// WontoMedia - a wontology web application
// Copyright (C) 2011 - Glen E. Ivey
// www.wontology.com
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version
// 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program in the file COPYING and/or LICENSE. If not,
// see
" + divText.escapeHTML() + "
"; } function createIdOnfocusHandler(thisName){ var thisElem = $('connection_' + thisName + '_id'); if (thisElem == null) return; thisElem.observe('focus', function(){ onfocusBehavior(thisElem); } ); } function createKindHandlers(){ thisElem = $('connection_kind_of_obj_scalar'); thisElem.observe('focus', function(){ onfocusBehavior(thisElem); } ); thisElem.observe('change', kindOnchangeBehavior); thisElem = $('connection_kind_of_obj_item'); thisElem.observe('focus', function(){ onfocusBehavior(thisElem); } ); thisElem.observe('change', kindOnchangeBehavior); } function kindOnchangeBehavior(){ syncEnabledStateOfObjectControls(); var itemChecked = $('connection_kind_of_obj_item' ).checked; var scalarChecked = $('connection_kind_of_obj_scalar').checked; var hasAValue = itemChecked || scalarChecked; if (hasAValue) clearError('kind_of_obj'); else flagConnectionAsRequired('kind_of_obj'); if (connectionFormErrors['obj'] != -1){ var value = null; if (itemChecked) value = $('connection_obj_id').value; else value = $('connection_scalar_obj').value; if (value != null && value != "") clearError('obj'); // if selected control has a value, great else flagConnectionAsRequired('obj'); // otherwise, error (ignore other ctrl) } refreshSubmitState(); } function onfocusBehavior(elem){ // find this control's position in flag arrays. Value of rCE[c] is // always a substring of matching control's id='' var c; for (c=0; c < requiredConnectionElements.length; c++){ var re = new RegExp(requiredConnectionElements[c]); var mtch = elem.id.match(re); if (mtch != null && mtch.length > 0) break; } if (c >= requiredConnectionElements.length) return; // Hmmmm..... maybe not var lastToCheck = c-1; for (c=0; c <= lastToCheck; c++){ var hasAValue = false; var equivalentIds = controlIds[c]; perControlLoop: for (var cn=0; cn < equivalentIds.length; cn++){ control = $(equivalentIds[cn]); if (control.disabled) continue perControlLoop; if (controlTypes[c][cn] == "checked"){ if (control.checked == true){ hasAValue = true; break; } } else { // Type == "value" if (control.value != null && control.value != ""){ hasAValue = true; break; } } } if (hasAValue) clearError(requiredConnectionElements[c]); else flagConnectionAsRequired(requiredConnectionElements[c]); } refreshSubmitState(); } function flagConnectionAsRequired(elemName){ connectionFormErrors[elemName] = true; maybeSetTextClass(elemName, "helpTextFlagged"); $(elemName + "_error_icon").src = "/images/error_error_icon.png"; } function clearError(elemName){ connectionFormErrors[elemName] = false; maybeSetTextClass(elemName, ""); $(elemName + "_error_icon").src = "/images/blank_error_icon.png"; } function maybeSetTextClass(elemName, newClass){ var requiredText = $(elemName + "_required"); if (requiredText) requiredText.className = newClass } function refreshSubmitState(){ var detectedAtLeastOneError = false; for (var c =0; c < requiredConnectionElements.length-1; c++) if (connectionFormErrors[requiredConnectionElements[c]] != false) detectedAtLeastOneError = true; if (detectedAtLeastOneError) makeButtonSeemDisabled(connectionSubmit); else makeButtonSeemEnabled(connectionSubmit); } function submitOnclickHandler(ev){ onfocusBehavior(connectionSubmit); var dialogDisplayed = maybeShowErrorDialog(); if (dialogDisplayed) ev.stop(); } function maybeShowErrorDialog(){ var newDialogText = ""; var accum = false; for (var c=0; c < requiredConnectionElements.length-1; c++){ if (connectionFormErrors[requiredConnectionElements[c]] == true){ accum = true; newDialogText += "The " + connectionElementNames[c] + " must have a value. "; } } if (accum){ newDialogText += "
"; var titleText = creatingNewConnection ? "Can't create this connection yet" : "Can't update this connection"; Modalbox.show(newDialogText, { title: titleText, slideDownDuration: 0.25, slideUpDuration: 0.1 } ); } return accum; } function syncEnabledStateOfObjectControls(){ var scalarDisabled = !($('connection_kind_of_obj_scalar').checked); $('connection_scalar_obj').disabled = scalarDisabled; if (!scalarDisabled){ divToBlank('obj'); lastValue['obj'] = ""; } var idDisabled = !($('connection_kind_of_obj_item')).checked; control = $('connection_obj_id'); control.disabled = idDisabled; if (!idDisabled && (control.value != lastValue['obj']) ) loadItemDescDiv('obj', control); } function setDescDivsWidths(names){ for (var c=0; c < names.length; c++){ var descDiv = $(names[c] + "_desc"); var w = $("connection_" + names[c] + "_id").getWidth(); descDiv.style.width = w + "px"; } }