'responds with 404 when file does not exist' do allow(File).to receive(:exist?) { false } delete '/foo', nil, header expect(last_response.status).to eq(404) end end end