class Marty::DataConversion EXCEL_START_DATE = Date.parse('1/1/1900')-2 FLOAT_PAT = /^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/ PATS = { integer: /^-?\d+(\.0+)?$/, float: FLOAT_PAT, decimal: FLOAT_PAT, } # database types that can be converted to on import DATABASE_TYPES = Set[ :boolean, :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal, :date, :datetime, :numrange, :int4range, :int8range, :float_array, :json, :jsonb, :enum, ] def self.convert(v, type) # Converts external data v (e.g. from a CSV, cut/paste) to # ActiveRecord database data type. pat = PATS[type] raise "bad #{type} #{v.inspect}" if v.is_a?(String) && pat && !(v =~ pat) case type when :boolean case v.to_s.downcase when "true", "1", "y", "t" then true when "false", "0", "n", "f" then false else raise "unknown boolean: #{v.inspect}" end when :string, :text, :enum v when :integer v.to_i when :float v.to_f when :decimal v.to_d when :date # Dates are kept as float in Google spreadsheets. Need to # convert them to dates. begin v =~ FLOAT_PAT ? EXCEL_START_DATE + v.to_f : Mcfly.is_infinity(v) ? 'infinity' : v.to_date rescue => exc raise "date conversion failed for #{v.inspect}}" end when :datetime begin Mcfly.is_infinity(v) ? 'infinity' : v.to_datetime rescue => exc raise "datetime conversion failed for #{v.inspect}}" end when :numrange, :int4range, :int8range v.to_s when :float_array, :json, :jsonb JSON.parse Marty::DataExporter.decode_json(v) else raise "unknown type #{type} for #{v.inspect}}" end end ###################################################################### def self.assoc_keys(klass) return Mcfly.mcfly_uniqueness(klass) if Mcfly.has_mcfly?(klass) # FIXME: very hacky -- picks 1st non-id attr as the association # key for regular (non-mcfly) AR models which don't have # MARTY_IMPORT_UNIQUENESS. klass.const_get(:MARTY_IMPORT_UNIQUENESS) rescue [ klass.column_names.reject{|x| x=="id"}.first.to_sym] end @@associations = {} def self.associations(klass) # build a profile for ActiveRecord klass associations which # enables find/import of its database records @@associations[klass] ||= klass.reflect_on_all_associations. each_with_object({}) do |assoc, h| h[] = { assoc_keys: assoc_keys(assoc.klass), assoc_class: assoc.klass, foreign_key: assoc.foreign_key, } end end def self.assoc_cols(klass) # array of klass association columns (e.g. ["xxx_id", ...]) associations(klass) { |a| a[:foreign_key] } end ###################################################################### @@col_types = {} def self.col_types(klass) # build profile for ActiveRecord non-assoc columns -- used to # find/import of klass database records. @@col_types[klass] ||= klass.columns.each_with_object({}) do |col, h| assoc ||= associations(klass) acols ||= assoc_cols(klass) cn = # ignore mcfly cols next if Mcfly::COLUMNS.member?(cn) if acols.member?(cn) h[cn] = assoc.values.detect { |a| a[:foreign_key] == cn } else # for JSON fields in Rails 3.x type is nil, so use sql_type type = col.type || col.sql_type type = "#{type}_array" if col.array h[cn] = type.to_sym end end end def self.columns(klass) # list of non-mcfly columns col_types(klass).keys end ###################################################################### def self.find_row(klass, options, dt) key_attrs = assoc_keys(klass) raise "no key_attrs for #{klass}" unless key_attrs find_options = { |k,v| key_attrs.member? k.to_sym } raise "no keys for #{klass} -- #{options}" if find_options.empty? # unscope klass since we're sometimes sent lazy column classes q = klass.unscoped.where(find_options) q = q.where("obsoleted_dt >= ? AND created_dt < ?", dt, dt) if dt && Mcfly.has_mcfly?(klass) # q.count is almost always 0 or 1 => hopefully it's not too slow on PG. raise "too many results for: #{klass} -- #{options}" if q.count > 1 q.first end ###################################################################### def self.convert_row(klass, row, dt) # Given row information from imports (usually csv row or hash), # return a hash with fields converted into proper ruby types. ctypes = col_types(klass) assoc = associations(klass) raise "bad row (extra columns?) -- #{row}" if row.has_key?(nil) key_groups = row.keys.group_by {|x| x.to_s.split('__').first} # FIXME: map all empty string values to nil --- this means that # user can't import empty strings -- Perhaps, mapping "" -> nil # should be optional? row = row.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v), h| h[k.to_s] = v == '' ? nil : v } key_groups.each_with_object({}) do |(ga, g), h| # find the association's details ai = assoc[ga] unless ai raise "unexpected grouping for non assoc #{g}" unless g.length == 1 type = ctypes[ga] raise "unknown column #{ga} in #{klass}" unless type v = row[ga] if v.nil? h[ga] = nil elsif Hash === type # got an id for an association -- FIXME: perhaps this should # not be allowed at all? raise "#{type[:assoc_class].name} with id #{v} not found" unless type[:assoc_class].find_by_id(v) h[ga] = v else # not an association, so we need to convert h[ga] = convert(v, type) end next end srch_class = ai[:assoc_class] fk = "#{ga}_id" if g.length == 1 # optimization for case where we have a 1-key association v = row[g.first] # If group has only one attr and the attr is nil or AR obj, then # we don't need to search. if v.nil? || v.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) h[fk] = v && next end # If it's an Enum, use the faster cached looked mechanism if Marty::Enum === srch_class h[fk] = srch_class[ v ].id next end end # group size > 1 or not an Enum, so it must be an association raise "expected an association for #{ga}" unless ai # build a new row map for this association, we need to convert # it and search for it. arow = g.each_with_object({}) do |k, h| # Some old exports don't provide full assoc__attr column names # (e.g. 'xxx_name'). Instead the columns are just named by # assoc (e.g. 'xxx'). gname, ka = k.split('__', 2) ka ||= ai[:assoc_keys][0].to_s h[ka] = row[k] end c_arow = convert_row(srch_class, arow, dt) o_arow = find_row(srch_class, c_arow, dt) raise "obj not found: #{ai[:assoc_class]}, #{c_arow}, #{dt}" unless o_arow h[fk] = end end ###################################################################### def self.create_or_update(klass, row, dt) # Given a row data (usually from import) try to find the # associated DB row from the klass keys. If found the row is # updated using the dt datetime. Otherwise, a new row is created # with the provided row data. c_row = convert_row(klass, row.to_hash, dt) obj = find_row(klass, c_row, dt) obj ||= c_row.each do |k, v| # For each attr, check to see if it's begin changed before # setting it. The AR obj.changed? doesn't work properly # with array, JSON or lazy attrs. obj.send("#{k}=", v) if obj.send(k) != v end # FIXME: obj.changed? doesn't work properly for timestamp # fields in Rails 3.2. It evaluates to true even when datetime # is not changed. Caused by lack of awareness of timezones. tag = obj.new_record? ? :create : (obj.changed? ? :update : :same) raise "old created_dt >= current #{obj} #{obj.created_dt} #{dt}" if (tag == :update) && dt && !Mcfly.is_infinity(dt) && (obj.created_dt > dt) obj.created_dt = dt unless tag == :same || Mcfly.is_infinity(dt) || !dt! [tag,] end end