module Jets::Controller::Response::Compat module Response extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Must come before include ActionDispatch::Http::Cache::Response # Aliasing these off because AD::Http::Cache::Response defines them. alias :_cache_control :cache_control alias :_cache_control= :cache_control= end class_methods do cattr_accessor :default_charset, default: "utf-8" end ContentTypeHeader = :mime_type, :charset NullContentTypeHeader = nil, nil CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type" CONTENT_TYPE_PARSER = / \A (?[^;\s]+\s*(?:;\s*(?:(?!charset)[^;\s])+)*)? (?:;\s*charset=(?"?)(?[^;\s]+)\k)? /x # :nodoc: def parse_content_type(content_type) if content_type && match = CONTENT_TYPE_PARSER.match(content_type)[:mime_type], match[:charset]) else NullContentTypeHeader end end # Small internal convenience method to get the parsed version of the current # content type header. def parsed_content_type_header parse_content_type(get_header("Content-Type")) end def set_content_type(content_type, charset) type = content_type || "" type = "#{type}; charset=#{charset.to_s.downcase}" if charset set_header CONTENT_TYPE, type end # Sets the HTTP character set. In case of +nil+ parameter # it sets the charset to +default_charset+. # # response.charset = 'utf-16' # => 'utf-16' # response.charset = nil # => 'utf-8' def charset=(charset) content_type = parsed_content_type_header.mime_type if false == charset set_content_type content_type, nil else set_content_type content_type, charset || self.class.default_charset end end # The charset of the response. HTML wants to know the encoding of the # content you're giving them, so we need to send that along. def charset header_info = parsed_content_type_header header_info.charset || self.class.default_charset end end end