// Copyright (C) 2015  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#ifndef DLIB_DNN_CuDNN_H_
#define DLIB_DNN_CuDNN_H_


#include "cuda_errors.h"

namespace dlib
    class tensor;
    class resizable_tensor;

    namespace cuda 

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        class tensor_descriptor
                Each tensor object will carry a tensor_descriptor in it when compiled with

            // not copyable
            tensor_descriptor(const tensor_descriptor&) = delete;
            tensor_descriptor& operator=(const tensor_descriptor&) = delete;
            // but is movable
            tensor_descriptor(tensor_descriptor&& item) : tensor_descriptor() { swap(item); }
            tensor_descriptor& operator=(tensor_descriptor&& item) { swap(item); return *this; }


            void set_size(
                int n, 
                int k,
                int nr, 
                int nc 
                    - if any of the arguments are 0 then they are all set to 0 in the tensor.

            void get_size (
                int& n, 
                int& k,
                int& nr,
                int& nc 
            ) const;

            const void* get_handle (
            ) const { return handle; }


            void swap(tensor_descriptor& item) { std::swap(handle, item.handle); }

            void* handle;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void add(
            float beta,
            tensor& dest,
            float alpha,
            const tensor& src
                - One of the following is true: 
                    - have_same_dimensions(src, dest)
                    - src.num_samples()==1 && src.k()==dest.k() && src.nr()==1 && src.nc()==1
                    - src.num_samples()==1 && src.k()==dest.k() && src.nr()==dest.nr() && src.nc()==dest.nc()
                    - src.num_samples()==1 && src.k()==1 && src.nr()==dest.nr() && src.nc()==dest.nc()
                - is_same_object(src,dest) == false
                - performs: dest = beta*dest + alpha*src
                  However, how the addition happens depends on the dimensions of src.  In
                  particular, this function adds the scaled values of one src tensor to
                  dest. Each dimension of the src tensor must match the corresponding
                  dimension of the dest tensor or must be equal to 1. In the latter case,
                  the same value from the src tensor, for those dimensions, will be used to
                  add into the dest tensor.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void assign_conv_bias_gradient (
            tensor& grad,
            const tensor& gradient_input
                - grad.num_samples() == 1
                - grad.k()  >= 1
                - grad.nr() == 1
                - grad.nc() == 1
                - gradient_input.k() == grad.k()
                - gradient_input.size() > 0
                - is_same_object(grad,gradient_input) == false
                - let BIAS be a tensor with all dimensions equal to 1 except for k which is >= 1.
                - let OUT be the output of add(1,OUT,1,BIAS)
                - let f(gradient_input,BIAS) == dot(gradient_input,OUT)
                - Then this function computes the gradient of f() with respect to BIAS and
                  assigns it to grad.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void batch_normalize_inference (
            const double eps,
            resizable_tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma, 
            const tensor& beta,
            const tensor& running_means,
            const tensor& running_variances

        void batch_normalize (
            const double eps,
            resizable_tensor& dest,
            resizable_tensor& means,
            resizable_tensor& invstds,
            const double averaging_factor,
            resizable_tensor& running_means,
            resizable_tensor& running_variances,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma, 
            const tensor& beta 

        void batch_normalize_gradient(
            const double eps,
            const tensor& gradient_input,
            const tensor& means,
            const tensor& invstds,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma,
            tensor& src_grad,
            tensor& gamma_grad, 
            tensor& beta_grad 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void batch_normalize_conv_inference (
            const double eps,
            resizable_tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma, 
            const tensor& beta,
            const tensor& running_means,
            const tensor& running_variances

        void batch_normalize_conv (
            const double eps,
            resizable_tensor& dest,
            resizable_tensor& means,
            resizable_tensor& invstds,
            const double averaging_factor,
            resizable_tensor& running_means,
            resizable_tensor& running_variances,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma, 
            const tensor& beta 

        void batch_normalize_conv_gradient(
            const double eps,
            const tensor& gradient_input,
            const tensor& means,
            const tensor& invstds,
            const tensor& src,
            const tensor& gamma,
            tensor& src_grad,
            tensor& gamma_grad, 
            tensor& beta_grad 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        class tensor_conv
            tensor_conv(const tensor_conv&) = delete;
            tensor_conv& operator=(const tensor_conv&) = delete;


            void clear(

            ~tensor_conv (

            void operator() (
                resizable_tensor& output,
                const tensor& data,
                const tensor& filters,
                int stride_y,
                int stride_x,
                int padding_y,
                int padding_x
                    - stride_y > 0
                    - stride_x > 0
                    - 0 <= padding_y < filters.nr()
                    - 0 <= padding_x < filters.nc()
                    - is_same_object(output,data) == false
                    - is_same_object(output,filters) == false
                    - convolves filters over data.  
                    - filters contains filters.num_samples() filters. 
                    - #output.num_samples() == data.num_samples()
                    - #output.k() == filters.num_samples()
                    - #output.nr() == 1+(data.nr()-filters.nr()%2)/stride_y
                    - #output.nc() == 1+(data.nc()-filters.nc()%2)/stride_x

            void get_gradient_for_data (
                const tensor& gradient_input, 
                const tensor& filters,
                tensor& data_gradient
                    - filters has the same dimensions as the filters object give to the 
                      last call to operator().
                    - data_gradient has the same dimensions as the data object give to the
                      last call to operator().
                    - gradient_input has the same dimensions as the output of operator().
                    - is_same_object(data_gradient,filters) == false
                    - is_same_object(data_gradient,gradient_input) == false
                    - let OUT be the output of (*this)(OUT,data,filters).
                    - let f(data,filters) == dot(OUT, gradient_input)
                    - This function finds the gradient of f() with respect to data
                      and adds this gradient to data_gradient.

            void get_gradient_for_filters (
                const tensor& gradient_input, 
                const tensor& data,
                tensor& filters_gradient
                    - filters_gradient has the same dimensions as the filters object give
                      to the last call to operator().
                    - data has the same dimensions as the data object give to the last call
                      to operator().
                    - gradient_input has the same dimensions as the output of operator().
                    - is_same_object(filters_gradient,data) == false
                    - is_same_object(filters_gradient,gradient_input) == false
                    - let OUT be the output of (*this)(OUT,data,filters).
                    - let f(data,filters) == dot(OUT, gradient_input)
                    - This function finds the gradient of f() with respect to filters 
                      and assigns this gradient to filters_gradient.


            void setup(
                const tensor& data,
                const tensor& filters,
                int stride_y,
                int stride_x,
                int padding_y,
                int padding_x
                    - filters.k() == data.k()
                    - stride_y > 0
                    - stride_x > 0
                    - 0 <= padding_y < filters.nr()
                    - 0 <= padding_x < filters.nc()

            // These variables record the type of data given to the last call to setup().
            int stride_y;
            int stride_x;
            int padding_y;
            int padding_x;
            long data_num_samples, data_k, data_nr, data_nc;
            long filters_num_samples, filters_k, filters_nr, filters_nc;

            void* filter_handle;
            void* conv_handle;

            // dimensions of the output tensor from operator()
            int out_num_samples;
            int out_k;
            int out_nr;
            int out_nc;

            int forward_algo;
            size_t forward_workspace_size_in_bytes;
            void* forward_workspace;

            int backward_data_algo;
            size_t backward_data_workspace_size_in_bytes;
            void* backward_data_workspace;

            int backward_filters_algo;
            size_t backward_filters_workspace_size_in_bytes;
            void* backward_filters_workspace;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        class pooling

            pooling(const pooling&) = delete;
            pooling& operator=(const pooling&) = delete;

            pooling (


            void clear(

            void setup_max_pooling(
                int window_height,
                int window_width,
                int stride_y,
                int stride_x,
                int padding_y,
                int padding_x

            void setup_avg_pooling(
                int window_height,
                int window_width,
                int stride_y,
                int stride_x,
                int padding_y,
                int padding_x

            bool does_max_pooling(
            ) const { return do_max_pooling; }

            void operator() (
                resizable_tensor& dest,
                const tensor& src

            void get_gradient(
                const tensor& gradient_input, 
                const tensor& dest,
                const tensor& src,
                tensor& grad 


            void setup(
                int window_height,
                int window_width,
                int stride_y,
                int stride_x,
                int padding_y,
                int padding_x,
                int pooling_mode

            void* handle;
            int window_height;
            int window_width;
            int stride_y;
            int stride_x;
            int padding_y;
            int padding_x;
            bool do_max_pooling;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void softmax (
            tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src
                - have_same_dimensions(dest, src) == true
                - Note that the softmax function is a vector valued function: 
                    s(x) == exp(x)/sum(exp(x)) 
                - Computes the softmax function on src and writes the results to dest.  The
                  softmax is computed per spatial location across the different channels at
                  each location.  That is, softmax() outputs a new tensor, #dest, where
                  each of the spatial locations in dest (i.e. image idx, row idx, and
                  column idx) contains the output of s() evaluated over the channel values
                  at each location.
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(dest, src)==true

        void softmax_gradient (
            tensor& grad,
            const tensor& dest,
            const tensor& gradient_input
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,gradient_input) == true 
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,grad) == true 
                - is_same_object(grad, dest)==false
                - We interpret dest as the output of softmax(dest,SRC) for some SRC tensor.
                  Then let f(SRC) == dot(gradient_input,dest) Then this function computes
                  the gradient of f() with respect to SRC and assigns it to grad.
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(grad, gradient_input)==true

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void sigmoid (
            tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src
                - have_same_dimensions(dest, src) == true
                - for all valid i:
                    - #dest.host()[i] == 1/(1+std::exp(-src.host()[i])) 
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(dest, src)==true

        void sigmoid_gradient (
            tensor& grad,
            const tensor& dest,
            const tensor& gradient_input
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,gradient_input) == true 
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,grad) == true 
                - is_same_object(grad,dest) == false
                - Recalling that dest is the output of sigmoid(dest,SRC) for some SRC tensor,
                  let f(SRC) == dot(gradient_input,dest)
                - Then this function computes the gradient of f() with respect to SRC and
                  assigns it to grad.
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(grad, gradient_input)==true

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void relu (
            tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src
                - have_same_dimensions(dest, src) == true
                - for all valid i:
                    - #dest.host()[i] == std::max(0,src.host()[i]) 
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(dest, src)==true

        void relu_gradient (
            tensor& grad,
            const tensor& dest,
            const tensor& gradient_input
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,gradient_input) == true 
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,grad) == true 
                - is_same_object(grad,dest) == false
                - Recalling that dest is the output of relu(dest,SRC) for some SRC tensor,
                  let f(SRC) == dot(gradient_input,dest)
                - Then this function computes the gradient of f() with respect to SRC and
                  assigns it to grad.
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(grad, gradient_input)==true

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        void tanh (
            tensor& dest,
            const tensor& src
                - have_same_dimensions(dest, src) == true
                - for all valid i:
                    - #dest.host()[i] == std::tanh(src.host()[i]) 
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(dest, src)==true

        void tanh_gradient (
            tensor& grad,
            const tensor& dest,
            const tensor& gradient_input
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,gradient_input) == true 
                - have_same_dimensions(dest,grad) == true 
                - is_same_object(grad,dest) == false
                - Recalling that dest is the output of tanh(dest,SRC) for some SRC tensor,
                  let f(SRC) == dot(gradient_input,dest)
                - Then this function computes the gradient of f() with respect to SRC and
                  assigns it to grad.
                - This function supports in-place operation, i.e. having
                  is_same_object(grad, gradient_input)==true

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#endif // DLIB_USE_CUDA

#endif // DLIB_DNN_CuDNN_H_