(function(app, kea, ko) { "use strict"; var Base, Serializable, Validatable; Base = function Base() { this.id = null; this.resource_path = null; this.persisted = ko.observable(false); this._attributeNames = []; this._deserializableAttributes = []; this._serializableAttributes = []; this._deserializableAssociations = {}; this._serializableAssociations = {}; this._deserializableHasManyAssociations = {}; this._serializableHasManyAssociations = {}; this.deserializationOptions = { attributes: {} }; this.serializationOptions = { attributes: {} }; }; Base.prototype._modelName = function _modelName() { console.error("Model does not implement _modelName"); }; Base.prototype.addAttribute = function addAttribute(name, options) { options = options || {}; options.array = typeof options.array !== 'undefined' ? options.array : false; options.deserialize = typeof options.deserialize !== 'undefined' ? options.deserialize : true; options.serialize = typeof options.serialize !== 'undefined' ? options.serialize : true; if (options.array) { this[name] = ko.observableArray([]); } else { this[name] = ko.observable(options.value); } if (options.deserialize) { this._deserializableAttributes.push(name); if (typeof options !== 'boolean') { this.deserializationOptions.attributes[name] = options.deserialize; } } if (options.serialize) { this._serializableAttributes.push(name); if (typeof options !== 'boolean') { this.serializationOptions.attributes[name] = options.serialize; } } }; Base.prototype.unserializableAttributes = function unserializableAttributes(attributeNames) { attributeNames.forEach(function(name) { this.addAttribute(name, {serialize: false}); }, this); }; Base.prototype.serializableAttributes = function unserializableAttributes(attributeNames) { attributeNames.forEach(function(name) { this.addAttribute(name); }, this); }; Base.prototype.addAssociation = function addAssociation(modelName, attributeName, type, options) { var deserializationKey, serializationKey; options = options || {}; options.deserialize = typeof options.deserialize !== 'undefined' ? options.deserialize : true; options.serialize = typeof options.serialize !== 'undefined' ? options.serialize : true; if (type === 'hasOne') { this[attributeName] = ko.observable(); deserializationKey = '_deserializableAssociations'; serializationKey = '_serializableAssociations'; } else if (type === 'hasMany') { this[attributeName] = ko.observableArray([]); deserializationKey = '_deserializableHasManyAssociations'; serializationKey = '_serializableHasManyAssociations'; } else { console.error('unsupported association type %s', type); return; } if (options.deserialize) { this[deserializationKey][attributeName] = modelName; if (typeof options !== 'boolean') { this.deserializationOptions.attributes[attributeName] = options.deserialize; } } if (options.serialize) { this[serializationKey][attributeName] = modelName; if (typeof options !== 'boolean') { this.serializationOptions.attributes[attributeName] = options.serialize; } } }; Base.prototype.hasOne = function hasOne(modelName, attributeName, options) { if (typeof attributeName === 'undefined') { attributeName = modelName.toLowerCase(); } this.addAssociation(modelName, attributeName, 'hasOne', options); }; Base.prototype.hasMany = function hasMany(modelName, attributeName, options) { this.addAssociation(modelName, attributeName, 'hasMany', options); }; Base.prototype.forEachAssocation = function forEachAssocation(type, callback) { var key = '_' + type + 'Associations'; for (var attributeName in this[key]) { if ( this[key].hasOwnProperty(attributeName) ) { callback.call(this, attributeName, this[key][attributeName]); } } }; Base.prototype.service = function service() { if (DEBUG) { console.assert(app.services[ this._modelName() ], this._modelName() + " service does not exist"); } return app.services[ this._modelName() ]; }; Base.prototype.update = function update(params) { var that = this, deferred; deferred = this.service() .update(that, params) .done(function(data) { that.deserialize(data); }); return deferred; }; Base.prototype.destroy = function destroy() { return $.ajax({ type: 'DELETE', url: this.resource_path, dataType: 'JSON' }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) { window.kea.notify(textStatus, 'error'); }); }; Base.prototype.deserialize = function deserialize(data) { this.persisted(true); this.id = data.id; this.resource_path = data.resource_path; this._deserializableAttributes.forEach(function(name) { var newValue = data[name]; if (this.deserializationOptions.attributes[name] && this.deserializationOptions.attributes[name].map === true) { var currentValue = this[name](); if (typeof currentValue === 'object') { ko.mapping.fromJS(newValue, {}, currentValue); } else { this[name]( ko.mapping.fromJS(newValue) ); } } else { this[name](newValue); } }, this); this.forEachAssocation('deserializable', function(attributeName, modelName) { if ( data[attributeName] ) { this[attributeName]( new app.models[modelName](data[attributeName]) ); } }); this.forEachAssocation('deserializableHasMany', function(attributeName, modelName) { if ( data[attributeName] ) { this[attributeName].removeAll(); data[attributeName].forEach(function(associationData) { this[attributeName].push( new app.models[modelName](associationData) ); }, this); } }); if (typeof this.fromJS === 'function') { this.fromJS(data); } }; Base.prototype.serialize = function serialize(options) { var that = this, result = {}, defaultOptions, attributeList, attributeOptions, isBlank, shouldIncludeAttribute; defaultOptions = { includeId: false, attributes: {} }; options = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, this.serializationOptions, options); attributeOptions = function attributeOptions(attributeName) { return options.attributes[attributeName] || {}; }; isBlank = function isBlank(value) { return typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null || value === '' || (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0 ); }; shouldIncludeAttribute = function shouldIncludeAttribute(name, value) { var skipBlank = typeof attributeOptions(name).skipBlank !== 'undefined' ? attributeOptions(name).skipBlank : options.skipBlank; if ( that._serializableAttributes.indexOf(name) === -1) { return false; } else if (skipBlank && isBlank(value)) { return false; } else { return true; } }; if (options.includeId) { result.id = this.id; } if (this._destroy) { result._destroy = true; } this._serializableAttributes.forEach(function(name) { var value = this[name](); if (shouldIncludeAttribute(name, value)) { if (attributeOptions(name).map === true) { result[name] = ko.mapping.toJS(value); } else { result[name] = value; } } }, this); this.forEachAssocation('serializable', function(attributeName, modelName) { var value, key; if (attributeOptions(attributeName).idOnly) { value = this[attributeName]() ? this[attributeName]().id : null; key = attributeName + '_id'; } else { value = this[attributeName]() ? this[attributeName]().serialize() : null; key = attributeName; } if (shouldIncludeAttribute(attributeName, value)) { result[key] = value; } }); this.forEachAssocation('serializableHasMany', function(attributeName, modelName) { var value = this[attributeName]().map(function(association) { return association.serialize(); } ); if (shouldIncludeAttribute(attributeName, value)) { result[attributeName + '_attributes'] = value; } }); if (typeof this.toJS === 'function') { result = this.toJS(result); } return result; }; kea.models.Base = Base; Validatable = function Validatable() { var that = this; this.isValidatable = ko.observable(false); this.makeValidatable = function makeValidatable(options) { if (DEBUG) { console.assert(this.attachValidators, "object does not implement attachValidators"); } this.attachValidators(options); this.isValidatable(true); }; this.validatableFields = function validatableFields() { return []; }; this.validatableAssociations = function validatableAssociations() { return []; }; this.validatableAssociationLists = function validatableAssociationLists() { return []; }; this.forEachValidatableField = function forEachValidatableField(callback) { ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.validatableFields(), function(field) { if (that[field].isValidatable) { callback.call(that, that[field], field); } }); }; this.forEachValidatableAssociation = function forEachValidatableAssociation(callback) { var association_list; ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.validatableAssociations(), function(association_name) { var association = that[association_name](); if (association.isValidatable && association.isValidatable()) { callback.call(that, association, association_name); } }); ko.utils.arrayForEach(this.validatableAssociationLists(), function(association_list_name) { association_list = that[association_list_name]; ko.utils.arrayForEach(association_list(), function(association) { if (association.isValidatable && association.isValidatable()) { callback.call(that, association); } }); }); }; this.hasErrors = ko.computed(function hasErrors() { var result = false; that.forEachValidatableField(function(observable) { if (observable.hasError()) { result = true; } }, this); if (result) { return true; } that.forEachValidatableAssociation(function(association) { if (association.hasErrors()) { result = true; } }); return result; }, this, {deferEvaluation: true}); this.validationMessages = ko.computed(function validationMessages() { var messages = []; that.forEachValidatableField(function(observable, fieldName) { if (observable.hasError()) { messages.push(fieldName + ': ' + observable.validationMessage()); } }, this); that.forEachValidatableAssociation(function(association, name) { if (association.hasErrors()) { messages = name + ': ' + messages.concat(association.validationMessages()); } }); return messages; }, this, {deferEvaluation: true}); this.isFullyValidated = ko.computed(function isFullyValidated() { var result = true; that.forEachValidatableField(function(observable) { if (observable.isUnvalidated() || observable.validationInProgress()) { result = false; } }); if (!result) { return false; } that.forEachValidatableAssociation(function(association) { if (!association.isFullyValidated() || association.hasValidationsInProgress()) { result = false; } }); return result; }, this, {deferEvaluation: true}); this.hasValidationsInProgress = ko.computed(function hasValidationsInProgress() { var result = false; that.forEachValidatableField(function(observable) { if (observable.validationInProgress()) { result = true; } }); if (result) { return true; } that.forEachValidatableAssociation(function(association) { if (association.hasValidationsInProgress()) { result = true; } }); return result; }, this, {deferEvaluation: true}); this.isValid = ko.computed(function isValid() { return !this.hasErrors() && this.isFullyValidated(); }, this, {deferEvaluation: true}); this.validate = function validate() { that.forEachValidatableField(function(observable) { observable.validate(); }); that.forEachValidatableAssociation(function(association) { association.validate(); }); }; }; kea.models.Validatable = Validatable; })(window.app, window.kea, ko);