
Getting Started

Smoke test successful!

Replace the HTML in this file (located at /views/index.erb) with your own. Define new routes in app.rb.

Project Layout

Hoboken has been invoked using the <%= options[:type] %> option, which has generated the following project structure:

Gemfile Your app's dependencies
Rakefile Basic app tasks
app.rb The main application file
config.ru Rackup file
/helpers Any helper files
/public Static assets (i.e. css, js, images)
/test Basic unit test and test helper support
/views Your app's views (not present if --tiny option was used)

Rake Tasks

The following Rake tasks are available:

<% if 'test-unit' == options[:test_framework] -%> <% else -%> <% end -%>
rake ci Run CI checks
rake test:all Run all tests
rake test:unit Run unit tests
rake spec Run RSpec

Add Ons

Several add-ons are available that adjust the project structure to add support for things like i18n, code metrics, Heroku, etc. Run hoboken help from the command line for a complete list.
