= stockpile-redis
code :: https://github.com/halostatue/stockpile-redis/
bugs :: https://github.com/halostatue/stockpile-redis/issues
continuous integration :: {
== Description
stockpile-redis is a connection manager for Redis to be used with
== Features
stockpile-redis supports both normal Redis connections (Redis.new),
and Redis::Namespace connections (Redis::Namespace.new('namespace', redis:
stockpile-redis provides special-case handling for connections for Resque when
the name of the client is +:resque+.
Release 2.0 fixes an issue with initialization using OpenStruct for options.
Ruby 1.9 is no longer supported.
== Synopsis
require 'stockpile/redis'
wide = Stockpile.new(manager: Stockpile::Redis) # A Stockpile to Redis.
wide.connection.set('hello', 'world') # => 'OK'
wide.connection.get('hello') # => 'world'
# Connections are independent from one another.
wide.connection_for(:other) != wide.connection # => true
# A 'narrow' Stockpile to Redis.
narrow = Stockpile.new(manager: Stockpile::Redis, narrow: true)
# Or set ENV['STOCKPILE_CONNECTION_WIDTH'] = 'narrow' and call Stockpile.new
# normally.
narrow.connection_for(:other) == narrow.connection # => true
# Special Redis::Namespace handling for Resque clients.
narrow.connection_for(:resque) != narrow.connection # => true
narrow.connection_for(:resque).redis == narrow.connection # => true
# Standard namespace handling.
narrow.connection_for(:other, namespace: 'other') !=
narrow.connection # => true
narrow.connection_for(:other, namespace: 'other').redis !=
narrow.connection # => true
# Show a Stockpile with no adapter capabilities, but name the method
# stockpile, not cache. This will still usefully manage connections.
# The use of inject_redis! makes Stockpile::Redis the default connection
# manager for the Cacher module Stockpile.
module Cacher
Stockpile.inject_redis!(self, method: :stockpile, adaptable: false)
Cacher.respond_to?(:stockpile) # => true
Cacher.respond_to?(:stockpile_adapter) # => false
Cacher.stockpile.connection.set('hello', 'world') # => 'OK'
Cacher.stockpile.connection.get('hello') # => 'world'
# Now a Stockpile with adapter capabilities.
module Jobber
module LastRunTime
def last_run_time(key, value = nil)
if value
connection.hset(__method__, key, value.utc.iso8601)
value = connection.hget(__method__, key)
Time.parse(value) if value
Jobber.respond_to?(:cache) # => true
Jobber.respond_to?(:cache_adapter) # => true
# Four ways:
# 1. Adapt Jobber.cache to recognize #last_run_time.
Jobber.cache.last_run_time('hello', t = Time.now) # => true
Jobber.cache.last_run_time('hello') # => approximately t
# 2. Adapt Jobber.cache and another module to recognize #last_run_time.
module Foo; end
Jobber.cache_adapter(Jobber::LastRunTime, Foo)
Foo.last_run_time('hello', t = Time.now) # => true
Foo.last_run_time('hello') # => approximately t
# 3. Adapt Jobber.cache and Jobber to recognize #last_run_time.
Jobber.cache_adapter(Jobber::LastRunTime, Jobber)
Jobber.last_run_time('hello', t = Time.now) # => true
Jobber.last_run_time('hello') # => approximately t
# 4. Adapt Jobber.cache and Jobber::LastRunTime to recognize #last_run_time.
# or Jobber.cache_adapter(Jobber::LastRunTime, Jobber::LastRunTime)
Jobber::LastRunTime.last_run_time('hello', t = Time.now) # => true
Jobber::LastRunTime.last_run_time('hello') # => approximately t
== Install
Put stockpile-redis in your Gemfile:
gem 'stockpile-redis', '~> 2.0'
Or manually install:
% gem install stockpile-redis
and require Stockpile in your code:
require 'stockpile/redis'
== stockpile-redis Semantic Versioning
stockpile-redis uses a {Semantic Versioning}[http://semver.org/] scheme with
one change:
* When PATCH is zero (+0+), it will be omitted from version references.
:include: Contributing.rdoc
:include: Licence.rdoc