require 'fastlane' require 'fastlane_core' require 'spaceship' require 'terminal-table' require 'precheck/rule_processor' module Precheck class Runner attr_accessor :spaceship # Uses the spaceship to download app metadata and then run all rule checkers def run Precheck.config.load_configuration_file(Precheck.precheckfile_name) FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: Precheck.config, hide_keys: [:output_path], title: "Summary for precheck #{Fastlane::VERSION}") unless Spaceship::Tunes.client UI.message "Starting login with user '#{Precheck.config[:username]}'" Spaceship::Tunes.login(Precheck.config[:username]) Spaceship::Tunes.select_team UI.message "Successfully logged in" end UI.message "Checking app for precheck rule violations" ensure_app_exists! processor_result = check_for_rule_violations(app: app, app_version: latest_app_version) if processor_result.items_not_checked? print_items_not_checked(processor_result: processor_result) end if processor_result.has_errors_or_warnings? summary_table = build_potential_problems_table(processor_result: processor_result) puts summary_table end if processor_result.should_trigger_user_error? UI.user_error!("precheck 👮‍♀️ 👮 found one or more potential problems that must be addressed before submitting to review") return false end if processor_result.has_errors_or_warnings? UI.important "precheck 👮‍♀️ 👮 found one or more potential metadata problems, but this won't prevent fastlane from completing 👍".yellow end if !processor_result.has_errors_or_warnings? && !processor_result.items_not_checked? UI.message "precheck 👮‍♀️ 👮 finished without detecting any potential problems 🛫".green end return true end def print_items_not_checked(processor_result: nil) names = UI.message "😶 Metadata fields not checked by any rule: #{names.join(', ')}".yellow if names.length > 0 end def build_potential_problems_table(processor_result: nil) error_results = processor_result.error_results warning_results = processor_result.warning_results rows = [] warning_results.each do |rule, results| results.each do |result| rows << [result.item.friendly_name, result.rule_return.failure_data.yellow] end end error_results.each do |rule, results| results.each do |result| rows << [result.item.friendly_name,] end end if rows.length == 0 return nil else title_text = "Potential problems" if error_results.length > 0 title_text = else title_text = title_text.yellow end return title: title_text, headings: ["Field", "Failure reason"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ).to_s end end def check_for_rule_violations(app: nil, app_version: nil) Precheck::RuleProcessor.process_app_and_version( app: app, app_version: app_version, rules: Precheck::Options.rules ) end def rendered_failed_results_table(failed_results: nil) rows = [] failed_results.each do |failed_result| rows << [failed_result.rule.key, failed_result.item.friendly_name] end return title: "Failed rules".red, headings: ["Name", "App metadata field: (language code)"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ).to_s end def rendered_rules_checked_table(rules_checked: nil) rows = [] rules_checked.each do |rule| rows << [rule.key, rule.description] end return title: "Enabled rules".green, headings: ["Name", "Description"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ).to_s end def rendered_skipped_rules_table(skipped_rules: nil) return nil if skipped_rules.empty? rows = [] skipped_rules.each do |rule| rows << [rule.key, rule.description] end return title: "Skipped rules".yellow, headings: ["Name", "Description"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ).to_s end def build_items_not_checked_table(items_not_checked: nil) rows = [] items_not_checked.each do |item| rows << [item.item_name, item.friendly_name] end return title: "Not analyzed".yellow, headings: ["Name", "Friendly name"], rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows) ).to_s end def app Spaceship::Tunes::Application.find(Precheck.config[:app_identifier]) end def latest_app_version @latest_version ||= app.latest_version end # Makes sure the current App ID exists. If not, it will show an appropriate error message def ensure_app_exists! return if app UI.user_error!("Could not find app with App Identifier '#{Precheck.config[:app_identifier]}'") end end end