CKEDITOR.dialog.add 'effective_asset', (editor) -> title: 'Insert File' minWidth: 700, minHeight: 500, contents: [ { id: 'upload', label: 'Insert / Upload', title: 'Insert / Upload', elements: [ { id: 'iframe-insert', type: 'html', html: "
' />
* NOTE: This screen is for non-image files only. Please select 'Image' from the toolbar to work with images.", setup: (widget) -> if['asset_id'] this.getDialog().selectPage('asset') else this.getDialog().selectPage('upload') }, { id: 'asset_id', type: 'text', label: 'File', setup: (widget) -> this.setValue( $('#' + this.getDialog().getContentElement('asset', 'asset_id').getElement().getId()).hide() commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('asset_id', this.getValue()) if widget validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.notEmpty('please select a file') }, { id: 'link_title', type: 'text', label: 'Title', setup: (widget) -> this.setValue( commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('link_title', this.getValue()) if widget }, { id: 'html_class', type: 'text', label: 'HTML Classes', setup: (widget) -> this.setValue( commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('html_class', this.getValue()) if widget }, { id: 'private_url', type: 'checkbox', label: 'Link to a private URL that will expire 60 minutes after any page visit', setup: (widget) -> this.setValue( commit: (widget) -> widget.setData('private_url', this.getValue()) if widget } ] # /asset elements } # /asset tab ] # /contents