# PDF::Writer for Ruby.
# http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-pdf/
# Copyright 2003 - 2005 Austin Ziegler.
# Licensed under a MIT-style licence. See LICENCE in the main distribution
# for full licensing information.
# $Id: graphics.rb 166 2007-11-08 18:22:05Z sandal $
# Points for use in the drawing of polygons.
class PDF::Writer::PolygonPoint
def initialize(x, y, connector = :line)
@x, @y, @connector = x, y, connector
attr_reader :x, :y, :connector
# This module contains graphics primitives. Objects that include this
# module must respond to #add_content.
# The PDF::Writer coordinate system is in PDF userspace units. The
# coordinate system in PDF::Writer is slightly different than might be
# expected, in that (0, 0) is at the lower left-hand corner of
# the canvas (page), not the normal top left-hand corner of the canvas.
# (See the diagram below.)
# Y Y
# 0+-----+X
# | |
# | |
# | |
# 0+-----+X
# 0 0
# Each primitive provided below indicates the New Point, or the
# coordinates new drawing point at the completion of the drawing
# operation. Drawing operations themselves do *not* draw or fill the path.
# This must be done by one of the stroke or fill operators, #stroke,
# #close_stroke, #fill, #close_fill, #fill_stroke, or #close_fill_stroke.
# Drawing operations return +self+ (the canvas) so that operations may be
# chained.
module PDF::Writer::Graphics
# Close the current path by appending a straight line segment from the
# drawing point to the starting point of the path. If the path is
# closed, this does nothing. This operator terminates the current
# subpath.
def close
add_content(" h")
# Stroke the path. This operation terminates a path object and draws it.
def stroke
add_content(" S")
# Close the current path by appending a straight line segment from the
# drawing point to the starting point of the path, and then stroke it.
# This does the same as #close followed by #stroke.
def close_stroke
add_content(" s")
# Fills the path. Open subpaths are implicitly closed before being
# filled. PDF offers two methods for determining the fill region. The
# first is called the "nonzero winding number" and is the default fill.
# The second is called "even-odd".
# Use the even-odd rule (called with #fill(:even_odd)) with
# caution, as this will cause certain portions of the path to be
# considered outside of the fill region, resulting in interesting cutout
# patterns.
def fill(rule = nil)
if :even_odd == rule
add_content(" f*")
add_content(" f")
# Close the current path by appending a straight line segment from the
# drawing point to the starting point of the path, and then fill it.
# This does the same as #close followed by #fill.
# See #fill for more information on fill rules.
def close_fill(rule = nil)
# Fills and then strokes the path. Open subpaths are implicitly closed
# before being filled. This is the same as constructing two identical
# path objects, calling #fill on one and #stroke on the other. Paths
# filled and stroked in this manner are treated as if they were one
# object for PDF transparency purposes (the PDF transparency model is
# not yet supported by PDF::Writer).
# See #fill for more information on fill rules.
def fill_stroke(rule = nil)
if :even_odd == rule
add_content(" B*")
add_content(" B")
# Closes, fills and then strokes the path. Open subpaths are explicitly
# closed before being filled (as if #close and then #fill_stroke had
# been called). This is the same as constructing two identical path
# objects, calling #fill on one and #stroke on the other. Paths filled
# and stroked in this manner are treated as if they were one object for
# PDF transparency purposes (PDF transparency is not yet supported by
# PDF::Writer).
# See #fill for more information on fill rules.
def close_fill_stroke(rule = nil)
if :even_odd == rule
add_content(" b*")
add_content(" b")
# Move the drawing point to the specified coordinates (x, y).
# New Point:: (x, y)
# Subpath:: New
def move_to(x, y)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f m" % [ x, y ])
# Draw a straight line from the drawing point to (x, y).
# New Point:: (x, y)
# Subpath:: Current
def line_to(x, y)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f l" % [ x, y ])
# Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the drawing point to (x2, y2)
# using (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) as the control points
# for the curve.
# New Point:: (x2, y2)
# Subpath:: Current
def curve_to(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f c" % [ x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 ])
# Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the drawing point to (x1, y1)
# using the drawing point and (x0, y0) as the control points
# for the curve.
# New Point:: (x1, y1)
# Subpath:: Current
def scurve_to(x0, y0, x1, y1)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f v" % [ x0, y0, x1, y1 ])
# Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the drawing point to (x1, y1)
# using (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) as the control points
# for the curve.
# New Point:: (x1, y1)
# Subpath:: Current
def ecurve_to(x0, y0, x1, y1)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f y" % [ x0, y0, x1, y1 ])
# Draw a straight line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). The
# line is a new subpath.
# New Point:: (x1, y1).
# Subpath:: New
def line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
move_to(x0, y0).line_to(x1, y1)
# Draw a cubic Bezier curve from (x0, y0) to (x3, y3)
# using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as control points.
# New Point:: (x3, y3)
# Subpath:: New
def curve(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
move_to(x0, y0).curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
# Draw a cubic Bezier curve from (x0, y0) to (x2, y2)
# using (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) as control points.
# New Point:: (x2, y2)
# Subpath:: New
def scurve(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
move_to(x0, y0).scurve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# Draw a cubic Bezier curve from (x0, y0) to (x2, y2)
# using (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as control points.
# New Point:: (x2, y2)
# Subpath:: New
def ecurve(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)
move_to(x0, y0).ecurve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# This constant is used to approximate a symmetrical arc using a cubic
# Bezier curve.
KAPPA = 4.0 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0) / 3.0)
# Draws a circle of radius +r+ with the centre-point at (x, y)
# as a complete subpath. The drawing point will be moved to the
# centre-point upon completion of the drawing the circle.
def circle_at(x, y, r)
ellipse_at(x, y, r, r)
# Draws an ellipse of +x+ radius r1 and +y+ radius r2
# with the centre-point at (x, y) as a complete subpath. The
# drawing point will be moved to the centre-point upon completion of the
# drawing the ellipse.
def ellipse_at(x, y, r1, r2 = r1)
l1 = r1 * KAPPA
l2 = r2 * KAPPA
move_to(x + r1, y)
# Upper right hand corner
curve_to(x + r1, y + l1, x + l2, y + r2, x, y + r2)
# Upper left hand corner
curve_to(x - l2, y + r2, x - r1, y + l1, x - r1, y)
# Lower left hand corner
curve_to(x - r1, y - l1, x - l2, y - r2, x, y - r2)
# Lower right hand corner
curve_to(x + l2, y - r2, x + r1, y - l1, x + r1, y)
move_to(x, y)
# Draw an ellipse centered at (x, y) with +x+ radius
# r1 and +y+ radius r2. A partial ellipse can be drawn
# by specifying the starting and finishing angles.
# New Point:: (x, y)
# Subpath:: New
def ellipse2_at(x, y, r1, r2 = r1, start = 0, stop = 359.99, segments = 8)
segments = 2 if segments < 2
start = PDF::Math.deg2rad(start)
stop = PDF::Math.deg2rad(stop)
arc = stop - start
segarc = arc / segments.to_f
dtm = segarc / 3.0
theta = start
a0 = x + r1 * Math.cos(theta)
b0 = y + r2 * Math.sin(theta)
c0 = -r1 * Math.sin(theta)
d0 = r2 * Math.cos(theta)
move_to(a0, b0)
(1..segments).each do |ii|
theta = ii * segarc + start
a1 = x + r1 * Math.cos(theta)
b1 = y + r2 * Math.sin(theta)
c1 = -r1 * Math.sin(theta)
d1 = r2 * Math.cos(theta)
curve_to(a0 + (c0 * dtm),
b0 + (d0 * dtm),
a1 - (c1 * dtm),
b1 - (d1 * dtm), a1, b1)
a0 = a1
b0 = b1
c0 = c1
d0 = d1
move_to(x, y)
# Draws an ellipse segment. Draws a closed partial ellipse.
# New Point:: (x, y)
# Subpath:: New
def segment_at(x, y, r1, r2 = r1, start = 0, stop = 360, segments = 8)
ellipse2_at(x, y, r1, r2, start, stop, segments)
start = PDF::Math.deg2rad(start)
stop = PDF::Math.deg2rad(stop)
ax = x + r1 * Math.cos(start)
ay = y + r2 * Math.sin(start)
bx = x + r1 * Math.cos(stop)
by = y + r2 * Math.sin(stop)
move_to(ax, ay)
line_to(x, y)
line_to(bx, by)
move_to(x, y)
# Draw a polygon. +points+ is an array of PolygonPoint objects, or an
# array that can be converted to an array of PolygonPoint objects with
# PDF::Writer::PolygonPoint.new(*value).
# New Point:: (points[-1].x, points[-1].y)
# Subpath:: New
def polygon(points)
points = points.map { |pp|
pp.kind_of?(Array) ? PDF::Writer::PolygonPoint.new(*pp) : pp
point = points.shift
move_to(point.x, point.y)
while not points.empty?
point = points.shift
case point.connector
when :curve
c1 = point
c2 = points.shift
point = points.shift
curve_to(c1.x, c1.y, c2.x, c2.y, point.x, point.y)
when :scurve
c1 = point
point = points.shift
scurve_to(c1.x, c1.y, point.x, point.y)
when :ecurve
c1 = point
point = points.shift
ecurve_to(c1.x, c1.y, point.x, point.y)
line_to(point.x, point.y)
# Draw a rectangle. The first corner is (x, y) and the second
# corner is (x + w, y - h).
# New Point:: (x + w, y - h)
# Subpath:: Current
def rectangle(x, y, w, h = w)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f re" % [ x, y, w, h ])
# Draw a rounded rectangle with corners (x, y) and (x + w,
# y - h) and corner radius +r+. The radius should be significantly
# smaller than +h+ and +w+.
# New Point:: (x + w, y - h)
# Subpath:: New
def rounded_rectangle(x, y, w, h, r)
x1 = x
x2 = x1 + w
y1 = y
y2 = y1 - h
r1 = r
r2 = r / 2.0
points = [
[ x1 + r1, y1, :line ],
[ x2 - r1, y1, :line ],
[ x2 - r2, y1, :curve ], # cp1
[ x2, y1 - r2, ], # cp2
[ x2, y1 - r1, ], # ep
[ x2, y2 + r1, :line ],
[ x2, y2 + r2, :curve ], # cp1
[ x2 - r2, y2, ], # cp2
[ x2 - r1, y2, ], # ep
[ x1 + r1, y2, :line ],
[ x1 + r2, y2, :curve ], # cp1
[ x1, y2 + r2, ], # cp2
[ x1, y2 + r1, ], # ep
[ x1, y1 - r1, :line ],
[ x1, y1 - r2, :curve ], # cp1
[ x1 + r2, y1, ], # cp2
[ x1 + r1, y1, ], # ep
move_to(x2, y2)
# Draws a star centered on (x, y) with +rays+ portions of
# +length+ from the centre. Stars with an odd number of rays should have
# the top ray pointing toward the top of the document. This will not
# create a "star" with fewer than four points.
# New Point:: (cx, cy)
# Subpath:: New
def star(cx, cy, length, rays = 5)
rays = 4 if rays < 4
points = []
part = Math::PI / rays.to_f
0.step((rays * 4), 2) do |ray|
if ((ray / 2) % 2 == 0)
dist = length / 2.0
dist = length
x = cx + Math.cos((1.5 + ray / 2.0) * part) * dist
y = cy + Math.sin((1.5 + ray / 2.0) * part) * dist
points << [ x, y ]
move_to(cx, cy)
# This sets the line drawing style. This *must* be a
# PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle object.
def stroke_style(style)
stroke_style!(style) if @current_stroke_style.nil? or style != @current_stroke_style
# Forces the line drawing style to be set, even if it's the same as the
# current color. Emits the current stroke style if +nil+ is provided.
def stroke_style!(style = nil)
@current_stroke_style = style if style
add_content "\n#{@current_stroke_style.render}" if @current_stroke_style
# Returns the current stroke style.
def stroke_style?
# Set the text rendering style. This may be one of the following
# options:
# 0:: fill
# 1:: stroke
# 2:: fill then stroke
# 3:: invisible
# 4:: fill and add to clipping path
# 5:: stroke and add to clipping path
# 6:: fill and stroke and add to clipping path
# 7:: add to clipping path
def text_render_style(style)
text_render_style!(style) unless @current_text_render_style and style == @current_text_render_style
# Forces the text rendering style to be set, even if it's the same as
# the current style.
def text_render_style!(style)
@current_text_render_style = style
# Reutnrs the current text rendering style.
def text_render_style?
# Sets the color for fill operations.
def fill_color(color)
fill_color!(color) if @current_fill_color.nil? or color != @current_fill_color
# Forces the color for fill operations to be set, even if the color
# is the same as the current color. Does nothing if +nil+ is provided.
def fill_color!(color = nil)
if color
@current_fill_color = color
add_content "\n#{@current_fill_color.pdf_fill}"
# Returns the current fill color.
def fill_color?
# Sets the color for stroke operations.
def stroke_color(color)
stroke_color!(color) if @current_stroke_color.nil? or color != @current_stroke_color
# Forces the color for stroke operations to be set, even if the color
# is the same as the current color. Does nothing if +nil+ is provided.
def stroke_color!(color = nil)
if color
@current_stroke_color = color
add_content "\n#{@current_stroke_color.pdf_stroke}"
# Returns the current stroke color.
def stroke_color?
# Add an image from a file to the current page at position (x,
# y) (the lower left-hand corner of the image). The image will be
# scaled to +width+ by +height+ units. The image may be a PNG or JPEG
# image.
# The +image+ parameter may be a filename or an object that returns the
# full image data when #read is called with no parameters (such as an IO
# object). If 'open-uri' is loaded, then the image name may be an URI.
# In PDF::Writer 1.1 or later, the new +link+ parameter is a hash with
# two keys:
# :type:: The type of link, either :internal or
# :external.
# :target:: The destination of the link. For an
# :internal link, this is an internal
# cross-reference destination. For an
# :external link, this is an URI.
# This will automatically make the image a clickable link if set.
def add_image_from_file(image, x, y, width = nil, height = nil, link = nil)
data = nil
if image.respond_to?(:read)
data = image.read
data = open(image, 'rb') { |ff| ff.read }
add_image(data, x, y, width, height, nil, link)
# Add an image from a loaded image (JPEG or PNG) resource at position
# (x, y) (the lower left-hand corner of the image) and scaled
# to +width+ by +height+ units. If provided, +image_info+ is a
# PDF::Writer::Graphics::ImageInfo object.
# In PDF::Writer 1.1 or later, the new +link+ parameter is a hash with
# two keys:
# :type:: The type of link, either :internal or
# :external.
# :target:: The destination of the link. For an
# :internal link, this is an internal
# cross-reference destination. For an
# :external link, this is an URI.
# This will automatically make the image a clickable link if set.
def add_image(image, x, y, width = nil, height = nil, image_info = nil, link = nil)
if image.kind_of?(PDF::Writer::External::Image)
label = image.label
image_obj = image
image_info ||= image.image_info
image_info ||= PDF::Writer::Graphics::ImageInfo.new(image)
tt = Time.now
@images << tt
id = @images.index(tt)
label = "I#{id}"
image_obj = PDF::Writer::External::Image.new(self, image, image_info, label)
@images[id] = image_obj
if width.nil? and height.nil?
width = image_info.width
height = image_info.height
width ||= height / image_info.height.to_f * image_info.width
height ||= width * image_info.height / image_info.width.to_f
tt = "\nq\n%.3f 0 0 %.3f %.3f %.3f cm\n/%s Do\nQ"
add_content(tt % [ width, height, x, y, label ])
if link
case link[:type]
when :internal
add_internal_link(link[:target], x, y, x + width, y + height)
when :external
add_link(link[:target], x, y, x + width, y + height)
# Add an image easily to a PDF document. +image+ is the name of a JPG or
# PNG image. +options+ is a Hash:
# :pad:: The number of PDF userspace units that will
# be on all sides of the image. The default is
# 5 units.
# :width:: The desired width of the image. The image
# will be resized to this width with the
# aspect ratio kept. If unspecified, the
# image's natural width will be used.
# :resize:: How to resize the image, either :width
# (resizes the image to be as wide as the
# margins) or :full (resizes the image to be
# as large as possible). May be a numeric
# value, used as a multiplier for the image
# size (e.g., 0.5 will shrink the image to
# half-sized). If this and :width are
# unspecified, the image's natural size will be
# used. Mutually exclusive with the
# :width option.
# :justification:: The placement of the image. May be :center,
# :right, or :left. Defaults to :left.
# :border:: The border options. No default border. If
# specified, must be either +true+, which uses
# the default border, or a Hash.
# :link:: Makes the image a clickable link.
# Image borders are specified as a hash with two options:
# :color:: The colour of the border. Defaults to 50% grey.
# :style:: The stroke style of the border. This must be a
# StrokeStyle object and defaults to the default line.
# Image links are defined as a hash with two options:
# :type:: The type of link, either :internal or
# :external.
# :target:: The destination of the link. For an
# :internal link, this is an internal
# cross-reference destination. For an
# :external link, this is an URI.
def image(image, options = {})
width = options[:width]
pad = options[:pad] || 5
resize = options[:resize]
just = options[:justification] || :left
border = options[:border]
link = options[:link]
if image.kind_of?(PDF::Writer::External::Image)
info = image.image_info
image_data = image
if image.respond_to?(:read)
image_data = image.read
image_data = open(image, "rb") { |file| file.read }
info = PDF::Writer::Graphics::ImageInfo.new(image_data)
raise "Unsupported Image Type" unless %w(JPEG PNG).include?(info.format)
width = info.width if width.nil?
aspect = info.width.to_f / info.height.to_f
# Get the maximum width of the image on insertion.
if @columns_on
max_width = @columns[:width] - (pad * 2)
max_width = @page_width - (pad * 2) - @left_margin - @right_margin
if resize == :full or resize == :width or width > max_width
width = max_width
# Keep the height in an appropriate aspect ratio of the width.
height = (width / aspect.to_f)
# Resize the image.
if resize.kind_of?(Numeric)
width *= resize
height *= resize
# Resize the image *again*, if it is wider than what is available.
if width > max_width
height = (width / aspect.to_f)
# If the height is greater than the available space:
havail = @y - @bottom_margin - (pad * 2)
if height > havail
# If the image is to be resized to :full (remaining space
# available), adjust the image size appropriately. Otherwise, start
# a new page and flow to the next page.
if resize == :full
height = havail
width = (height * aspect)
# Find the x and y positions.
y = @y - pad - height
x = @left_margin + pad
if (width < max_width)
case just
when :center
x += (max_width - width) / 2.0
when :right
x += (max_width - width)
image_obj = add_image(image_data, x, y, width, height, info)
if border
border = {} if true == border
border[:color] ||= Color::RGB::Grey50
border[:style] ||= PDF::Writer::StrokeStyle::DEFAULT
stroke_color border[:color]
stroke_style border[:style]
rectangle(x, y - pad, width, height - pad).stroke
if link
case link[:type]
when :internal
add_internal_link(link[:target], x, y - pad, x + width, y + height - pad)
when :external
add_link(link[:target], x, y - pad, x + width, y + height - pad)
@y = @y - pad - height
# Translate the coordinate system axis by the specified user space
# coordinates.
def translate_axis(x, y)
add_content("\n1 0 0 1 %.3f %.3f cm" % [ x, y ])
# Rotate the axis of the coordinate system by the specified clockwise
# angle.
def rotate_axis(angle)
rad = PDF::Math.deg2rad(angle)
tt = "\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f 0 0 cm"
tx = [ Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad), -Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad) ]
add_content(tt % tx)
# Scale the coordinate system axis by the specified factors.
def scale_axis(x = 1, y = 1)
add_content("\n%.3f 0 0 %.3f 0 0 cm" % [ x, y ])
# Skew the coordinate system axis by the specified angles.
def skew_axis(xangle = 0, yangle = 0)
xr = PDF::Math.deg2rad(xangle)
yr = PDF::Math.deg2rad(yangle)
xr = Math.tan(xr) if xangle != 0
yr = Math.tan(yr) if yangle != 0
add_content("\n1 %.3f %.3f 1 0 0 cm" % [ xr, yr ])
# Transforms the coordinate axis with the appended matrix. All
# transformations (including those above) are performed with this
# matrix. The transformation matrix is:
# +- -+
# | a c e |
# | b d f |
# | 0 0 1 |
# +- -+
# The six values are represented as a six-digit vector: [ a b c d e f ]
# * Axis translation uses [ 1 0 0 1 x y ] where x and y are the new
# (0,0) coordinates in the old axis system.
# * Scaling uses [ sx 0 0 sy 0 0 ] where sx and sy are the scaling
# factors.
# * Rotation uses [ cos(a) sin(a) -sin(a) cos(a) 0 0 ] where a is the
# angle, measured in radians.
# * X axis skewing uses [ 1 0 tan(a) 1 0 0 ] where a is the angle,
# measured in radians.
# * Y axis skewing uses [ 1 tan(a) 0 1 0 0 ] where a is the angle,
# measured in radians.
def transform_matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)
add_content("\n%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f cm" % [ a, b, c, d, e, f ])