This software contains the JLPT files from Thierry Bézecourt. Here is the original copyright notification. # JLPT vocabulary, level 4-1 # Copyright (C) 2001 Thierry Bézecourt ( # License information: # You can use this file freely in a non-commercial way. If you plan to # make it available publicly in a book, a software or whatever medium, # whether freely or not, you must include the first two lines of this # file (the copyright information) and tell me about it by sending an # e-mail to Thanks. I was worried about distributing these files with a GPL licensed application. Because the application might get distributed in a "commercial" setting, I was afraid that I might be in violation of the license. So I subsequently asked for a modification the to license. Here is the response: Hi Mike, Thanks for your e-mail. I'm glad you found these files useful. As a matter of fact, when I made these files, I thought little about licensing issues and "prohibited" a commercial use with no particular reason. Now I know a little more about these issues and think there is no reason to prohibit it. I am happy when I receive an e-mail from people who say there are using these files in Japanese-related software but I don't really care whether that software is commercial or not. So I have decided to change the header of these files and only ask the user to include somewhere a mention of the source (i.e me or my Web site). You can use these files as you like (GPL or other). Cheers, Thierry This is a really amazing response from a great guy. The JLPT files represent quite a large amount of work and I am extremely grateful to be allowed to use them in JLDrill. I have noticed some applications in the past using these files without attribution and it's very sad. PLEASE if you use these files, comply with Thierry's request. All he wants is to be recognized for the work that he's put in and to be given the pleasure of knowing his effort is being used by people.