## HasScope [![Gem Version](https://fury-badge.herokuapp.com/rb/has_scope.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/has_scope) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/heartcombo/has_scope.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/heartcombo/has_scope) Has scope allows you to map incoming controller parameters to named scopes in your resources. Imagine the following model called graduations: ```ruby class Graduation < ActiveRecord::Base scope :featured, -> { where(featured: true) } scope :by_degree, -> degree { where(degree: degree) } scope :by_period, -> started_at, ended_at { where("started_at = ? AND ended_at = ?", started_at, ended_at) } end ``` You can use those named scopes as filters by declaring them on your controller: ```ruby class GraduationsController < ApplicationController has_scope :featured, type: :boolean has_scope :by_degree end ``` Now, if you want to apply them to an specific resource, you just need to call `apply_scopes`: ```ruby class GraduationsController < ApplicationController has_scope :featured, type: :boolean has_scope :by_degree has_scope :by_period, using: %i[started_at ended_at], type: :hash def index @graduations = apply_scopes(Graduation).all end end ``` Then for each request: ``` /graduations #=> acts like a normal request /graduations?featured=true #=> calls the named scope and bring featured graduations /graduations?by_period[started_at]=20100701&by_period[ended_at]=20101013 #=> brings graduations in the given period /graduations?featured=true&by_degree=phd #=> brings featured graduations with phd degree ``` You can retrieve all the scopes applied in one action with `current_scopes` method. In the last case, it would return: `{ featured: true, by_degree: 'phd' }`. ## Installation Add `has_scope` to your Gemfile or install it from Rubygems. ```ruby gem 'has_scope' ``` ## Options HasScope supports several options: * `:type` - Checks the type of the parameter sent. By default, it does not allow hashes or arrays to be given, except if type `:hash` or `:array` are set. Symbols are never permitted to prevent memory leaks, so ensure any routing constraints you have that add parameters use string values. * `:only` - In which actions the scope is applied. * `:except` - In which actions the scope is not applied. * `:as` - The key in the params hash expected to find the scope. Defaults to the scope name. * `:using` - The subkeys to be used as args when type is a hash. * `:in` - A shortcut for combining the `:using` option with nested hashes. * `:if` - Specifies a method or proc to call to determine if the scope should apply. Passing a string is deprecated and it will be removed in a future version. * `:unless` - Specifies a method or proc to call to determine if the scope should NOT apply. Passing a string is deprecated and it will be removed in a future version. * `:default` - Default value for the scope. Whenever supplied the scope is always called. * `:allow_blank` - Blank values are not sent to scopes by default. Set to true to overwrite. ## Boolean usage If `type: :boolean` is set it just calls the named scope, without any arguments, when parameter is set to a "true" value. `'true'` and `'1'` are parsed as `true`, everything else as `false`. When boolean scope is set up with `allow_blank: true`, it will call the scope with the value as any usual scope. ```ruby has_scope :visible, type: :boolean has_scope :active, type: :boolean, allow_blank: true # and models with scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } scope :active, ->(value = true) { where(active: value) } ``` _Note_: it is not possible to apply a boolean scope with just the query param being present, e.g. `?active`, that's not considered a "true" value (the param value will be `nil`), and thus the scope will be called with `false` as argument. In order for the scope to receive a `true` argument the param value must be set to one of the "true" values above, e.g. `?active=true` or `?active=1`. ## Block usage `has_scope` also accepts a block. The controller, current scope and value are yielded to the block so the user can apply the scope on its own. This is useful in case we need to manipulate the given value: ```ruby has_scope :category do |controller, scope, value|  value != 'all' ? scope.by_category(value) : scope end ``` When used with booleans without `:allow_blank`, it just receives two arguments and is just invoked if true is given: ```ruby has_scope :not_voted_by_me, type: :boolean do |controller, scope| scope.not_voted_by(controller.current_user.id) end ``` ## Keyword arguments Scopes with keyword arguments need to be called in a block: ```ruby # in the model scope :for_course, lambda { |course_id:| where(course_id: course_id) } # in the controller has_scope :for_course do |controller, scope, value| scope.for_course(course_id: value) end ``` ## Apply scope on every request To apply scope on every request set default value and `allow_blank: true`: ```ruby has_scope :available, default: nil, allow_blank: true, only: :show, unless: :admin? # model: scope :available, ->(*) { where(blocked: false) } ``` This will allow usual users to get only available items, but admins will be able to access blocked items too. ## Check which scopes have been applied To check which scopes have been applied, you can call `current_scopes` from the controller or view. This returns a hash with the scope name as the key and the scope value as the value. For example, if a boolean `:active` scope has been applied, `current_scopes` will return `{ active: true }`. ## Supported Ruby / Rails versions We intend to maintain support for all Ruby / Rails versions that haven't reached end-of-life. For more information about specific versions please check [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/) and [Rails](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/maintenance_policy.html) maintenance policies, and our test matrix. ## Bugs and Feedback If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. MIT License. Copyright 2009-2019 Plataformatec. http://blog.plataformatec.com.br